the other religion of peace.![]()
the other religion of peace.![]()
I am thinking he may have been referring to a nonChristian religion, like maybe, Buddhism
I am thinking he may have been referring to a nonChristian religion, like maybe, Buddhism
I know. Followers of all religions are beheading people and setting off bombs in subways all the time. If only there was just one then it would be easier to profile.ALL Religions.![]()
Pretty sure it was the Peoples' Front of Judeajudean people's front?
I know. Followers of all religions are beheading people and setting off bombs in subways all the time. If only there was just one then it would be easier to profile.![]()
But both Bush and Obama told us that Islam means "peace." They also told us that it is "radical Islam" that is the problem. And by "radical Islam" they mean those that actually follow the Quran and the example of "the prophet" Mohammed.It is just one - but if you speak objective fact abut the one problematic religion you end up on a federal government list. So we have to walk on eggshells ignoring objective facts while we are told about the mythological threat of "islamophobia".
But both Bush and Obama told us that Islam means "peace." They also told us that it is "radical Islam" that is the problem. And by "radical Islam" they mean those that actually follow the Quran and the example of "the prophet" Mohammed.
Yeah...except the majority of people killed by ISIS wacks are Muslim. I'll continue to believe that the vast majority of Muslims are good people. "Western people" are a lot less likely to be victims of ISIS. Awful tragedies that they are, if you only watch CNN and especially FOX - the vast majority of attention is given to the attacks in the Brussels and Paris's of the world.
Pikap8, this is probably the best statement on these two issues I have ever seen.OK I will address your two primary points:
1.) Most Muslims are Moderate - I too believe that most are moderate, but that is in spite of the religion they follow. Evidence in both Europe and here in North America and in Asia - moderates tend to be easily turned. But let's really take a hard look at the moderates. They are useless. They are no different than the majority of Germans who were to Nazi's and did not agree with Hitlers racial policies. While most Germans were not Nazis - they had zero impact on preventing their nation's invasion of other countries; the start of WWII and the extermination camps. It is the same today - moderate Muslims are not in the equation as we look at this civilizational conflict. You can quickly look to Dearborn, MI where Muslims - once they became the majority - went from being moderate to harassing and intimidating the non-muslim minority in that city. So in the end - while the majority of the muslims are moderate - I would not change our response or approach to the significant numbers that decide to adhere quite tightly to the words in the Quran and Al Hadith - if it is a choice between my culture and people or theirs - Mine will survive - whether or not the moderate majority of muslims are still around after that - is not my concern.
2.) Western People are Less Likely to Be Victims of Islam - Well that will only hold until more of them bring the fight to Europe and the US. And to be frank - if they want to kill each other - have at it - not my concern or care - what I do care about is the safety and survivability of what is by all objective measures the best cultural foundation for my future and the future of my kids - and that is western civilization rooted in the judeo-christian foundation. What we need to do is stop importing vast numbers of these people when we have no way of vouching them. Fact is muslim culture does not integrate well with western society. If there is any risk to letting these people in - then we should withhold until they straighten out their own shit. We are under no obligation to bring them in or try to understand the psychotic behaviors which seem to be endemic in their society - we have our own shit to deal with.