2017-18 Schedule Thread


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I think this is a great thing, and something that we've talked about for years.

As far as $45, it does seem steep. There has to be some rationalization for it to be that high, maybe they feel that if someone enjoys a $45 seat that much, they'll be more likely to get a season plan?
Shit...id pay $45 apiece for the seats on the floor directly behind the huddle...maybe. Maybe other side of the floor with McKay, Brion and them.

Nowhere else, no chance.

Jack Strop

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I would think it's safe to say that 80%+ of the seats in the green section are for season ticket holders. $15 bucks for nosebleeds aren't bad for those on a budget! I know a couple of people who will attend more games given that price.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
I totally understand a higher price for better seats... the person up in the top corners should not be paying the same price as the person 5 rows up from mid-court. But this seems a little extreme... and as others said it's just going to make the TV look that much worse with all the empty seats.

I'm sure they have crunched the numbers, did the research, and figured out that they will make more this way... but $45 for decent seats to Mason vs Binghamton on a Thursday night is a bit of a stretch (no offense Five Two).


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This is a message from the program. You come to just one game? Then pay the price. Come to more, pay less. I like it.


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Also, those $45 seats that's the standard price. What is to say for the non marquee games (Binghamton, NC Central), that Mason doesn't say "Hey 2 for 1 in the $45 seats tonight"..considering Brad's implemented creativity, I can't see why we won't see that sort of stuff. Knowing how things have changed I can't see why something like that won't be on the table..


Also, those $45 seats that's the standard price. What is to say for the non marquee games (Binghamton, NC Central), that Mason doesn't say "Hey 2 for 1 in the $45 seats tonight"..considering Brad's implemented creativity, I can't see why we won't see that sort of stuff. Knowing how things have changed I can't see why something like that won't be on the table..
Totally agree. The $45 a seat sets Mason up to make 'deals' to convince people to come to games. Everyone loves a deal.

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Well, all it means to me is I was going to buy Georgia Southern tickets but now I probably won't.

$35 makes some sense. $45 is stupid for a Tuesday game. And I don't want to sit with the poor people and the Somalians and Ities up in the cheap seats. I'm way too good and important for that.

I imagine it's only going to get worse as Brad procures more shiny new toys to make the board happy without new major donors.


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It's a unique situation for me but it works out. My student ID expires in December when I get my masters so I can buy varying levels for the games I care more about during the in conference slate. I can sit in the back for $15 against teams like Davidson, and pay $45 to get behind the bench and abuse the ever-loving f**k out of Wantanabe when GW rolls in.


Hall of Famer
I'm the biggest squeaker on this board and I love this. Someone sitting in the rafters shouldn't pay court side prices.

$15 bucks is totally resonable. And I know people are saying the court side seats are going to look empty, but those are typically the first seats to be locked up because of season ticket holders anyway

So in my eyes this is great! Finally reasonable prices. See you in the rafters!


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I'm the biggest squeaker on this board and I love this. Someone sitting in the rafters shouldn't pay court side prices.

$15 bucks is totally resonable. And I know people are saying the court side seats are going to look empty, but those are typically the first seats to be locked up because of season ticket holders anyway

So in my eyes this is great! Finally reasonable prices. See you in the rafters!
you gonna make more than 1 game this year? if you do I will see what I can do to get you into the gold room

Leesburg Chankenstank III

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Everyone here who is in favor of the $45 dollar seats are Mason fanatics. Yes we will pay anything to see our Patriots. Most people won't. And isn't that the point? To get more people hooked to Mason that usually would never think of going to games otherwise?

Yes it might make us get season tickets, but the number of casual fans it will do that to are minimal and insignificant. I've gotten many casual fans to go with me to games and one of the selling points was the price of tickets..... And trust me, my friends are not poor.


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Plus u can move down to the nicer seats. You know those will be open most games.