Game 8, South Fla, Dec 4th, 7 PM, MASN


Okoloji does NOTHING for this team. I know the technical foul was bullshit and I know he hustles and is trying. But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other players who would love that scholarship. All AO does is run around like a chicken without a head running into things, falling over, traveling. It's annoying that Hewitt was so high on him, dude is a bust.
Not true. He takes a dump before every game-- do your research.


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So many mistakes tactically. Mason had them in early foul trouble, but fell asleep with the big lead instead of finishing them off. Next thing you know USF turns the tables and uses the new rules to their advantage. Ugh, I don't know.

All those back to back to back to back fouls, I wonder if that's the cause of them getting too passive on the offensive side of the ball and instead of attacking USF in the paint they started jacking up the long range bricks.


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They were playing so well until the bullshit technical on AO. Then they just fell apart.

Refs gave this game to USF. I am absolutely PISSSSSSED!

You are correct, they fell apart after the T. But AO has no one to blame but himself. I watched the game on MASN and AO clearly gave the guy an extra push with his foot. (it was replayed over and over again) You couldn't really call it a kick, but it was an unnecessary move that he had no business doing. AO is the last guy I would expect it from.

I was afraid they'd crumble after this, because after all this is a Paul Hewitt coached team. How the hell does a team lose it's composure so fast? I'm done going out of my way to watch these guys play. Forget about going to the bar on Sunday to try to watch these bums during NFL games. I get SNY, and perhaps I'll watch the tape delayed game at 5.


You are correct, they fell apart after the T. But AO has no one to blame but himself. I watched the game on MASN and AO clearly gave the guy an extra push with his foot. (it was replayed over and over again) You couldn't really call it a kick, but it was an unnecessary move that he had no business doing. AO is the last guy I would expect it from.

I was afraid they'd crumble after this, because after all this is a Paul Hewitt coached team. How the hell does a team lose it's composure so fast? I'm done going out of my way to watch these guys play. Forget about going to the bar on Sunday to try to watch these bums during NFL games. I get SNY, and perhaps I'll watch the tape delayed game at 5.
Not buying the extra push or whatever-- it only looked that way in the close up they showed a million times after the commercial break. The wider shot clearly showed Anali struggling to keep his balance after getting twisted up in the jersey with the kid on the ground. He didn't put any weight on the foot that was on the kid's back, either.


I know there isn't any reason to turn this thread into this, but I have to ask:

What value does AO actually bring to this team?

Cool Disco Dan

Sixth Man
Okoloji does NOTHING for this team. I know the technical foul was bullshit and I know he hustles and is trying. But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other players who would love that scholarship. All AO does is run around like a chicken without a head running into things, falling over, traveling. It's annoying that Hewitt was so high on him, dude is a bust.
Anali also did his slow-motion backing/tripping into his man and then throwing the ball in the air move before the 6 point possession.

Completely agree. He's horrible on defense and does little on offense. I'm starting to wonder what Copes brings. Start Marko and Jenkins and bring J2 and Copes off the bench.

Copes is a poor man's Chris Fleming. Fleming would've at least been close on the jumper and likely would have made the front end of that 1 and 1.


Unbelivable Believe it.

This is officially a trend.

To the game:
- Never really been one to bash the officials but the touch fouls called, on both ends, were bogus.
- I thought Mason's defense was very good for most of the game. When USF got close you could tell we were rattled. No one wanted to leave their man in helpside.
- USF D'ed up Sherrod pretty well during their run, but a coach has to find a way to get your playmaker the ball.
- Time outs . . . WTF, it seems that more times than not we are out when we need them under 1 min. to play.
- With the way they were calling the game you have to get the ball into the post. I know J2 and Copes have not been great offensively, but they need some touches. I really like Marco's hook, it has just gotta go down.
- Love Edwards harassing D when he comes off the bench.


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Not buying the extra push or whatever-- it only looked that way in the close up they showed a million times after the commercial break. The wider shot clearly showed Anali struggling to keep his balance after getting twisted up in the jersey with the kid on the ground. He didn't put any weight on the foot that was on the kid's back, either.

Who knows, but the close up looked bad. Bottom line, they were still up 6 or 7 after this and just crumbled.

I was a big proponent of the CIT last year because I thought it would help them out this year. I was obviously wrong.


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The sad part is I thought we played our best basketball up until the technical. We were moving the ball on offense, we we were penetrating, we were killing them on the boards, our zone defense looked much more active and there was a good sense of energy on the floor. It was the first time I felt like we had some sustained mojo.

Right when the T was called, I turned to my wife and said, "They're going to score six points on this possession and the momentum is completely going to change in their favor." After that we couldn't do anything right. We settled for three straight 3s, turned the ball over twice and started getting called for every BS foul call imaginable.


Preferred Walk-On
If I was in charge I would fire Hewitt, cut half the team and take the best 5-7 transfers/ walk-ons in January. Seriously this team plays with very little heart and has more luck in their wins than heart.


[QUOTERight when the T was called, I turned to my wife and said, "They're going to score six points on this possession and the momentum is completely going to change in their favor."][/QUOTE."
I turned to my son and told him the same thing.