I'm not sold on Howland.
A) his name starts with an H and thats reminds me of that horrific virus with just got rid of.
B) He recruited kids that were either bad in character before arriving to UCLA, Or they felt they could do whatever they wanted b/c the coach let them. Either way this is a reciepe for disaster. We at Mason have witnessed this first hand with Paul 1. Thankfully, The Virus kept some order off the court.
Remember, we've had two horrific experiences with coaches. One from the West Coast. So forgive me if I twitch when I see simialr issues with a current candidates.
On the other hand, he seemed fine at Pitt, but I don't really know other than we went up there to play them and got worked under the OCM.
Ask yourself this, if Hewitt got paid to leave b/c of losses, can you accept a guy who got paid to leave AND WAS WINNING?