I have designed a few logos in my marketing/advertising days. I grade this a C+.
In context it's better. Standing alone, it's weak. The true test is how well the emblem stands alone against others, like was shown in an earlier post—it doesn't.
The next true test, is black on white. This always shows a logo's strengths and deficiencies. It's tricky to figure out what the emblem represents. The sharp angles and thick "candy stripe" distort it's intended meaning Again, context on top of "George Mason" helps it along. But that context isn't always available.
The last test is the "squint test" Does its meaning hold up while squinting? Not so much. The "candy stripe" is too thick and drowns out the solid lines.
A C+ grade does not mean "slightly above average" here. Think about it... an average logo is stronger. A C+ connotes "needs work".