Game 15, AT vcu, Jan 9th, 7 PM, CBS Sports Network


After the embarrassing showing at ODU, I, like most here, was pushed over the edge. Almost all hope for this team had been zapped out of me. . . . . But DAMNIT here I am this morning and I can't help but think that the vcu game will really show us what this team is all about (I am an idiot right).

As a former vcu fan I get so pumped up for these games, and illogically, I think the players feel it as much as I do.

At this point I don't care if we win, I want a hard fought, intense game,where we can bear down and focus for two halves.


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Haha awesome. I remember being at a game in Richmond and this impish, hagard looking vcu fan was yelling at me and my brother most the game. After a while I just turned around and asked if he was self-conscious because of all the acne on his face that looks like shit. He didn't say another thing the rest of the game.

On a side note, SLU beat URI by 1 last night, and we beat URI by 7 - we're better than St. Louis. And, we lost to Iowa State by less than Baylor did, so we're better than them too.

Also, I always laugh when a vcu grad talks about their school's standards. Here is a list of the best 17 VA schools (17!@!) from the site they posted a link to, and shockingly it didn't include vcu. I don't put much stock in lists like these, but the fact that someone didn't consider them one of the top 17 institutions of higher learning in this great commonwealth is hysterical to me.

Also also, here is a great article on the startup/tech scene in DC and Mason gets a nice shoutout (also has quotes from a Mason economist, and a former Mason economist).

Moral of the story: even if our basketball team is slightly worse than theirs (I still think we'll win this game as it will be good for Hewitt and God hates me), we are a much stronger institution (which is really all that matters). So tomorrow I'll get drunk, watch us suck, and not really feel that bad. The fifth stage is acceptance.

ODU didn't make the cut either.

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My parents used to threaten me in saying if I dont get my grades up, Ill be going to ODU or vcu and then transfer to NOVA...then maybe to a real was all I needed to do what I needed to do.

The Great PATSby

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Excerpts from a college review website written by vcu's very own students and alumni. Hilarious!

"While attending vcu, I was repeatedly drugged, terrorized, beaten, and threatened- some of which was sexual."

“vcu is essentially the school where losers and burn outs go because they had no where else to go, and it shows”

“Look, I didn't expect the most challenging coursework at vcu, but I also expected a semblance of academia. They'll wow you with their talk about exciting basketball and facility upgrades, but vcu needs to seriously work on the basic pillar of being a university: academics. I transferred into vcu from Northern Virginia Community College and I depressingly learned more at that school than I did at vcu.”

“Also, the social scene is terrible if you're not a hipster (which seem to make up the majority of the school).”

“My first impressions of vcu were that it was like a city college, a place where older people could go and change their careers. No frills, just a generic, practical degree. I knew beforehand that the school had about the lowest reputation of any 4-year school in the state of Virginia (excepting Radford University, which I know nothing about...except that it is a rural school). I attended vcu for only one academic year. The first thing I noticed at the school was that it let anyone in, was filled with lackluster students who admitted that all they wanted were C's”

“If you have a choice to go to a top tier university, please do so. I chose vcu out of convenience and was very disappointed with my choice.”

“vcu is an awfull university. Do not go there unless you are not accepted anywhere else. There is no campus life.”

“This is a downright terrible school. It is full of grossly incompetent people that should of never been allowed into a university from the beginning.”

“This school was quite possibly the most horrible experience of my life. I transferred from a community college, and learned that virtually every decent person who attends this school transfers by the end of his or her sophomore year.”


Staff member
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A friend of mine was once offered a (presumably stolen) bicycle for $10 on the street while walking through vcu's campus.

Needless to say, she transferred to Mason.


Is this him?


PDGL Hoops

The vcu fans seem to be a bit full of themselves and their team. They act like that are a top 10 team but I don't believe they are receiving a single vote in any polls. I think we can take them if we keep turnovers to a MINIMUM, hit free throws and play perimeter defense. We do that and we will be in a position to win at the end.

99 Patriot

Pretty sure I echoed similar sentiments in the past, but when I heard we made the move to the A-10 the only negative feeling I had in my stomach was that after a year of freedom we were going to have to once again endure the eclectic bunch from vcu.

I genuinely don't enjoy attending any game with vcu, win or lose. Yes, the Sherrod game was exciting, but being forced to spend 2+ hours around those misfits just makes me feel less optimistic about life no matter what the outcome.

While I hope they struggle on the basketball court, I also genuinely wish for worse things to happen to their program. Not like deaths or plane crashes, but perhaps NCAA sanctions, post-season bans, the removal of scholarships, something like that. I also hold personal grudges against every person on these boards who cheered them on in their NCAA tournament run. You people are dumb.


Pretty sure I echoed similar sentiments in the past, but when I heard we made the move to the A-10 the only negative feeling I had in my stomach was that after a year of freedom we were going to have to once again endure the eclectic bunch from vcu.

I genuinely don't enjoy attending any game with vcu, win or lose. Yes, the Sherrod game was exciting, but being forced to spend 2+ hours around those misfits just makes me feel less optimistic about life no matter what the outcome.

While I hope they struggle on the basketball court, I also genuinely wish for worse things to happen to their program. Not like deaths or plane crashes, but perhaps NCAA sanctions, post-season bans, the removal of scholarships, something like that. I also hold personal grudges against every person on these boards who cheered them on in their NCAA tournament run. You people are dumb.

The Death Penalty for vcu would just be so, so funny to watch


If we do happen to win this game, man it'll be great to see their fans cry and bitch and moan. That's about the only good that would come out of a win because from our standpoint we know it would probably be a fluke and we'll lose to St. Bona on Homecoming by 15+.

Quentin Daniels

Hall of Famer
I genuinely don't enjoy attending any game with vcu, win or lose. Yes, the Sherrod game was exciting, but being forced to spend 2+ hours around those misfits just makes me feel less optimistic about life no matter what the outcome.

It's like being in a stadium full of hipster Jameis Winstons - but w/out his enunciation skills or clarity of thought.

Cool Disco Dan

Sixth Man
The difference between GMU and vcu is best illustrated by the fact that we built a Top 40 law school from the ground up via blood, sweat and tears, while vcu 'acquired' MCV via the state legislature and has used East German Stasi-style tactics to thrust the vcu name upon a once-proud medical school:

"The previous administration led by President Eugene P. Trani had pursued a policy of promoting the vcu name as a unified identity to the outside world. This policy had included directing faculty, staff and students to use the vcu name instead of MCV in any official meetings or correspondence. This was accomplished by first the creation of the MCV Hospital Authority, ostensibly to better administer the MCV Hospitals, to a later name change of this Authority to the vcu Health System Authority (with MCV Hospitals being a component thereof). This Authority under the direction of Sheldin Retchin, MD then went about changing the physical appearance of the structures and advertising materials, to include letter head and websites. The faculty and medical students at that time were instructed at that time to cease referring to the institution as the Medical College of Virginia."


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I would also forgo any further wins this season if we just beat them in Richmond. I could sleep well on that.