mason lawyer
Leaving George Mason basketball program does wonders for people. Coach L and Luke Hancock best decision ever to leave this program. We will be in the dark ages for next decade.
Leaving George Mason basketball program does wonders for people. Coach L and Luke Hancock best decision ever to leave this program. We will be in the dark ages for next decade.
You can't beat Duke at home. Only a Coaching God would be able to pull that off . . . twice.Anyone happen to catch the result of the Duke game last night? Did they get beat at home?
I dunno, maybe its because im younger, but I hate UNC more than I hate Duke, even though I was sick of hearing about Duke basketball growing up. Hell, I hated the Terps under Williams more than Duke too.As for Coach L and the boys, strangely happy for them, and I kind of actually like Duke for some reason. Maybe I am becoming less petty as I get older.
That Eastern Kentucky game has to be one of the most confusing outcomes of any high level sporting event I have ever seen.
I hate Merten.
"Not even Yama understands why the staff does what it does."
WTF? How do they know me? My real name is Yama. There's no way there's another Yama down there in Coral Gables............. or is there?
From Miami's message board:
3252 posts this site
Duke Win and ........
Yesterday at 11:37 AM
Post game comments,
Not much to comment when perfection has been achieved,
Miami ran for the 1st time this year, probably reminiscent and recollected by Coach L over Coach K in past games.
And these possession stats speak of it,
Possessions, Miami averages 65, Duke 68, last nite, fagetaboutit, 74
Team Split POS Eff% eFG% FR% FTR FGDist% FTDist% 3Dist% AST% A/T TO% STL% BLK% REB% OR% DR%
MIAGame Final74.0121.660.752.253.642.224.433.348.31.2714.916.24.539.720.059.5![]()
DUKEGame Final74.0100.048.556.830.362.213.524.341.40.820.35.41.860.340.580.0![]()
MIAOffense Avg 65 110.2 52.6 52.9 33.9 46.8 18.6 34.6 56.2 1.34 16.2 9.8 6.3 48.8 29.1 68.5![]()
DUKEOffense Avg 68 121.6 56.8 60.1 42.9 51.7 20.8 27.5 55.4 1.42 16.6 11.3 6.8 55.4 37.9 72.8![]()
MIADefense Avg 65 96.4 46.2 50.9 24.9 55.5 14.1 30.5 49.9 1.01 18.1 7.8 5.7 51.2 31.5 70.9![]()
DUKEDefense Avg 68 94.1 47.0 48.1 24.3 61.7 15.8 22.4 43.0 0.79 19.7 7.7 4.2 44.7 27.2 62.1![]()
I declared that Miami had all the pieces after the BC game, and last night they showed them,
AR - The best point guard to play for Miami, talking about controlling and handling the ball. His comment after the Duke game was priceless saying, of all the teams we would face, I felt Duke would be the easiest to beat.
TJ - as commented below, shooting 60% in league play, with a better FT stroke, few fouls & turnovers, and a runner for 37 minutes, the list is longer, but my posts are already too long. Coaching staff has done a marvelous job getting TJ to stay within himself.
ML - Miami having 2 point guards who can play on the court together or in relief, is a luxury that I can never remember Miami having. Would I take ML & AR over the Heat's MC & NC, on an at their respective levels, YES.
SM - The best athlete on the floor, whether he wants to, looks like or just looks off, he will score in double digits, a rare commodity.
OS - At his current ability, he is a winner, at his future level of play, a prime opponent scouting nightmare.
DR - A bit of a mystery, right now a very good 6th man,
JN & DB - a race to see who makes All American first, at least one of them will achieve it.
JT & JP - Both play at the ACC level concerning giving the team another team player to balance off the 40 minute grind.
Pregame comments;
posted: yesterday 3:59 pm
re: **** official miami vs #4 duke game thread ****
duke hasn't beaten many teams by more than 10 pts if you can recognize their names, ck it out
posted: yesterday 5:30 pm
3 keys to victory vs duke
it all should boil down to tj playing 30+ minutes, preferably 34 minutes, the team should be fine.
posted: 1/11/2015 4:57 pm
bc & season thoughts
TJ quite the star again.
what stands out like a sore but welcomed thumb is tj's field goal percentages, and you can just about take that success all the way to the beginning of the year. to comment on tj, his shooting was clutch to me, way more than is ft effort. and again with limited turnovers.
DB solidified the 2nd half comeback against VA, but seems to get lost in the offense as he mainly bails one guard out and passes to the next on the weave.
The one great thing about this team is,
They seem to have the
pieces, let's hope the coaching catches up to the talent.
posted: 1/6/2015 10:26 am
re: coach l talks adidas, uva loss, angel, tonye
but going toe to toe with the #3 team, is hot stuff. (Edit Reiterated by AR after the Duke game)
I don't mind saying that the VA game, gives all of us as fans, a renewed hope for the remainder of the season.
TJ too only had 1 turnover in 39 minutes, the rest of his line is as good as it gets for TJ, and this was against the crème of the crop.
Especially noting that the Canes had the Cav's for lunch in Points in the Paint scoring.
posted: 1/5/2015 11:02 am
arod 1/3/15 career high
posted: 1/5/2015 1:52 pm
manu? and where jn is by that time, as pointed out, may be just fine, quickness is not
his short suit.
posted: 1/5/2015
points in the paint & team work
points in the paint
check out miami's offensive consistency in these last 3 games,
posted: 1/3/2015
coaching strategy -- round peg square hole?
tj, to me, can out run any other tall man in the biz, that is his strength, and it shouldn't be stifled.
playing 4 guards next to him, should enable the team to run as well.
Coaching helped make that game one of the most enjoyable, it can't be escaped though that Duke is not the perfect team at this point in the season. And Miami took well advantage of the situation.
Where a couple of posters gave projections of Miami's tournament hopes based on the outcome of Duke/ND.
We all now can dream that those prognostications may now hold water.
Miami has destroyed 2 of the longest home winning streaks in college ball (Duke & UF).
The pieces are there, now enter a new one with ICU at the plate.
Miami is now serving for their future, and oh what a serve it is!
That's the one that killed me. Maybe we didn't have that every single game of every single year, but pretty close. That feeling was the best. I want that back.This is what we miss...........
Yesterday at 12:52 PM
I never imagined I would see a time when I had the feeling that Miami could win any game they played in basketball, now I do.