2017 Recruiting

Jack Strop

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Greene is Class 4A 1st Team and Senior of the Year.

I saw that Georgia has a class 5A and a Class 6A.

I don't know diddley-squat about HS sports. What do these classifications mean? Are they relavant to school size? Geographical regions? Other? Which "class" has the highest talent level across the board? I ask because I'm trying to put Greene and his well-earned awards in perspective.


Hall of Famer
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Greene is Class 4A 1st Team and Senior of the Year.

I saw that Georgia has a class 5A and a Class 6A.

I don't know diddley-squat about HS sports. What do these classifications mean? Are they relavant to school size? Geographical regions? Other? Which "class" has the highest talent level across the board? I ask because I'm trying to put Greene and his well-earned awards in perspective.

Usually it's school size.


Hall of Famer
Greene is Class 4A 1st Team and Senior of the Year.

I saw that Georgia has a class 5A and a Class 6A.

I don't know diddley-squat about HS sports. What do these classifications mean? Are they relavant to school size? Geographical regions? Other? Which "class" has the highest talent level across the board? I ask because I'm trying to put Greene and his well-earned awards in perspective.

1,060 is the attendance at Greene's HS:



That's pretty small - mine was 1200 in 1998 and we were AA with AAA being the largest in VA at the time. Now it's completely different. Kier came from Spotswood, which was A when I was in high school and I believe it is pretty rare for kids from those lowest classifications to get DI scholarships.

Jack - it's my understanding the classifications are based on school size and the larger the classification usually the better the competition/talent because bigger pool of players = better players who are the best at their schools.


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Which "class" has the highest talent level across the board?
Usually more A's means a bigger school, so I presume 6A is the biggest schools in GA.

In Minnesota, the largest size classification is 4A. Goanar Mar goes to DeLaSalle, which is the #1 team in AAA and has an attendance of 760. For comparison, McKinley Wright, Dayton's PG signee, attends a 4A school in Minnesota, Champlin Park, which has an attendance of 2975.


Robinson has about 4,000 for comparison. Most Fairfax schools are in the highest classification with large attendances.

Per VHSL website:
VHSL member schools are classified based on enrollment into six groups, 1A through 6A, with schools having an enrollment of 475 or less in the smallest (1A) classification. The remainder of the League's member schools are divided equally into fifths, with the largest schools in Group 6A. Each Group is made up of two Regions. For regular season play, schools are placed into geographically-based Districts, eliminating the need for extensive travel during the regular season. For post-season play, each Region is made up of four conferences of five to eight schools each. Conferences are constructed based enrollment, geography and balance, to try to provide post-season equity. Schools begin the post-season with Conference Tournaments, followed by Regional and then State Tournament play.


Hall of Famer

While the school made the official announcement about Luke Hancock transferring, it was Brian Mull who first reported it - see http://www.connect2mason.com/content/rumors-luke-hancock-transferring-surface:

"Brian Mull, a beat writer for UNCW who also covers CAA basketball, Tweeted earlier today that 'George Mason guard Luke Hancock is expected to transfer. #caahoops.'

As of 11 a.m., Mull has not revealed his sources and it remains speculation.

Maureen Nasser, Associate Athletic Director for George Mason University, said she has no knowledge of Hancock planning to transfer.

She only found out about the rumor through Mull’s Tweet, and said Hancock has not spoken to any representative of Mason about planning to transfer.

'As far we know, he is looking at his options,' Nasser said.

Every player has the option to transfer following Jim Larranaga’s departure and the subsequent hire of Paul Hewitt.

According to Nasser, sophomore guard Rashad Whack is the only player to have officially filed for transfer. He remains undecided, however."
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