2021 Recruiting


Yeah, Paulsen and co going after a transfer big. Hell, even "a transfer".

And I'm going to win the lottery. Pays to dream big lol.

Not a guarantee that DP will be recruiting for Mason in the spring. If he is there is no doubt in my mind his mentality on the transfer market is going to have to change. Like Jim said they’ll probably be over 1,000 kids looking to transfer including probably more from our team than in previous years since the 1 time transfer rule will be in effect.


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Not a guarantee that DP will be recruiting for Mason in the spring. If he is there is no doubt in my mind his mentality on the transfer market is going to have to change. Like Jim said they’ll probably be over 1,000 kids looking to transfer including probably more from our team than in previous years since the 1 time transfer rule will be in effect.

I mean the mentality should have changed 18 months ago, but hopefully it changes sooner than later.


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Nobody knew 18 months ago that COVID was gonna hit and the NCAA would start passing out transfer waivers like candy. :D

Fair, but the wave of transfers and the "lets sign 1-2 transfers and lose 1-3 players every year" activity definitely picked up the last few years. Other then Reuter it would have been good to bring in someone to help bridge the youth.

But regardless, lets hope he adjusts moving forward but I'm skeptical.


Hall of Famer
Fair, but the wave of transfers and the "lets sign 1-2 transfers and lose 1-3 players every year" activity definitely picked up the last few years. Other then Reuter it would have been good to bring in someone to help bridge the youth.

But regardless, lets hope he adjusts moving forward but I'm skeptical.

If he doesn’t it will be to his detriment professionally. Even Mason won’t continue to tolerate mediocrity indefinitely.


Hall of Famer
Great, another combo guard. That's exactly what we need on a roster that will have 6 other players fighting for minutes at those same exact positions. I'm starting to think I might actually get a look for minutes at the 5 spot. The logic behind this is astounding. Miss out on two big men, oh better go grab ANOTHER f*ckING GUARD QUICK.
Im beyond tired of DP’s positionless philosophy. This philosophy won’t work with subpar athletes.


Hall of Famer
Im beyond tired of DP’s positionless philosophy. This philosophy won’t work with subpar athletes.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but trying to get longer and more athletic does not mean we’re playing “position-less” basketball. Because we’re not.


Im beyond tired of DP’s positionless philosophy. This philosophy won’t work with subpar athletes.
Believe me I get the frustration but could you possibly refrain from calling the student athletes that choose to attend your Alma Mater subpar athletes.


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I mean @gmujim92 had Rafael Castro, you had Erik Reynolds, I'll have my meltdown when Daylen Berry goes elsewhere lol
I can almost all but confirm St John's is waiting on a big man and has 1 scholarship available. My money would be that this scholarship is not available for him to accept so soon on Tuesday. take them out and we are far and away he best program for him. FIU blows


Hall of Famer
I can almost all but confirm St John's is waiting on a big man and has 1 scholarship available. My money would be that this scholarship is not available for him to accept so soon on Tuesday. take them out and we are far and away he best program for him. FIU blows

Based on Twitter I think Charlotte offered Berry too.

I also think you’re on the right track that he wants to commit now and the staff may not be ready to take it yet. If I had to bet folding money we’re not taking a SG until we know what Zay Folkes’ plans are. He’s the best athlete left on our board by a country mile.


Hall of Famer
Gimme Folkes and Mike Gray for the two guard spots, then grab a transfer big and stretch 4 with the last 2 spots and I would be convinced to step back from the ledge on the 21 class.