OT - Mason Gets $5 million Gift to School of Economics


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Jesus of Jupiter, PiKapp!! Invective? Emotion? REALLY? How many cups of coffee did you drink this morning? You're the one who just posted the spittle spattered raging rants above. You're the one who creates delusional, paranoid conspiracy with everything that is not within your point of view. You seem to accept very few new ideas. You're so afraid of new ideas that you actively seek the means to refute them before you even consider their efficacy (the definition of rock-solid conservativism gone amuck). You sound like the Catholic Church of 700 years ago burning scientists and philosophers at the stake who posit that the world is not flat. Heretic! Heretic! My how little has changed. :lookingdown:

I actually had a professor at Mason in 1988 display a slide on the projector containing a cartoon that graphically condemned abortion. When a female student questioned his rationale he ducked behind his authority as a professor and stated, "This is a university, we should be open to controversial ideas." As expected, a furious debate began to brew within the class and the professor stopped it, saying, "Just except my view point and we'll move on." Talk about your "conservative" professor conspiracies, will ya! And this didn't happen to a friend of a friend or the son of an aquaintance. I was there!

You just did the same thing as the professor above did. You drop a bomd shell, hear no explosion, tell everyone your view, and unceremoniously cut off debate—nothing to see here, folks. Just accept it and move on. Dude—bite my big and hairy left toe!

You are no intellectual, PiKapp. Don't even pretend that you are. Intellecuals seek the truth and don't contort logic by ignoring variables in their equations for what's lazy and convenient. Intellectuals understand that it's what they don't know that requires the closest examination and not trepidation. Intellectuals don't start with the conclusion and then seek only the "facts" to confirm it. It's actually the other way around. But, if you were an intellectual, then I wouldn't have had to explain that to you.

Oh, and... GO MASON!

I'm far from an intellectual myself, but have long recognized that PiKap is a wonderful Mason fan but his politics are based on narrow ideology. Ask him about the 2008 housing crisis. (the evil work of big government that innocent, heroic financial giants were scapegoated for) Or the Iraq War. (A great idea that despite the fact he continually bashed it and G.W. Bush during his campaign, his hero Donnie Trump actually supported)


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Listen, all of this stuff is a side issue when the only concern I brought forward is that our economics department maintains independence from a group who has been known to purchase influence. It really doesn’t matter which ideological spectrum of said influence. I just want to be sure that the papers and research coming out of our economics department is a result of the legitimate research interest of our professors and their conclusions are derived from well designed studies.

As, yes, PiKapp, I would similarly have concerns if Google were funding departments they have policy interests in as they have been known to threaten pulling funding from organizations when their conclusions are not what Google likes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I'm far from an intellectual myself, but have long recognized that PiKap is a wonderful Mason fan but his politics are based on narrow ideology. Ask him about the 2008 housing crisis. (the evil work of big government that innocent, heroic financial giants were scapegoated for) Or the Iraq War. (A great idea that despite the fact he continually bashed it and G.W. Bush during his campaign, his hero Donnie Trump actually supported)
Yeah, *sigh*, I know. We've talked about these things in the "Politics" thread. All of them. To death. I just wanted to make him waste half his day. :p

So, may I ask...

...when is the 2018-19 season opener?
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Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Here is another statement you said was a ranting invective.

Ok here are some factual points that support what I said:

"the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) getting caught yet again exaggerating global warming by tinkering with raw temperature data.

The recent cold snap that hit the northeastern U.S. and broke temperature records is inconvenient to their narrative, so they’re doing what they do best: erasing it. This time, they adjusted past temperatures so they would look colder than they actually were and made the recent temperatures look warmer than the reality, making the recent cold snap seem less severe in their chart. It’s not just a matter of fractions of degrees or a small margin of error; the adjustments actually work out to involve 3.1 degrees Fahrenheit.
Paul Homewood grew suspicious when he saw how NOAA dealt with the extremely cold winter that New York experienced in 2013-2014. It was labeled by the National Weather Service as one of the coldest winter in the state, with temperatures finishing at least 4 degrees lower than normal in places like Buffalo and Rochester. Yet somehow, NOAA had recorded it as the 30th coldest winter in its own charts for New York.

After comparing local records with NOAA’s charts, Homewood found some huge inaccuracies. The mean temperatures for January 2014, for example, were 2.7 degrees less than those of January 1943 according to the raw data, yet NOAA found the difference to only be 0.9 degrees."

Link ==> http://www.climatedepot.com/2018/02...tence-fiddling-with-the-raw-temperature-data/

Data Manipulation at NOAA is a pattern:

Link ==> https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-02...e-data-to-exaggerate-global-warming-hoax.html

Also Major Predictions by the Climate Models Have Not Occurred:

Remember Tuvalu? The Island that was going to disappear in 5 years (back in 2007) -- Well its actually growing.

Link ==> http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=439111

Predictions did not happen as indicated -- In 2005 Al Gore said snow would become a faint memory in 7 years. He actually said that and everyone carried it as fact.

Well -- we knew what really happened now don't we.

IN fact so many of the predictions have been proven wrong --- that many scientists are saying the predictions and concerns were overblown and that there was incentives to be "alarmists".


So it seems a little bit of skepticism of climate change is not beyond the pale and supported by historical fact of 30 years as compared to model predictions.

Yet when you make a harmless statement like that - the left still screams "climate denier"! which is an emotional response not bounded by reason or logic.
How 'bout a beer, PiKapp? Is Miller Lite OK? Less filling?
Except Leo DiCaprio, who still manages to project dominance and masculinity despite his attractive physical feminine features.

Almost a "reverse liberal" if you will. Most libs are physically unattractive but act feminine, if you follow.
Names I am cool with renaming Mason to, effective immediately:

Scalia University

Scallops University

Koch Brothers University

Cock Blocking University (new dean Lee Baldwin)

Step Brothers University

The great thing is a few more Koch dollars and the Spanish whore we have as president will make it happen.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Ok, Jollay and PiKapp. According to you both, I am a libtard who lacks a strong connection with logic. So, will either or both of you explain to me using predicate logic ( i.e. the basic and generally accepted form of logic) how the approved massive tax cuts for "everyone" are going to balance our nation's federal budget?


I checked out in January, during the great democrats and liberals hate Christianity argument of 2018. The board had become vurbels’s memes vs whataboutism and “democrats did this x number of years ago and you didn’t say anything so shut the f**k up, you aren’t allowed to say anything about Trump and the GOP now”

Yeah, *sigh*, I know. We've talked about these things in the "Politics" thread. All of them. To death. I just wanted to make him waste half his day. :p

So, may I ask...

...when is the 2018-19 season opener?


Hall of Famer
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Ok, Jollay and PiKapp. According to you both, I am a libtard who lacks a strong connection with logic. So, will either or both of you explain to me using predicate logic ( i.e. the basic and generally accepted form of logic) how the approved massive tax cuts for "everyone" are going to balance our nation's federal budget?

Ummmm I never said that.


Hall of Famer
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Ok, Jollay and PiKapp. According to you both, I am a libtard who lacks a strong connection with logic. So, will either or both of you explain to me using predicate logic ( i.e. the basic and generally accepted form of logic) how the approved massive tax cuts for "everyone" are going to balance our nation's federal budget?
Balanced budget? That is so last election. No one cares about that anymore.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Ummmm I never said that.

...provide a place of higher education that doesn't simply indoctrinate left wing progressive drones that are divorced from logic...[post #12]

...I find liberals to be sorely lacking logically and too governed by their emotions...[post #24]

Both you and Jollay stated that liberals (which I lean toward) or left-wing progressives (which I'm not, but am far closer then either of you are) are "lacking" or "divorced" from logic. I brought up the tax cuts and budget deficit issue to offer you a challenge to use logic to explain why massive tax cuts will balance the federal deficit—a concept that nearly every Republican supports. Will either of you accept the challenge?
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Hall of Famer
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Both you and Jollay stated that liberals (which I lean toward) or left-wing progressives (which I'm not, but am far closer then either of you are) are "lacking" or "divorced" from logic. I brought up the tax cuts and budget deficit issue to offer you a challenge to use logic to explain why massive tax cuts will balance the federal deficit—a concept that nearly every Republican supports. Will either of you accept the challenge?

No --- I made a statement about left wing indoctrination in US universities (which is far far far more prevalent then "right wing indoctrination" -- creating left wing drones divorced from reality. I did not say you - - once again you project but this time on yourself. And you are using that to make a false claim about me.

Now - I stand by my statement about the creation of left wing drones because look at the universities today. If you happen not to be liberal -- you cannot have free speech - you are attacked violently , threatened and university administrations are blackmailed into succumbing to the screaming violent mobs of the left. Please see video and news reports at any college in NY, California, Colorado, and even in places like North Carolina. Debate has been reduced to screaming matches (almost all the screaming coming from the left) and if you dare make even a minor dissenting voice on the smallest of issues - the students of today label it "hate speech" to deligitimze you and take away your right to speak. Liberals of an older vintage are even claiming its getting dangerous because modern left wingers don't even discuss fact or challenge ideas with alternative ideas - they just scream and threaten. When liberals from the 1960's say that --- I am comfortable my assessment is closer to being accurate than not.

Now you are probably closer to my vintage in age than today's students - hence I did not make this claim about you. So you are wrong.