Dave Paulsen


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
can we at least wait until he gets us to the NCAAs first?
Understand your point, but if this was the 1999 CAA, I think we'd be going to the NCAA's. This has been a very Larrañaga-esque turnaround but in a different time and place it's hard to compare


Hall of Famer
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can we at least wait until he gets us to the NCAAs first?

I agree it's only his second year - but - the change in performance from year one to year two is impressive. Dare I say YUGE (hat tip to Quentin).

Even on individual statistics it's clear. During the Richmond game they put up a graphic of stat improvements of our top three starters from last year to this. All of these stats went up in the right direction by double digit percentages .

Very happy with these kind of results. Very happy.

We gave Paulsen a dumpster fire and he turned it into a pleasant garden.

At least buy the man a beer.

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The Great PATSby

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Not sure which one but one of the MASN commentators for the Richmond game picked Paulsen as A10 COY. If Coach and Team keep up the good work, he would definitely have a huge case to be COY.


Hall of Famer
not sure how the tie breakers work. But right now Mason is tied for 4th place!

Come on Double Bye! BEAT URI!

The Great PATSby

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
not sure how the tie breakers work. But right now Mason is tied for 4th place!

Come on Double Bye! BEAT URI!

St. Bonnie is 4th since they beat us. I believe we get the tie breaker over RI based on both team's record against #3 Richmond since neither of us have wins against #1 vcu or #2 Dayton. It will be tough since we still have RI, vcu, Dayton and GW but we could have a good chance to be in the top 4.


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St. Bonnie is 4th since they beat us. I believe we get the tie breaker over RI based on both team's record against #3 Richmond since neither of us have wins against #1 vcu or #2 Dayton. It will be tough since we still have RI, vcu, Dayton and GW but we could have a good chance to be in the top 4.

If by any chance we could be in fourth place - that would be a huge accomplishment in year two.


Hall of Famer
Hah and damn I thought you were a young-un. Now I feel better. But something tells me you are bullshitting.

I wish I was. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think I'm a young guy, then I play a game of pick up and I'm reminded fast I'm not 15 anymore. Or 25. Or 35. Or 45. Or...


Hall of Famer
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I wish I was. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think I'm a young guy, then I play a game of pick up and I'm reminded fast I'm not 15 anymore. Or 25. Or 35. Or 45. Or...

OK at the next home game I will buy each of us some Chai tea and we can both pop a Nugenix tablet and pretend we are still in college.

Learn something new everyday.


Hall of Famer
St. Bonnie is 4th since they beat us. I believe we get the tie breaker over RI based on both team's record against #3 Richmond since neither of us have wins against #1 vcu or #2 Dayton. It will be tough since we still have RI, vcu, Dayton and GW but we could have a good chance to be in the top 4.

Isn't it great having a conversation about what the tiebreaker is for 4th place? I think before the season we all would have been happy with an 8th place finish! The thought of even sniffing 4th place is incredible after Coach Empty Suit.


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So ... safe to say everybody now thinks Edwards did the right thing by extending Dave's contract after last season, right?

Hope so, because a longer extension and raise had better be happening after the job he has done this season.

Absolutely. And I suspect that Dave probably will hit some incentives bonuses for hitting 15 wins or 20 wins or whatever. Maybe more if he gets COY. He better be getting an extra 3 years after this year at minimum...


Hall of Famer
OK at the next home game I will buy each of us some Chai tea and we can both pop a Nugenix tablet and pretend we are still in college.

Learn something new everyday.

Remember being a kid and hating going to bed at 9 and wishing you could stay up until 1am? Now, it's the opposite. I want to be in bed by 9 and my nightmare is being up until 1am!