As an alumnus who wants a winning basketball program, I say stick it to the students.![]()
If you think what vcu is doing is sustainable in the long term, you're kidding yourself.
They have significantly increased their donor base, but despite the endless hype/media fawning over Shaka and Havoc and even their obnoxious pep band, they still couldn't fully fund their practice facility with private money.
What does that tell you? It tells me that not enough of their fans are either willing or able to put their money where their loud mouths are.
At some point, when students and their parents finally start paying attention to what universities are actually doing with their millions in student fees, there's going to be hell to pay.
Because it's fairly scandalous, politicians are starting to warm to the issue. Lots of talk around the state capital about "encouraging" universities to stop funding their athletic departments on the backs of their students.
Without student fees, vcu couldn't afford to pay Shaka $1.5 million, build a shiny new practice facility or have the highest basketball budget in the A-10.
Shaka is one hell of a coach, obviously, but the rest of it is just so much smoke and mirrors.
I don't think we need to spend much more....I just think we need to spend what we have MORE WISELY. We could have had NO coach and got about the same results last year....
How much more money do you think the basketball team needs? And this is a question for everyone who says we aren't funding it properly. What do you guys think is the proper funding level for our men's basketball program?
For comparison's sake:
vcu: $5 million
Dayton: $3.9 million
UMass: $3.2 million
GW: $3.1 million
GMU: $3 million
I have a feeling vcu's is $5 million only because they are using student fees to pay back the bonds on the Siegel Center upgrades and the practice facility.
vcu gets 17 million in student fees. We raise 14 million. Anyone care to breakdown where this money actually goes?
It does need more money. Why should we pay to keep a high priced professor who migjt bring the university a few nickels but mostly is spending the millions reaped from a revenue sport and not pay the coach who built the team, who won the games, which brought the attention to school, who then gained valuable tv contracts and sponsorships. Yes our program needed and needs more money. If we had it a few years ago we wouldnt be in the mess we are in now.
Academics weren't enriched by increased selectivity? Smarter students means better results. More applications means you can select more out of state kids and charge double tuition, which is really what gives presidents boners. Either Merten suffers from ED, or he just ignored the real gift OCM handed him.
Hewitts silk ties and curved collar shirts and Tom O Connors greens fees and Taylormades.vcu gets 17 million in student fees. We raise 14 million. Anyone care to breakdown where this money actually goes?
How much more money do you think the basketball team needs? And this is a question for everyone who says we aren't funding it properly. What do you guys think is the proper funding level for our men's basketball program?
The big difference is we have what, 20 sports funded by those fees and vcu has only 12? That and the 3 million raised in addition provides them with a lot of cash to feed their 'cash cow'.
At least enough to afford to be able to fire a coach that has shown after three years of a five year contract that he sucks without people saying we don't have that kind of money.How much more money do you think the basketball team needs?
Yes, and I was young and stupid once. I would have been much better off at a university where the professors wanted to teach instead of one where they are forced to teach so they can do their research or the ones that get tenure and then retire in place, teaching one class a semester and nothing else. Then my education would have cost me about 1/10th. The research reputation of your university means very little if anything to your career. If anything, it might help get your foot in the door on your first job. After that, nothing.Wijg, you do realize you went to a research one university and that forcing tenured professors to be in the classroom more would fundamentally change the classification of the university you are attending or attended
Yes, and I was young and stupid once. I would have been much better off at a university where the professors wanted to teach instead of one where they are forced to teach so they can do their research or the ones that get tenure and then retire in place, teaching one class a semester and nothing else. Then my education would have cost me about 1/10th. The research reputation of your university means very little if anything to your career. If anything, it might help get your foot in the door on your first job. After that, nothing.