Game 15, AT vcu, Jan 9th, 7 PM, CBS Sports Network


Sixth Man
We tend to start out flat. Every game is a battle. We need more defensive intensity. He doesn't yell to fire up the troops. Certain players have drifted in and out of slumps. I understand our issues. I want to win as badly as you do. My personal opinion is we will claw to 15 wins. That's unacceptable to me and you. Thats a regression. Hewitt's problem is that at his hiring press conference He said he thinks we can win the championship here. I want us to make progress next year or we might have to consider different options... He either bounces back in 14-15 or He doesn't. You can't axe the guy for one losing year. We are not Kentucky.


We had great teams from 2000-2002. I've stuck around. We'll have about 60 million in cap space and our GM helped build the Packers. If we lose to vcu, I will email Hewitt with some questions.

13 years ago? Nice. I like your avatar is an ESPN mag from like 1999. At least put Terrel Pryor or Rashad Jennings up there and update it from this century.

Ok, you do that and you let us know what he says back.


Sixth Man
Loyalty is a lost art nowadays. I hope the Packers steamroll you guys. People forget that Hewitt said He thinks we can win the national championship here. He owes us an update if we are having an off year.


Loyalty is a lost art nowadays. I hope the Packers steamroll you guys. People forget that Hewitt said He thinks we can win the national championship here. He owes us an update if we are having an off year.

Of course you do, thats all you bitter Raiders fans can do now days.

What does loyalty have to do with anything? Criticism and holding people accountable has nothing to do with loyalty. Nobody is defecting.....Were you a big fan of taking Jamarcus Russell, DHB, Mike Mitchell , Rolando Mclain, Robert Gallery ? Did you not want more or somebody to be held accountable for those horrible picks that set your franchise back?


Starter Can we agree that it is a fair request to ask him for an update on how long that will take or if that lofty goal is even reasonable anymore? He set the bar that high folks.

Id say youd be a bit misguided to think that any coach in any level doesnt have the ultimate goal of a NCAA Championship. But if youa ctually thought that was going to happen, Im not sure what to tell you.


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All I'm saying is Hewitt is burnt out. Amongst many other f**k ups, he let the players decide to play D in the final seconds vs Rhode Island instead of fouling and we almost lost. Read the foul or not to foul articlea. To me, thats a sign he isn't taking this seriously. WOuld OCM ever let his players tell him what to do??? Would any good coach from a good stong coaching tree do that? Much less admit he let the decide. Dude has lost his mind imo.


Sixth Man
No I didn't reasonably think it was going to happen. He set the bar that high and we should get some update on the state of the program.

Quentin Daniels

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Here's the quote:

"There's only one thing left for me to do in college basketball, and that's try to win a national championship," Hewitt said on a conference call Tuesday. "I feel like we can do that here."

He didn't promise he would win a National Championship, but only that he felt it was possible.

Now some people who are great at setting uneducated posters straight think it's unfair to be confronted w/past statements. I disagree. So I think a fair question would be if he still believes this is possible and if he sees the program on the right track to getting where it needs to be to accomplish that goal.


All I'm saying is Hewitt is burnt out. Amongst many other f**k ups, he let the players decide to play D in the final seconds vs Rhode Island instead of fouling and we almost lost. Read the foul or not to foul articlea. To me, thats a sign he isn't taking this seriously. WOuld OCM ever let his players tell him what to do??? Would any good coach from a good stong coaching tree do that? Much less admit he let the decide. Dude has lost his mind imo.

While Im all for Hewitt being criticized, I do think alot of coaches allow players to call plays in many sports and coaches from many trees.

I believe for us the proper question would be, who would let players who cant dribble a ball call a play.


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While Im all for Hewitt being criticized, I do think alot of coaches allow players to call plays in many sports and coaches from many trees.

I believe for us the proper question would be, who would let players who cant dribble a ball call a play.

Yes, thanks for clarifiy that.


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Raider, so, you are accusing those of us that are pointing out that a coach that now has a track record of doing the same thing to two different schools, even after he claimed to have learned his lesson, as being disloyal? I still am going to the games against my better judgement, I am still writing large checks to the program and I will even be spending hundreds of dollars for a fundraiser dinner tomorrow night to continue showing my support. If you knew me, you would know that I am loyal to a fault. I apologize if my joke rubbed you the wrong way (doesn't most comedy have to push boundaries...), but don't you find it sad that a rabid fan and a program have been driven to such depths to even contemplate a joke like that?

I think it is definitely a fair request to ask him that question about when he thinks we reach a championship under his leadership.

I think another fair request would be to point out that he and Mason are not a good fit, we have given him 2 1/2 years and this year shows he is not improving anything when he has essentially the same roster as last year, Mason does not have the kind of money that would allow us to buy him out of the remainder, and ask him to split the difference and resign out of loyalty to Mason. He could keep his dignity and not be fired by another program, and we could move on.


Raider, so, you are accusing those of us that are pointing out that a coach that now has a track record of doing the same thing to two different schools, even after he claimed to have learned his lesson, as being disloyal? I still am going to the games against my better judgement, I am still writing large checks to the program and I will even be spending hundreds of dollars for a fundraiser dinner tomorrow night to continue showing my support. If you knew me, you would know that I am loyal to a fault. I apologize if my joke rubbed you the wrong way (doesn't most comedy have to push boundaries...), but don't you find it sad that a rabid fan and a program have been driven to such depths to even contemplate a joke like that?

I think it is definitely a fair request to ask him that question about when we he thinks we reach a championship under his leadership.

I think another fair request would be to point out that he and Mason are not a good fit, we have given him 2 1/2 years and this year shows he is not improving anything when he has essentially the same roster as last year, Mason does not have the kind of money that would allow us to buy him out of the remainder, and ask him to split the difference and resign out of loyalty to Mason. He could keep his dignity and not be fired by another program, and we could move on.
Im not sure Raider knows what his point is or what is going on during Mason games.


Sixth Man
gmubrian: I appreciate what you do for the team in terms of support. Perhaps, I could have been more diplomatic in how I came onto the board. I want us to win. The reality is we will not have 22 wins. This is a regression. Where we differ is that I am willing to give Hewitt 2014-2015 to bring more of his guys in/bounce back. If we can't bounce back and make the nit or NCAA next year than we have to consider someone else. I enjoy this message board and it's lively debate. We all want to win and I think we have different ideas on how to get there.


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Let me be clear - the nonsense that we don't belong in the A-10 is just the nuveau riche attitude from the Richmond gutters. As an institution - Mason is better.

However, in basketball - they will slaughter this team.


Sixth Man
We tend to start out flat. Every game is a battle. We need more defensive intensity. He doesn't yell to fire up the troops. Certain players have drifted in and out of slumps. You make it sound like I am a totally blind homer.
Im not sure Raider knows what his point is or what is going on during Mason games.


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Now some people who are great at setting uneducated posters straight think it's unfair to be confronted w/past statements. I disagree.

Correction, Quentin/Hugh: I dislike being confronted about comments I've made by cowards like you who hide behind multiple screen names. You certainly have Internet bravado down to an art form.

Unlike you, most people know me here from the Patriot Club and from attending games. I've met many of the people I've disagreed with here, including KA, GSII, Chank, P49, lawdog, etc. Hell, GS and I butt heads frequently, but we're also friends on Facebook.

If I "set a poster straight," they know who I am and where to find me if they want to call BS or even laugh about it. Not the case with you, is it? So let's not pretend to make this about being accountable, when you are the very definition of having no accountability whatsoever. Deal, Hugh?