OT - Mason Gets $5 million Gift to School of Economics


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Don’t like being called out for being derivative, do you? It’s ok. Fake it until you make it, right?

I know. I feel like when I try to be funny, it’s more like David Lynch making quinoa — awkward and creepy.

Come on out to Arizona, you can have a two for one special between me and Phoenix. We can go to the handlebar first.

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Don’t like being called out for being derivative, do you? It’s ok. Fake it until you make it, right?

I know. I feel like when I try to be funny, it’s more like David Lynch making quinoa — awkward and creepy.

Come on out to Arizona, you can have a two for one special between me and Phoenix. We can go to the handlebar first.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Number one, virtually all humor is derivative in some way.

Number two, I was on caazone before I saw my first Family Guy. So there.

I was just in Phoenix for the Waste Management Open. It was pretty cool. But there is very little logical reason to make Arizona a regular destination. It is far too hot and unfunny.


Hall of Famer
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Don’t like being called out for being derivative, do you? It’s ok. Fake it until you make it, right?

I know. I feel like when I try to be funny, it’s more like David Lynch making quinoa — awkward and creepy.

Come on out to Arizona, you can have a two for one special between me and Phoenix. We can go to the handlebar first.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you’re on Mill Ave Handlebar isn’t a bad place to be.

Do the waitresses look like the ones in your sig line?


And the tying of everything to "identity" is the fault of the left. Keep in mind its the left that says math is a construct of white privilege. It is the left who said meritocracy is a racist "ethnocentrism" concept.

I think the biggest issue and danger is the left --- and exclusively the left --- is not interested in debate they are the one's attacking conservatives or those who don't agree with all of the current left wing memes/ The stab people at a Trump or conservative rally that was peaceful until they show up. Professors attack students who dare raise a question they don't like.

It has been 30 years of Political Correctness and the left tying everything to identify politics. I hope the left can get their act together and join back to civil debate.

Complete and utter bull shit. That is all.

Been through this enough (and have read enough of this thread) to know there is no point trying to engage any further, so I won't.


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Vurbel was like a rabid animal. You wanted to be on his side but you never know when he will foam at the mouth and bite.

He was passionate even if I didn't agree with him on most items - we actually had three specific items of agreement. But I respected that. I could easily drink beer with him anytime -- just as long as it wasn't a PBR.

Quentin Daniels

Hall of Famer
Ok, Jollay and PiKapp. According to you both, I am a libtard who lacks a strong connection with logic.

Seems legit.

So, will either or both of you explain to me using predicate logic ( i.e. the basic and generally accepted form of logic) how the approved massive tax cuts for "everyone" are going to balance our nation's federal budget?

Why everyone in the scare quotes? It was a cut for everyone, or at least everyone who pays taxes. You can't get a tax cut if you don't - that's welfare, not a tax cut. (using that logic thingy again)

Reducing deficits wasn't the primary argument for the tax cuts anyway. You've created a strawman argument that nobody made and challenged people to defend it. It's like if I asked you to defend how letting men use women's bathrooms is going to strengthen the traditional family? The argument for tax cuts was it puts more money into the private sector which stimulates the economy.

The crux of your argument is also bull$hit. Tax cuts don't create deficits. Spending more money than you take in creates deficits, which both parties are guilty of. Thought to be fair, at least liberals are honest in their thievery and love affair with massive government programs and size.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Seems legit.

Why everyone in the scare quotes? It was a cut for everyone, or at least everyone who pays taxes. You can't get a tax cut if you don't - that's welfare, not a tax cut. (using that logic thingy again)

Reducing deficits wasn't the primary argument for the tax cuts anyway. You've created a strawman argument that nobody made and challenged people to defend it. It's like if I asked you to defend how letting men use women's bathrooms is going to strengthen the traditional family? The argument for tax cuts was it puts more money into the private sector which stimulates the economy.

The crux of your argument is also bull$hit. Tax cuts don't create deficits. Spending more money than you take in creates deficits, which both parties are guilty of. Thought to be fair, at least liberals are honest in their thievery and love affair with massive government programs and size.
Not gonna touch it. I have far better things to do.


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That's a nice name to have on the roster.

I wonder how much actual teaching/time these types of hires actually put in or if it's mostly having the resume affiliated.
I had General Hayden and he was there week in, week out teaching three hours and doing regular office hours. From reading this it’s seems like McAullife won’t teach his own class but will guest lecture and probably host events.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
So you know when your opponent holds a royal flush that it is best to fold. Smart move.
Sorry, my Royal Flush is all hearts.

All you and PiKapp want to do is be combative. You don't want to learn through Socratic debate, you only want to start a wrestling match ala WWE. I'm not going to go over six months of current events with either of you only to have you distort and deny it.

The second point you wrote in responding to the challenge that I laid down was to immediately dismiss it as a "strawman". If you were seeking knowledge and curious about my point then you could have asked me, "Hey, Jack, what are you getting at here?" But, no, instead you asked for a brawl.

You and PiKapp are not interested in broadening your minds aside from your raging ids and fragile egos. So, quite logically, I fold holding the Royal Flush in the suit of hearts—I seek knowledge to improve myself, therefore, debate with your ilk is pointless. You and PiKapp are not the intellectuals that you two think you are. You're both nothing more than shameless, childish thugs.

See you around Masonhoops!

Oh, and by the way, a Royal Flush is a type of Straight Flush, I never give away the full value of my hand during a deal.
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Hall of Famer
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Sorry, my Royal Flush is all hearts.

All you and PiKapp want to do is be combative. You don't want to learn through Socratic debate, you only want to start a wrestling match ala WWE. I'm not going to go over six months of current events with either of you only to have you distort and deny it.

The second point you wrote in responding to the challenge that I laid down was to immediately dismiss it as a "strawman". If you were seeking knowledge and curious about my point then you could have asked me, "Hey, Jack, what are you getting at here?" But, no, instead you asked for a brawl.

You and PiKapp are not interested in broadening your minds aside from your raging ids and fragile egos. So, quite logically, I fold holding the Royal Flush in the suit of hearts—I seek knowledge to improve myself, therefore, debate with your ilk is pointless. You and PiKapp are not the intellectuals that you two think you are. You're both nothing more than shameless, childish thugs.

See you around Masonhoops!

Oh, and by the way, a Royal Flush is a type of Straight Flush, I never give away the full value of my hand during a deal.

Jack you are really projecting here. You claim that I am only combative - but I have posts in this thread where I have made specific points - with references and data. Not once did you respond with -- "Hey Pikapp Interesting point - why do you think that applies?" . Instead every single post you have made in this thread has been a personal, attack. You have not made one point or statement/position against which anyone could start the socratic method. Maybe you need to follow-your own advice make points and counter points on specific issues or questions without making insults or bragging about your poker hand. (You actually called me a shameless "thug").

I love the Socratic Method - as a member of a two time Virginia State Champion debate team - I am quite good at it.

Oh my ego is not fragile, it is quite strong, firm, and quite full. :cigar:

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I say this not to taunt or disparage, but to help you emerge from your twisting personal vortex. I hope that maybe, just maybe, that you see the vanity and ignorance in fomenting baseless and oft-times vicious stereotypes. I sense from your response above that it will prove to be a tough habit to break. The sooner you see beyond your stereotyping and respect all people and their points of view then I think you'll find that people will respect yours, and magically your insecurity will melt away. Try it. I think you will find that it suits you. Good luck!

This post was just funny -- once again no points to discuss jut a veiled insult. I could turn your own words back on you and ask that you look in the mirror before you make such statement and learn to reason and not to hate.


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Both sides are guilty of it — Evangelical right, NRA for example are two groups on the right who turn everything into identity politics. Now you’ve got the white nationalist groups trying to “take back the country” of which congressman like Peter King appear to be adherents of.

Don’t be blind to what’s going on in your side of the aisle PiKapp.

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Curious - where is this "white nationalist" group you speak of? I haven't heard of it. Also couldn't one interpret the phrase "taking the country back" as a statement about taking power from the political elite. Because both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders used those statements in their campaign. So has Michael Moore - Are they white nationalists?

NRA seems to be issue driven - specifically about firearm ownership. They have spokesmen that include a woman, two black man, and a rapper. Can you elaborate on how the NRA is "identify driven" as they don't speak much about race.

Interstingly enough - the fastest growth in members of the NRA is Puerto Rico and the regional office there is headed by a woman. She started the local chapter there because she was shot in the chest while closing her business. When she made it through and started looking at the victims of crime -- particularly women - she asked the NRA if she could started a regional office in San Juan and a training chapter. 60% of their membership is women -- maybe that could be what your referring to as "identify driven"?

Just curious.


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GMU Gemini - Don’t be blind to what’s going on in your side of the aisle as well.


“I hope Trump is assassinated!” soon-to-be former State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal wrote on Facebook.

She is now being investigated by the Secret Service. Even some Democrats are calling for the lawmaker to resign. Unfortunately, her remarks are just the tip of the left-wing meltdown that is turning into real and worsening violence.

The list of left-wing violence since President Trump’s inauguration is exhaustive. Riots in Berkeley over Milo’s speech; 21 arrested. The Department of Justice is investigating inciters of the #DisruptJ20 inauguration rioters. Violent protests caused Trump to cancel a campaign stop in Chicago last year. A riot in Portland; 71 arrested. Protesters attacking police in Indianapolis. Riots in Oakland, where an officer injured and a police cruiser vandalized. Local media report: “All was peaceful.” A “Bernie bro,” James Hodgkinson shot Congressman Scalise and four other Republicans in June.

The Left has been masterful in creating its own assassination pornography. Much of it was done under a fig leaf of “art,” like the 2006 Bush-killing polemic “Death of a President.A crazed left-winger broke into Nevada Senator Dean Heller’s office and threatened to kill him. Twitter fanatics openly salivated over Scalise’s shooting, with the most scorching of hot takes bandied about the internet:

The group ignores the growing left-wing propensity for violence. Madonna fantasizes about blowing up the White House. Snoop Dogg glorified the “shooting” of Trump in a music video. Thespians stab Trump to death in a rendition of Julius Caesar. Thirty GOP members of Congress were threatened with violence over the last several months.

Take this one to Ohio Congressman Steve Stivers: "We're coming to get every gosh darn one of you and your families. Maybe the next one taken down will be your daughter. Huh? Or your wife. Or even you." Is there any moral ambiguity about the meaning of that?

Words have consequences and often become actions. For many anti-Trump groups, there is just a sliver of restraint keeping them from outright murder.

Even liberal Bill Murray sees the Left as he King of identity politics and its ruining them:


The 67-year-old actor explained how he agreed with longtime “Saturday Night Live” writer Jim Downey about how liberals are separating Americans into groups instead of bringing people together.

“My friend who’s a great comedy writer, Jim Downey — he’s accused of being a right-wing comedy writer, if there is such a thing,” said Murray.

“‘No, no,’ he [Jim] says. ‘I just think the way Democrats handle things is poor. They pick out little pieces of a population and say they represent it — we represent the Hispanics, we represent the LGBT, or something.’ They’re not speaking to everyone at once. It’s almost demeaning to say I’m choosing you, because you’re a splinter group. There’s almost a resentment to say you’re my people. We’re being separated again by a politician.”


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If only I knew or cared what a Pepe the Frog meme was. Then I could be insulted or feel complimented as I felt appropriate.

I certainly don't rate the comic stylings of GMUgemini as anything I'd buy tickets to, that's for sure. Of all the historical cool threads since caazone I can't recall a single one I associate you with.

You better step off, son, or you'll find yourself going the way of ACW. Raped and without bus fare.

Heard that Snowflake raped ACW and left him for dead in an alley in Richmond. You know anything about that Jollay?