They'll need a big donor who only cares about basketball to fund that. There's so much the university needs and the practice facility would serve so very, very few of the campus community.In the grand scheme of things, I would think it would be a very low priority in a university fund-raising drive.
I bring up the practice facility for 2 reasons......1. vcu just announced their practice facility and 2. TOC emailed partiot club members just after we stayed in the CAA 2 years ago touting the impeding building of a brand new basketball specific practice facility attached the patriot center. It was mentioned later on that Hewitt poo pooed the idea stating that we didn't need it. My point is that after we fire his butt we can get dust off those old plans and start building that thing. This university needs to prove that they are willing to keep up in the athletics arms race, we dont have football so we damn well better have some really nice shit for basketball. No excuses get it done!