The reality of the situation — and this might be a good thing — is any student entering Mason in the Fall will have no knowledge of the history of Mason's logo nor will they give a sh-t. My son started at Mason a few years ago and loaded up on apparel in the bookstore. He never once questioned or cared what the logo was. My daughter is a freshman at Virginia Tech, and just buys whatever they offer as well.
I am not a fan of the new logo, but I also know that the people on these boards and the vocal people on social media are a very small minority who see this as a problem. Most alumni and even current students — I'd venture in high 90 percentile — couldn't care less about the old or new logo. Apathy, in this case, is our friend.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind or discourage people from venting. I'm just saying it is what it is and that it will be a complete non-issue in a few months.