News Patriot Center to become EagleBank Arena


Hall of Famer
From Ram Nation:

GMU renames STU-North/Patriot Center to EagleBank arena.
Discussion in 'Around the League' started by MidPen Ram, Today at 9:17 AM.

For those that care... They're getting $6.6m over 10 years. Nice little influx of cash for them. I'd type some snide comment about nobody noticing because nobody actually goes to games there, but I'm feeling nice today...


I know Miami has the "Bank United Center" and they call it the BUC. vcu has the Stuart Siegel Verizon Wireless Arena and they call it the STU. What do you see our calling the EagleBank Arena?

If Hewitt was still here, it'd undoubtedly be called, "The Empty Nester". Now, I don't know.


Hall of Famer
From Ram Nation:

GMU renames STU-North/Patriot Center to EagleBank arena.
Discussion in 'Around the League' started by MidPen Ram, Today at 9:17 AM.

For those that care... They're getting $6.6m over 10 years. Nice little influx of cash for them. I'd type some snide comment about nobody noticing because nobody actually goes to games there, but I'm feeling nice today...

The fact that even one of their dumbass fans think they can consider our arena "the Stu-North" shows how delusional they are.

Even with 95 percent of our fan base disgusted at Hewitt and attendance tanking, they still didn't come close to taking over The Vault when we played in Fairfax.

They might have had a couple hundred fans at the game, tops.



Hall of Famer
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Let's take the art student's snide remarks in stride. Smile and clench your fist in your pocket. Be friendly - then when their ship starts sinking and our next victory over them - you pull out the knife - stick it in their ribs and when they realize it was the nice fluffy Mason fan that is bleeding them out - whisper in their ear - you are nothing more than a Richmond gutter art major. Then twist the knife and finish the job.

Five Two

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
NBC 4 News... Arghhhhhh!

The short mention on News 4 at 6 of the name change of the Patriot Center to EagleBank Arena began with a video clip of the George Washington Colonials playing a game in the Smith Center!?!?

Shameful! Outrageous! ...OMG!

Careless editing. I hope, REALLY HOPE, that there is a correction on News 4 at 11 tonight. I informed them of their error via Facebook.
Especially since they have a former Mason soccer player as one of their sports reporters.


Hall of Famer
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We should do a study on how the word Eagle is going to effect student attendance. My assumption is females get a little warm in the woo woo when they hear that word. A possible two fold impact. 1. Awareness of and thus more increase marketing and branding of their Eagle in the open marketplace; in addition, more grooming and maintenance of said Eagle. 2. Just mention of Eagle causes increase blood flow which results in greater hormones and energy at games. For males, its simple. When mentioning Eagle around females their minds go to one thing. If females are passionate about the team, the boys will follow and do more extreme behavior to get noticed by all Eagles in attendance which will create a greater home court advantage. Bottom line, everyone loves Eagle.


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
We should do a study on how the word Eagle is going to effect student attendance. My assumption is females get a little warm in the woo woo when they hear that word. A possible two fold impact. 1. Awareness of and thus more increase marketing and branding of their Eagle in the open marketplace; in addition, more grooming and maintenance of said Eagle. 2. Just mention of Eagle causes increase blood flow which results in greater hormones and energy at games. For males, its simple. When mentioning Eagle around females their minds go to one thing. If females are passionate about the team, the boys will follow and do more extreme behavior to get noticed by all Eagles in attendance which will create a greater home court advantage. Bottom line, everyone loves Eagle.

Warm in the woo woo?


This is very exciting news and great for the fundraising.

I did have the thought, however, what are the odds that the name changes before the end of the contract. Community banks are often bought up by the big boys.

Five Two

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
This is very exciting news and great for the fundraising.

I did have the thought, however, what are the odds that the name changes before the end of the contract. Community banks are often bought up by the big boys.
Good question. Have to wonder how long until a Capital One/Wells Fargo/PNC, etc come calling.