OT: Washington Freedom Cricket Stadium


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Would soccer cricket and baseball fit in one stadium? High point is converting its minor league baseball stadium to also host its new pro soccer team.
Yeah but you start to get into Oakland Coliseum-levels of making a stadium that fits anything and is good for nothing.


Hall of Famer
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Yeah but you start to get into Oakland Coliseum-levels of making a stadium that fits anything and is good for nothing.

Yes. And If we also don’t care about it being a good experience to see a game the current soccer stadium is just fine so why mess with it? There’s no reason to force the men and women to play on a field with a bunch of plugs over a dirt infield.


Hall of Famer

Bethany Savage Hammer

12m ·

Opposition arises over new pro cricket stadium, GMU baseball home in Northern Virginia

Opposition arises over new pro cricket stadium, GMU baseball home in Northern Virginia

Michael Stark

4h ·
This is what I just submitted to the GMU BOV...

"As a Virginia taxpayer and resident in a neighborhood near George Mason University, I wish to express my serious concerns regarding the proposed development of a cricket stadium on campus.

I am concerned how the owner of the Washington Freedom cricket team, Mr. Sanjay Govil, is able to gain approval to fund and build a 10,000 seat cricket stadium on university/state land. Mr. Govil has no known ties to the university and he both lives and operates his business in Maryland. Building on university/state land may benefit Mr. Govil due to favorable tax implications for him, but how does it benefit GMU, the state or Fairfax County other than to let an out-of-state commercial enterprise build on Virginia state land using corporate/private dollars?

How does this cricket stadium support the university's mission? Because the baseball team will be able to use it? The university should fund and support the baseball team within their respective athletics and capital improvement budgets. However, a sport that averages about 150 spectators a game does not need a 10,000 seat stadium to play in. Perhaps they just need further upgrades to their current stadium.

At the speed that this cricket stadium proposal appears to be moving, there is no way that proper traffic and environmental analyses have been done. Just because the land and roads are state-owned should not result in a waiver of thorough reviews of the potential impacts to traffic (e.g. vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Braddock Road, vehicles parking outside of GMU property on surrounding side streets, etc.) and a myriad of environmental factors (e.g. noise and light pollution during events, impact on soil and groundwater, utilities (electric, sewage, clean water, trash removal, etc.). Are there any plans related to surrounding roadway expansion and/or traffic control with 10,000 people entering and exiting this stadium at the same time? What would the impact be if there was an event at this cricket stadium and Eagle Bank Arena at the same time?

The lack of community involvement thus far is appalling. Whether it is required by state statute or GMU regulations or not, the fact is that the University is a part of this Fairfax community, as are the businesses and residents that surround it. To just approve this project because a Maryland businessman proposes using his own funds seems like the university is just following the dollars with little to no regard for the mission of the university, its students or the surrounding community.

Whether allowed by governing documents or not, the Board of Visitors vote of 7 yes, 2 abstain and 7 absent is not the way to conduct business...certainly not for a project of this size. Calling this a "unanimous vote" may be factually accurate, but not a good faith representation when less than half of the Board members vote in the affirmative.

I've heard comments that this may be "temporary" and that it will be a limited number of cricket games. I have trouble believing that a businessperson would make an investment of this nature for it to only be used a dozen times a year or temporarily use.

I respectfully request that the Board of Visitors stop this project immediately until a thorough analysis of all potential impacts can be completed, tangible benefits to the state, county and university can be made clear and input from the surrounding residential and business communities can occur. Thank you for your consideration."

Christi Kay

1d ·

More signage will be ordered soon. DM if your neighborhood or yard needs one.

May be an image of text that says 'Coming This Month! MEGA STADIUM SAY NO to a BUSIER BRADDOCK! www.BraddockStadium.com'
Last edited:

Leesburg Chankenstank III

⭐️ Donor ⭐️

Bethany Savage Hammer

12m ·

Opposition arises over new pro cricket stadium, GMU baseball home in Northern Virginia
Opposition arises over new pro cricket stadium, GMU baseball home in Northern Virginia

Michael Stark

4h ·
This is what I just submitted to the GMU BOV...

"As a Virginia taxpayer and resident in a neighborhood near George Mason University, I wish to express my serious concerns regarding the proposed development of a cricket stadium on campus.

I am concerned how the owner of the Washington Freedom cricket team, Mr. Sanjay Govil, is able to gain approval to fund and build a 10,000 seat cricket stadium on university/state land. Mr. Govil has no known ties to the university and he both lives and operates his business in Maryland. Building on university/state land may benefit Mr. Govil due to favorable tax implications for him, but how does it benefit GMU, the state or Fairfax County other than to let an out-of-state commercial enterprise build on Virginia state land using corporate/private dollars?

How does this cricket stadium support the university's mission? Because the baseball team will be able to use it? The university should fund and support the baseball team within their respective athletics and capital improvement budgets. However, a sport that averages about 150 spectators a game does not need a 10,000 seat stadium to play in. Perhaps they just need further upgrades to their current stadium.

At the speed that this cricket stadium proposal appears to be moving, there is no way that proper traffic and environmental analyses have been done. Just because the land and roads are state-owned should not result in a waiver of thorough reviews of the potential impacts to traffic (e.g. vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Braddock Road, vehicles parking outside of GMU property on surrounding side streets, etc.) and a myriad of environmental factors (e.g. noise and light pollution during events, impact on soil and groundwater, utilities (electric, sewage, clean water, trash removal, etc.). Are there any plans related to surrounding roadway expansion and/or traffic control with 10,000 people entering and exiting this stadium at the same time? What would the impact be if there was an event at this cricket stadium and Eagle Bank Arena at the same time?

The lack of community involvement thus far is appalling. Whether it is required by state statute or GMU regulations or not, the fact is that the University is a part of this Fairfax community, as are the businesses and residents that surround it. To just approve this project because a Maryland businessman proposes using his own funds seems like the university is just following the dollars with little to no regard for the mission of the university, its students or the surrounding community.

Whether allowed by governing documents or not, the Board of Visitors vote of 7 yes, 2 abstain and 7 absent is not the way to conduct business...certainly not for a project of this size. Calling this a "unanimous vote" may be factually accurate, but not a good faith representation when less than half of the Board members vote in the affirmative.

I've heard comments that this may be "temporary" and that it will be a limited number of cricket games. I have trouble believing that a businessperson would make an investment of this nature for it to only be used a dozen times a year or temporarily use.

I respectfully request that the Board of Visitors stop this project immediately until a thorough analysis of all potential impacts can be completed, tangible benefits to the state, county and university can be made clear and input from the surrounding residential and business communities can occur. Thank you for your consideration."

Christi Kay

1d ·

More signage will be ordered soon. DM if your neighborhood or yard needs one.

May be an image of text that says 'Coming This Month! MEGA STADIUM SAY NO to a BUSIER BRADDOCK! www.BraddockStadium.com''Coming This Month! MEGA STADIUM SAY NO to a BUSIER BRADDOCK! www.BraddockStadium.com'

I live 6 miles from campus. I am going writie a letter in favor of the project.

Let’s see …. what rhymes with stadium?

dr. gunnie

Staff member
I have to chuckle at "MEGA STADIUM". Give me a f'ing break. It's more likely to be a few thousand seat stadium at most for baseball with temporary seating that can be added during the cricket season similar to what they add for PGA or road races.

I've read all the info thus far. From my understanding and going off stadiums I can compare it to, my guess is realistically we are looking at something like this - correct me if i'm wrong. My son goes to Illinois State. Here's their baseball stadium - 1,000 seats:



So realistically, we are probably looking at something similar to this with the seats going a little higher to get around 1,500/2,000. It's all speculation at this point. Then, they would add the temp bleachers down the baselines and maybe some in the outfield to get to the 7,000-10,000 number... sound about right?

This is the MEGA STADIUM?

And don't get me started at the shock of construction when you bought a home next to a university with 40,000 students... I mean, who could have seen that coming?!?! This whole outrage thing is pretty ridiculous.


Staff member
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This whole thing is insane and I hope it doesn't change any of the thinking. At the end of the day this is a great way for Mason to get a facility upgrade for athletics.

I just really hope that all this noise doesn't change anyones mind and the project gets cancelled. Its bad enough the baseball stadium looks the way it does.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
If these people are so against it, they should just write a check to Mason for about 20 to 30 million so we can upgrade the baseball stadium and we won't need the cricket cash.

I was always told that the reason we didn't have lights for baseball was the surrounding neighborhood wouldn't allow it (not sure if it's true or not). Sure would be nice to have some night games that people could attend instead of the 2:00 weekday starts that nobody can go to.


Hall of Famer
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I’m not against this for Nimbyism, but just because I think it’s a bad idea. I can’t see us ever eclipsing 1k fans at a baseball game, so it’s just going to be another big empty outdoor pat dome because our fanbase and alumni suck.

The one valuable thing Mason has is land, and I think giving it up to a joint cricket/college baseball venture is a massive waste of that resource. I think this will look worse than the Mason inn in 5 years.

Where is the demand for something this size?

dr. gunnie

Staff member
Looks like 3,000-5,000 for the temporary stadium, not 7,000-10,000

2. What is the planned capacity of the Temporary Multipurpose Ballpark?

The Washington Freedom plans to construct the Temporary Multipurpose Ballpark with a capacity of 3,000-5,000. This will be accommodated by temporary structures and general lawn berm seating.



Hall of Famer
As a baseball fan, I want to see this stadium built. But, I believe that it's time for Mason to be honest with the community. Stop saying that it's only a temporary facility and there are no plans for anything more. The fact of the matter is that if the soft launch is successful as expected, construction of the permanent stadium will proceed with the goal of completion for Mason baseball in 2025 followed by the Washington Freedom season during the summer.

With this in mind, Mason needs to work closely with the community to minimize adverse impacts during the cricket seasons. Mason doesn't need the community's consent to proceed, but it's much better for all parties if they work together in this matter.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
I’m not against this for Nimbyism, but just because I think it’s a bad idea. I can’t see us ever eclipsing 1k fans at a baseball game, so it’s just going to be another big empty outdoor pat dome because our fanbase and alumni suck.

The one valuable thing Mason has is land, and I think giving it up to a joint cricket/college baseball venture is a massive waste of that resource. I think this will look worse than the Mason inn in 5 years.

Where is the demand for something this size?
Valid points. In a perfect world I would rather just upgrade The Hap to look something like the Illinois State stadium linked above, but that's never going to happen. I would rather go bigger than no stadium at all, because I don't see how we can sell our current "stadium" to recruits the way it is now. If bigger would allow us to host A10 tourneys and state high school baseball tournaments as well, I'm for it.

The only thing I'm not for is staying with the current setup.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I’m not against this for Nimbyism, but just because I think it’s a bad idea. I can’t see us ever eclipsing 1k fans at a baseball game, so it’s just going to be another big empty outdoor pat dome because our fanbase and alumni suck.

The one valuable thing Mason has is land, and I think giving it up to a joint cricket/college baseball venture is a massive waste of that resource. I think this will look worse than the Mason inn in 5 years.

Where is the demand for something this size?
Gonna unlike this post just so I can like it again.

There’s so much land over there and we’re just squandering it. Yeah, it’s an oddly shaped parcel and ideally you’d either have to basically start from scratch over there or acquire a few more properties, but it’s still a good plot. It feels like all of our master plans are very soft suggestions and not actual plans with intent. Feels like the school is afraid to get it wrong.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️

Bethany Savage Hammer

12m ·

Opposition arises over new pro cricket stadium, GMU baseball home in Northern Virginia
Opposition arises over new pro cricket stadium, GMU baseball home in Northern Virginia

Michael Stark

4h ·
This is what I just submitted to the GMU BOV...

"As a Virginia taxpayer and resident in a neighborhood near George Mason University, I wish to express my serious concerns regarding the proposed development of a cricket stadium on campus.

I am concerned how the owner of the Washington Freedom cricket team, Mr. Sanjay Govil, is able to gain approval to fund and build a 10,000 seat cricket stadium on university/state land. Mr. Govil has no known ties to the university and he both lives and operates his business in Maryland. Building on university/state land may benefit Mr. Govil due to favorable tax implications for him, but how does it benefit GMU, the state or Fairfax County other than to let an out-of-state commercial enterprise build on Virginia state land using corporate/private dollars?

How does this cricket stadium support the university's mission? Because the baseball team will be able to use it? The university should fund and support the baseball team within their respective athletics and capital improvement budgets. However, a sport that averages about 150 spectators a game does not need a 10,000 seat stadium to play in. Perhaps they just need further upgrades to their current stadium.

At the speed that this cricket stadium proposal appears to be moving, there is no way that proper traffic and environmental analyses have been done. Just because the land and roads are state-owned should not result in a waiver of thorough reviews of the potential impacts to traffic (e.g. vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Braddock Road, vehicles parking outside of GMU property on surrounding side streets, etc.) and a myriad of environmental factors (e.g. noise and light pollution during events, impact on soil and groundwater, utilities (electric, sewage, clean water, trash removal, etc.). Are there any plans related to surrounding roadway expansion and/or traffic control with 10,000 people entering and exiting this stadium at the same time? What would the impact be if there was an event at this cricket stadium and Eagle Bank Arena at the same time?

The lack of community involvement thus far is appalling. Whether it is required by state statute or GMU regulations or not, the fact is that the University is a part of this Fairfax community, as are the businesses and residents that surround it. To just approve this project because a Maryland businessman proposes using his own funds seems like the university is just following the dollars with little to no regard for the mission of the university, its students or the surrounding community.

Whether allowed by governing documents or not, the Board of Visitors vote of 7 yes, 2 abstain and 7 absent is not the way to conduct business...certainly not for a project of this size. Calling this a "unanimous vote" may be factually accurate, but not a good faith representation when less than half of the Board members vote in the affirmative.

I've heard comments that this may be "temporary" and that it will be a limited number of cricket games. I have trouble believing that a businessperson would make an investment of this nature for it to only be used a dozen times a year or temporarily use.

I respectfully request that the Board of Visitors stop this project immediately until a thorough analysis of all potential impacts can be completed, tangible benefits to the state, county and university can be made clear and input from the surrounding residential and business communities can occur. Thank you for your consideration."

Christi Kay

1d ·

More signage will be ordered soon. DM if your neighborhood or yard needs one.

May be an image of text that says 'Coming This Month! MEGA STADIUM SAY NO to a BUSIER BRADDOCK! www.BraddockStadium.com''Coming This Month! MEGA STADIUM SAY NO to a BUSIER BRADDOCK! www.BraddockStadium.com'
Listen, I get why you can’t call someone the R-word anymore, but when you see a question like “how does GMU benefit from this?”, I think there should be a waiver you can get for a one time pass


With no minor league team in Prince William I honestly think updated facilities make for a great opportunity for Mason to get in more non-alum visitors to campus. I used to go to minor league games all the time when I was a kid (back before the Nationals) and I'm guessing my parents would have much rather just hopped down the road to Mason. It'll always be cheaper than going to a Nats game and therefore better for families with young kids who want to attend a sporting event but know their 4 year old or whatever is gonna break down after 4 innings and want to go home. $10/ticket to get into a Mason game, grab a dog and a soda, watch a few innings in a nice stadium and spend some time outside in the spring. Sounds great to me.

I seriously question what the NIMBYS think when a basketball game, swim meet, or concert is happening at Mason. Do they think the cricket stadium will be used like 200 days a year? Do they think Mason will intentionally schedule a bunch of events at the same time? They have no foresight whatsoever...they just feel entitled to that land only being used for things "they want" (which is nothing...in fact if you could bulldoze any affordable housing in the area that would make them happy too). I maintain that if the stadium gets built it will not affect traffic at 123/Braddock any more than existing events at Mason.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I seriously question what the NIMBYS think when a basketball game, swim meet, or concert is happening at Mason. Do they think the cricket stadium will be used like 200 days a year? Do they think Mason will intentionally schedule a bunch of events at the same time? They have no foresight whatsoever...they just feel entitled to that land only being used for things "they want" (which is nothing...in fact if you could bulldoze any affordable housing in the area that would make them happy too). I maintain that if the stadium gets built it will not affect traffic at 123/Braddock any more than existing events at Mason.
I agree completely - the traffic will only effect that direct portion of Braddock for a narrow window before and after games


As a baseball fan, I want to see this stadium built. But, I believe that it's time for Mason to be honest with the community. Stop saying that it's only a temporary facility and there are no plans for anything more. The fact of the matter is that if the soft launch is successful as expected, construction of the permanent stadium will proceed with the goal of completion for Mason baseball in 2025 followed by the Washington Freedom season during the summer.

With this in mind, Mason needs to work closely with the community to minimize adverse impacts during the cricket seasons. Mason doesn't need the community's consent to proceed, but it's much better for all parties if they work together in this matter.
Yea, I think this is part of the issue. Locals are getting caught up on the word "stadium" (LOL at the Mega Stadium sign), when in reality this is going to be a bunch of rental, modular bleachers/seating with little to no actual permanent construction. It seems they've already dramatically reduced the proposed capacity from 10-12k to 3-5k (tbh I think this is a good thing).

What isn't Mason being honest about though? Nothing beyond this temporary solution has been approved by the BOV, or even proposed at this point. The only thing currently planned for 2025 is to configure a baseball field/playing surface within the temporary "stadium" for start of next baseball season. They can't do that until after cricket wraps up this summer.

My biggest fear is MLC not having enough early success and we're stuck kicking the can down the road with this awkward hybrid field for several years.