I had noticed the same thing. I have been looking for them every game and haven't seen them since. I am of two minds on this. If they didn't do anything out of bounds, and from what I have heard, they didn't, not sure why anything needed to be done after it was initially investigated. I could see going over there to make sure nothing truly bad happened and then when no evidence was found, it should have been dropped. Since they were not kicked out by security, I am assuming nothing was found.
If that is the case (nothing was found and they weren't asked to come back), the other part of me is like why aren't they coming back? I have been talked to by a representative of the AD on several occasions and even had a flyer distributed to the entire arena, apparently, targeted at my behavior during a game. If I was thin skinned about it, I would have stopped coming, but you still see me at all the games. Regardless, I'd like to see them come back as they are the type of fan that helps us to win games.
In the trying to do my part category, I have offered this several times: I frequently have extra tickets to games as I get enough for my whole family, but, frequently, they don't all come to the games. If you are looking for tickets to a game feel free to DM me and I'll see what I can do. They are great seats and come with Green Room access. The only catch is I frequently can't guarantee availability until game day.
I do understand the balancing act for the AD and the fans. They can't directly offend too much of the wine and cheese crowd as I am guessing that makes up 50% of our top donor tier. We have to stop letting the other people in the arena dictate the way we are fans and I recommend find a way being embarrassed by actions of other people. Be the fan you want to be. In my discussions with Marvin, I am of the understanding the ushers have been trained in the recent past to not discourage people from being loud cheering fans. You start to cross the line with personal attacks. This would include things that are not about their play on the court but things from their personal life.
If you (for those without good reading comprehension skills I mean that collectively so nobody feels singled out) are still having trouble with ushers asking you to sit down or quiet down, please let me know, the more specific details the better (date, time, seat location, usher name, etc.) and I'll go to bat for you and hopefully get those ushers better informed. If you aren't having troubles with ushers, ignore the wine and cheese crowd and keep cheering loudly.