Someone in our section told me that the blimp operator also smacked the darn thing into the scoreboard as well. Either a drunk or an idiot (or a drunk idiot) at the controls.
Wait... did they let Alan Merten fly it? Because I remember how he used to always hit the scoreboard with the t-shirt gun...LOL.
Someone in our section told me that the blimp operator also smacked the darn thing into the scoreboard as well. Either a drunk or an idiot (or a drunk idiot) at the controls.
That's it, that's the end, we'll have to tear the roof off the building and replace it now...I was wondering about the blimp -- we watched two dudes try and snag it with a couple of helium balloons after the game. It was no where near any of the cat walks. Wonder how they got it down?!
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Someone in our section told me that the blimp operator also smacked the darn thing into the scoreboard as well. Either a drunk or an idiot (or a drunk idiot) at the controls.
Isn't Thompson top 10 nationally in both rebounding and offensive rebounding percentage? He had a couple of rough games, but he has been a beast on the glass most of the season for us.
Jalen has shown some of the court vision that Marko has and the physicality that Thompson has. Hopefully he can put it all together his senior season and be an anchor down low.
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I didn't see who was flying it on Saturday, but the guy who is normally at the controls can be quite erratic. At one game earlier this season, he almost took out the trombone section of the Green Machine. I think it might be time for him to retire.
I didn't see who was flying it on Saturday
Well... looks like the numbers are in and Mason is tied for second-to-last. Exactly what was prognosticated. We didn't underachieve, we didn't overachieve. Mason did what was expected — except, we beat vcu! Never expected that. But it made this season that much more sweet than bitter.
Sounds like the same level of ridiculousness as someone falling over for a chic fila cow (which I witnessed for the first time on Saturday)
Tshirt guy was sitting behind me a few rows back, I didn't see a controller in his hand. He did walk up to a family sitting next to me, whispered a few words to them and gave one of the boys a t-shirt. The family soon left, he def creeped them out lol.I pretty sure it was creepy t-shirt guy.
Tshirt guy was sitting behind me a few rows back, I didn't see a controller in his hand. He did walk up to a family sitting next to me, whispered a few words to them and gave one of the boys a t-shirt. The family soon left, he def creeped them out lol.