GMU: Where Construction is Tradition


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There is a lot of info in the Master Plan documents. I was surprised to see that 25% of incoming freshmen (class of 2019) were out of state. Also, that engineering is the most popular college.


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There is a lot of info in the Master Plan documents. I was surprised to see that 25% of incoming freshmen (class of 2019) were out of state. Also, that engineering is the most popular college.
View attachment 1436
My eldest graduated from Volgenau with degree in software engineering and Security+ certified - most CS students graduate with that additional certification

Five Two

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There is a lot of info in the Master Plan documents. I was surprised to see that 25% of incoming freshmen (class of 2019) were out of state. Also, that engineering is the most popular college.
View attachment 1436
Does Mason have a cap on % of out of state students it can accept?
I realize they'd rather have out of state students because of the higher tuition, which means more $$$


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Does Mason have a cap on % of out of state students it can accept?
I realize they'd rather have out of state students because of the higher tuition, which means more $$$
Not sure if they have a cap - most schools sit around 25-35%. I think the point Walter was making is that we are at the highest percentage we have had. It is good for the university.


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Surprised that mason has more out of state than JMU

Full disclosure - My eldest went to Mason my youngest boy went to JMU (he is paying for his own tuition). Mason has a growing reputation in academics that is exceeding JMU's. Keep in mind - Mason is ranked as a national university - JMU is ranked as a regional university. We have a larger research budget than almost every school in VA save for Tech. We have a nationally ranked Law School, School of Economics, and Engineering program. As a result, I am not surprised at all.


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You must be reading the propaganda on DukesDomain. Imagine how those guys are going to react when JMU is ranked lower than us in the new USNews National category in September

Walter ---- I must confess my man crush on you grows.


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Full disclosure - My eldest went to Mason my youngest boy went to JMU (he is paying for his own tuition). Mason has a growing reputation in academics that is exceeding JMU's. Keep in mind - Mason is ranked as a national university - JMU is ranked as a regional university. We have a larger research budget than almost every school in VA save for Tech. We have a nationally ranked Law School, School of Economics, and Engineering program. As a result, I am not surprised at all.
JMU has been reclassified as a National University. The September US News will be the first National ranking for them.

The Great PATSby

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Surprised that Tech is higher than either UVA or W&M.

Obviously vcu’s free advertising isn’t making up for its institutional shortcomings…

Per UVA admissions, they try to keep a ratio of 2/3rds In-State.

“We have pledged to maintain a 2/3 majority of Virginia residents in our student population, but 2/3 of our applicants tend to come from out-of-state. As a result, our offer rate for Virginia residents tends to be much higher than the rate for out-of-state students. Last year, we admitted 28% of the Virginia residents and 17% of the non-Virginians. You can see data from previous years”

The Great PATSby

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Not including UVA and WM where their tuition costs are warranted by the level of academics. But I don’t understand why Mason’s in-state tuition is one of the lowest in Virginia but our out-of-state is one of the highest. We’re significantly higher than JMU and Tech. I bet if we lowered out-of-state tuition closer to Tech and JMU averages we’d have a bit higher out-of-state enrollees.


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Not including UVA and WM where their tuition costs are warranted by the level of academics. But I don’t understand why Mason’s in-state tuition is one of the lowest in Virginia but our out-of-state is one of the highest. We’re significantly higher than JMU and Tech. I bet if we lowered out-of-state tuition closer to Tech and JMU averages we’d have a bit higher out-of-state enrollees.
It is nice we focus on providing a high quality and affordable education for Virginia residents.


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JMU has been reclassified as a National University. The September US News will be the first National ranking for them.

Being a “national university” just means having a certain number of graduate degrees. JMU was considered an undergrad school until recently because it didn’t offer that many masters degrees (and I think zero PhDs—I see 7 now).

From a marketing perspective I think it’s a tough thing being focused almost exclusively on undergraduate education, unless you want to stay tiny like Davidson.


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JMU has been reclassified as a National University. The September US News will be the first National ranking for them.
I did not know that - thanks for the information. It will be interesting to see where they land.


Hall of Famer
It is nice we focus on providing a high quality and affordable education for Virginia residents.
X10000. Access is a huge deal, particularly for people like me who are first-generation college graduates. I’m proud that Mason opens its doors to kids who might have no other options beyond community college and gives them a chance to change the trajectory of their lives for the better. Great to be an alum of a university that provides a great education and an even better value.