Liberal - in its modern use - is a bad word because the policies and concept of government aligned with this philosophy is absolutly contrary to our constitution and the principles of limited government designed specifically to protect individual rights (not group rights) and that includes property rights (something liberals/progressives hate with a passion because it limits their ability to take property through taxation and regulation).
So we shouldn't care about group? So noted.
They are a force that is illegally and amorally transformation the best nation in the world into a third world shit hole through their outright support of illegal immigration
This has happened where?
to artificially change the nation from what it legitimately is and was to a copy of third world under-educated supplicants
Who is against education funding?
dependent on government and therefore guaranteeing the power of bureacrats at the expense of individual liberty.
I am not dependent.
Look at us now - the government controls our healthcare
Doesn't control mine.
, the food we eat in schools,
1/3rd of kids are overweight. I would hope they wouldn't want Twinkies.
controls what we do with out private land
I would hope my neighbor couldn't build a skyscraper in their backyard.
if has a stream running through it after a heavy rain,
I build a stream for heavy rain. The government has never made me stop.
forces us to buy crappy little electric cars
That explains why Ford, Chevy, BMW, Dodge, Chrysler, Mercedez aren't sold in the USA anymore.
, forces us into government monopoly schools to indoctrinate our kids
proof of Fairfax County "indocrinating" kids?
and hopefully erase the gift given to us by the founding fathers now referred to as irrelevant dead white men while we are encouraged to reflect upon such substantial figures as Madonna, Lady Gaga, Oprah, Noam Chomsky and other depraved and flawed individuals with little to no real world value.
Again, proof?
The modern incarnation of the liberal-progressive is indeed an evil and pernicious animal that must be flushed and exterminated from our society, culture and politics.
Good morning America!
Fox "News" viewer?