Your story sounds eerily similar to mine. I had a running streak that I hadn't missed a home game or post season game in 11 years through the end of Hewitt's 3rd year. I didn't send anything official until after we were bounced from the tournament. I wish you luck in your endeavors and maybe there is hope since there is a different AD and different President. I just caution you against expecting any sort of ground swell from the fan base.Judging from the amount of complaining alone after press conferences and on social media outlets, I have to think the AD has been receiving some complaints and even got some after last years disappointments. It might be a fairly small number but I have to think its there.
The big thing about public complaints is that I always tell people to share their ideas or have conversations with the people in the helm because there could always be a method to the madness (not necessarily you, we know your story). I know for me, I’m waiting until post A10 tournament to voice any complaining and its merely to share that I hope decisions are made in the future if necessary to benefit the program the most. It won’t be calling for anyone’s head, but it certainly will plant the seed and give me something to follow up on if necessary. I am debating about even not showing up in Brooklyn or at Fordham as that would be a big statement to those that know me in the AD, but I probably am too loyal and a sucker for punishment to actually do that.
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