Ok, so you want join in the debate but you don't want us to refer to you? Interesting. And yet you made your counter argument directly about me. If you can't take my full statement in context and instead focus only on the fact that I used the word "you" in the sentence and not see that I was referring to anyone that is waiting for us to go to the tournament as frequently as Dayton, maybe you shouldn't hop into these debates.
I think you are somewhat right and wrong at the same time. What do I mean by that. We are winning plenty. We are 40 and 25 in the last two years. We have had two exciting hires for coach as well in the last 3 years. I think the issue is as much a marketing/getting the word out issue. We aren't winning the games that get us the attention. We haven't won the A10 and haven't gone to the tourney, which would gets us the publicity that might attract some more fans.
The problem is that the delta between what we are winning and what it takes to get to that other level is so slim (how many of the games have we lost by a single possession?). And maintaining that level every year is a totally unreasonable to expect for a program at our level. I don't want to put words in
@Patriotsince81 mouth, but, that is what I take away when he says that our fanbase sucks. We are putting a pretty damn good product on the floor and yet we can't get anyone to come. The product is good enough to warrant the support of the fanbase, but, we don't receive it. And if we do get over the hump this year or next, maybe we get a bump in attendance, but as soon as we don't win all those games a year or two latter, do they disappear just as quickly as they showed up for the band wagon. Those aren't the fans we are looking for. We are looking for the fans that will ride out a mediocre to decent season for a year or two to help cheer us to victory in the really good season every third or fourth year. We don't have that right now.