Jarred Reuter??


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I took a lot of flak from you my man. And i KNOW you agree with me tonight

vcu pretty much took a giant dump on our entire team tonight. It was a maestro performance. Kier had 6 turnovers, Otis, had 4, Hartwell had 4. The team had 21 total.

Our entire frontcourt, all three players combined, had 9 points and 8 rebounds on 4/8 shooting.

Javon Greene went 0/6, Hartwell went 1/9, Otis 1/5.

We came out with a lot of defensive energy, but once vcu knew we had zero answer for them, they just kept up the pressure and waited and waited and waited, and then pounced once they wore us down.


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vcu pretty much took a giant dump on our entire team tonight. It was a maestro performance. Kier had 6 turnovers, Otis, had 4, Hartwell had 4. The team had 21 total.

Our entire frontcourt, all three players combined, had 9 points and 8 rebounds on 4/8 shooting.

Javon Greene went 0/6, Hartwell went 1/9, Otis 1/5.

We came out with a lot of defensive energy, but once vcu knew we had zero answer for them, they just kept up the pressure and waited and waited and waited, and then pounced once they wore us down.

Never thought I’d see you say vcu took a giant dump...


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Funny how excited lil Dave was when Reuter committed. Like he never thought it was possible to land an ACC guy. Except he got a lemon.


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Jared just needs to sit. Calixte isn't the answer but he's a heck of a lot better than Jared. Oduro coming in next year will not help. We're screwed for the forseeable future if DP remains coach.


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Funny how excited lil Dave was when Reuter committed. Like he never thought it was possible to land an ACC guy. Except he got a lemon.

Looks like he went after the wrong UVA transfer that year -- should have recruited Darius Thompson hard instead.


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Reuter is just a slow footed slow decision making center. He somehow fit perfectly for uva originally.

Got me


Hall of Famer
What scares me the most is Paulsen making a statement of he will be an A-10 POY candidate. The player evaluation, or lack there of, is what is scary about this staff.

I was telling someone last night that I think Paulsen needs to watch his words. Sometimes, you just need to let your actions speak (if it happens).

Reuter had a full year of practice plus the games in Spain. He has muscle, but maybe Jai Lewis or Will Thomas need to come back and show him how to make post moves.


I don't wish ill will on anyone, however after letting it seep in overnight, I think it's best for all parties involved to encourage Reuter to leave as a grad transfer this offseason. He could arguably be the worst player on the team.

I doubt he will leave, but agree that it would be best for the program, Paulsen has pushed others out why not him? If Paulsen doesn't want to have his seat really warm up next year I think this is something he has to consider.

For balance we should to go out and find a transfer or juco that is immediately eligible and serviceable. Otherwise we might just have Greg and Oduro. (seems like AJ is another prime transfer candidate)

His addition certainly hasn't helped the way it was conveyed to us. We got a role player, if that. I don't disagree with the idea of bringing in an upperclassman to try to balance out the bigs (we would have had 3 sophmore forwards this year), but we needed an impact player. now it just looks like we wasted a chance to develop a big with Calixte. Oh and we screwed with the entire team's chemistry.


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So we are proposing a guy who has practiced with the team for 2 years, shown improvement at times and has a role, go and leave to go get someone else and hope they just jump in and are awesome and fit like a puzzle piece.



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What benefit do we get out of keeping him?

Even if he sucks he still provides some depth. He’s shown some ability and if nothing more can be a leader. Bringing in someone new doesn’t mean it’s better.

I’m reaching, but it’s probably better having him around. It just is.


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We need a 6'9 talented GRAD transfer or we are toast next season. Reuter and Greg are not the answer!!


Can't put this all on him. Look at our team out there- its like the men vs. the boys. It's like, "oh look at that cute team trying to play" like we're the halftime show with the cub scouts playing. The only chance we have to do anything is hitting the three ball consistently, and we're not even close to doing that.

Our offense needs to completely change. I'm sick of this hand off at the top of the key garbage. It's not working. Even when we win (and even when we've scored a decent number of points) we've looked ugly on offense.