So, we should donate to the Initiative, not the collective?
Well, that's part of the continued education that's needed. Will the collective work in-conjunction with this new fund moving forward? How will the new work guidelines affect what the collective does. Etc.
This new thing is essentially a slush fund that can be applied where needed for Men's and Women's Basketball. Some dollars will go to players, some will go to coaches, some can go to facilities, etc. So, I think for those who have a fundamental issue with NIL, or contributing directly to the players, this new fund is a great option, because those dollars can be used for any number of things.
Until things become clearer, I'd say keep doing what you're comfortable doing. I trust that the collective will put whatever dollars it receives to the most effective use.
While I love the purpose of this new fund, and believe in its importance, I do wish it would've been introduced with more guidance for the common fan. I believe more communication is coming, but June 30th feels like it's tomorrow.