Hall of Famer

Jon Rothstein
Towson will end its quarantine and return to practice on 12/18, per Pat Skerry.
Mason’s final non-conference game against Delaware State (Dec. 21) has moved to a 7 p.m. tip to accommodate the men’s game against VMI at 1 p.m.
Have we always been scheduled to play VMI and I just completely missed it?
Mason’s final non-conference game against Delaware State (Dec. 21) has moved to a 7 p.m. tip to accommodate the men’s game against VMI at 1 p.m.
Have we always been scheduled to play VMI and I just completely missed it?
Did anyone ever hear anything about patriot points and all that stuff like they promised? I know the point is moot now given the Govs new mandate but just curious if anyone actually got reached out about where they stood.
Nope, never heard a word. I have come to expect that unfortunately.Did anyone ever hear anything about patriot points and all that stuff like they promised? I know the point is moot now given the Govs new mandate but just curious if anyone actually got reached out about where they stood.
Nah it was an addition.
More info was supposed to come out once they knew the schedule is what I heard.
At the bottom of the email that I received announcing the changes:
Ticket holders from the 2019-20 season will receive an email Saturday with their priority point rank as well as a chart showing ticket availability windows.
It always feels like, somebody’s watching meeeeAdd this to the long list of complaints about Mason Athletics on the boards Only to get fixed soon after.
In all seriousness, I’d hope they monitor these boards to see issues.It always feels like, somebody’s watching meeee
Gonna be cutting it close for me depending on if that 250 number per game is still the case. I might be able to get to a few of the first wave games.The priority point email came out. Now I know which friends are higher on the totem pole than me haha
vcu Basketball
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Old Dominion
5 p.m.
vcu Basketball
Schedule change
Our game with Louisiana, scheduled for Dec. 18, has been canceled.