The #1 Pep Band in College Basketball


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
My man, there was no personal attack intended. Judging from your intense missives above and the numerous others all over this forum regarding this subject there is no other conclusion to make aside from you being resentful and bitter. I, and many on this forum, see a perspective from you that is tainted by your spurned and unrequited love for Mason men's basketball. And it haunts you. Your behavior is clear. I hope you recognize it and come to terms before it burns a hole through your belly. Good luck, my friend.
That has to be the one of the most ironic paragraphs to follow that highlighted first sentence.

I think you are confusing my opinion that our AD was run poorly (with evidence that backs it up) and there are signs that much of that continues today with what you call "unrequited love". I have great fun with all of this now, whether the team is winning or losing. I used to take it much too seriously. I point out my experiences as a warning sign to those younger fans on here to check your expectations. I am probably generation two or three that has started with great hopes, tried to get involved, make a difference and watched as the AD couldn't stop shooting itself in the foot. Before me, there was s_curl. When I was a younger poster on here he was posting his experiences that were similar to what I would later experience. I didn't buy it, I kept beating my head against the wall and I kept ignoring the warning signs in my enthusiasm to make a difference. It took some major, and what I thought at the time were unbelievable, actions by Mason to open my eyes, but now it just seems to just be a decades long pattern. I am this generation's s_curl.

I would think you of all people would see this after what happened with your awesome fan cheer guide effort. After starting a much needed grassroots effort, they shut it down. In your own words you seem to be confirming the kind of things I am pointing out "every Universoty official I spoke to about the matter of fan experience I could easily tell engagement, or lack thereof, is a sore spot among them". I have had similar experiences where employees in the AD have said they are just beaten down by the inertia and just going through the motions now.

Keep up the good fight, though, but don't say I didn't warn you to keep your expectations low when the official fan cheer guide looks more like my fake one than the one you originally created, or when we go cheap the next time we have to hire a new basketball coach, or find loose change in the coach to refurbish our practice facility.

Leesburg Chankenstank III

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Our dissatisfaction with the program has even turned a thread titled "The #1 Pep Band in College Basketball” to personal attacks on one another, LOL!!

The boards feel like the children of a couple going through divorce. What happened to the days of PMP being the only universal douche?

I think the point Brian is trying to make is simply that our AD is not filled with people who have a grand vision. Yes we’ve heard his personal gripe a hundred times but it’s something that is relevant to the conversation. Title IX as I understand it has nothing to do with private donations. Only how public funds are distributed to support athletics in an equitable fashion concerning gender.

I am hoping that one day when I am in a situation to give the kind of money that is program changing, the Mason Administration would not tell me “Hey Chank, thanks but that $30 million dollar donation has to go to wherever we want it to. I know you’re a Men’s basketball fan but you will have no say how much if any will go to them.”

And even if the money would go only to the basketball team, what have they shown that that money would spent wisely. What if I wanted that money to go to things that will actually produce more wins, better facilities, higher level coach or anything else that would make people say, now that’s a successful A10 basketball team. You can’t expect rich people to give you money and then tell them they have no say how it is spent. That’s just not how the world works. They will tell you to go f**k off 9 times out 10.
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⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Our dissatisfaction with the program has even turned a thread titled "The #1 Pep Band in College Basketball” to personal attacks on one another, LOL!!

The boards feel like the children of a couple going through divorce. What happened to the days of PMP being the only universal douche?

I think the point Brian is trying to make is simply that our AD is not filled with people who have a grand vision. Yes we’ve heard his personal gripe a hundred times but it’s something that is relevant to the conversation. Title IX as I understand it has nothing to do with private donations. Only how public funds are distributed to support athletics in an equitable fashion concerning gender.

I am hoping that one day when I am in a situation to give the kind of money that is program changing, the Mason Administration would not tell me “Hey Chank, thanks but that $30 million dollar donation has to go to wherever we want it to. I know you’re a Men’s basketball fan but you will have no say how much if any will go to them.”

And even if the money would go only to the basketball team, what have they shown that that money would spent wisely. What if I wanted that money to go to things that will actually produce more wins, better facilities, higher level coach or anything else that would make people say, now that’s a successful A10 basketball team. You can’t expect rich people to give you money and then tell them they have no say how it is spent. That’s just not how the world works. They will tell you to go f*ck off 9 times out 10.
That is exactly my point, and you said it even better! Next time I'll just reach out to you and you can make a post to let everyone know what I am trying to say.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
For the record, Brian does not run around the boards tea-bagging the Athletics department constantly. When it is relevant to the conversation, inevitably started by someone else, he drops in. That's quite a bit different than our couple of resident trolls who spend every post bashing something and, while they claim otherwise, seem to relish the "I told you so" even more than the rest of us would enjoy winning consistently.

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Hall of Famer
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Maybe there is a way to donate. If I'm Brad and Dan Synder calls up and says "hey I hate vcu, what do you need to be #1 and crush everyone else" Brad better have that answer. Which means he should have that answer now. Therefore, to turn down a 6 figure donation from Brian, is absurd.


Hall of Famer
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Maybe there is a way to donate. If I'm Brad and Dan Synder calls up and says "hey I hate vcu, what do you need to be #1 and crush everyone else" Brad better have that answer. Which means he should have that answer now. Therefore, to turn down a 6 figure donation from Brian, is absurd.

By George hasn’t had an interview with Brad Edwards yet about his vision on a podcast yet. Can we book that and get Brian to ask the questions?


Out of curiosity, how would you guys feel about naming the court after Doc Nix someday? Dr. Michael Nickens Court @ Eagle Bank Arena? Or just Doc Nix Court @EBA? Can we do that with our current agreement with Eagle Bank? Would you rather name it after Larranaga or someone else? Doc Nix seems to be the only universally loved Mason figurehead at the moment.


Out of curiosity, how would you guys feel about naming the court after Doc Nix someday? Dr. Michael Nickens Court @ Eagle Bank Arena? Or just Doc Nix Court @EBA? Can we do that with our current agreement with Eagle Bank? Would you rather name it after Larranaga or someone else? Doc Nix seems to be the only universally loved Mason figurehead at the moment.

I don’t think you name an athletic facility after a band director... would show we have zip legacy and actual basketball chops etc.

I could see naming a section of the stadium or something like that tho.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
That has to be the one of the most ironic paragraphs to follow that highlighted first sentence.

I think you are confusing my opinion that our AD was run poorly (with evidence that backs it up) and there are signs that much of that continues today with what you call "unrequited love". I have great fun with all of this now, whether the team is winning or losing. I used to take it much too seriously. I point out my experiences as a warning sign to those younger fans on here to check your expectations. I am probably generation two or three that has started with great hopes, tried to get involved, make a difference and watched as the AD couldn't stop shooting itself in the foot. Before me, there was s_curl. When I was a younger poster on here he was posting his experiences that were similar to what I would later experience. I didn't buy it, I kept beating my head against the wall and I kept ignoring the warning signs in my enthusiasm to make a difference. It took some major, and what I thought at the time were unbelievable, actions by Mason to open my eyes, but now it just seems to just be a decades long pattern. I am this generation's s_curl.

I would think you of all people would see this after what happened with your awesome fan cheer guide effort. After starting a much needed grassroots effort, they shut it down. In your own words you seem to be confirming the kind of things I am pointing out "every Universoty official I spoke to about the matter of fan experience I could easily tell engagement, or lack thereof, is a sore spot among them". I have had similar experiences where employees in the AD have said they are just beaten down by the inertia and just going through the motions now.

Keep up the good fight, though, but don't say I didn't warn you to keep your expectations low when the official fan cheer guide looks more like my fake one than the one you originally created, or when we go cheap the next time we have to hire a new basketball coach, or find loose change in the coach to refurbish our practice facility.
Look, I know GMUBrian is a good guy, and there were no personal attacks intended on my part. Whether or not GMUBrian harbors resentment over his dealings with the AD, however small or great it may be, it is his to own. However, his experience with the AD should not deter others from trying to become a change agent.

GMUBrain's warnings regarding an apathetic, beaten down, AD are well received and heeded. However, I consider the AD like breaking a dam, you chip away and chip away until it finally bursts. Whether I'm the third chip, the 57th, or the one that breaks through is irrelevant, as every chip in aggregate is what makes the dam collapse and quench the thirsty valley below. Just call me "Chip"! Thank you s_curl and GMUBrian for "chipping in"! :cigar:

Now that the atmosphere has settled, calmer heads have prevailed, and some introspection has taken place, I will clarify my position regarding conditional donations. It is simply summed as:

Establishing and nuturing a culture of conditional giving opens the door to corruption. The more that conditional donations are accepted then the level of conditional demands increase. A line then has to be drawn somewhere. My contention is to head off conditional giving where it starts in order to avoid a cultural infusion as well as its potential negative progressions. Just avoid starting down that path in the first place. It's easier to head off the potential consequences where it begins rather then put on the brakes it when gets out of hand. The beneficiary should set the conditions not the donor.

There are some problems that simply cannot be solved by logic alone. Watch any five of the original Star Trek series and you'll run across this concept. Mr. Spock is not always right. For the record, the very definition of logic precludes "my logic" or "your logic"—there is only logic, or, specific rules set forth to solve a problem. Logic deals with rational thinking. To solve the problem above, I used a socio-psychological approach that assumes that people often behave irrationally, especially when it comes to the fulfillment of their most treasured desires.

It might be best to hold this discussion until the off-season—we still have GW to beat and an A10 Conference Championship to win! :kiss:
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I don’t think you name an athletic facility after a band director... would show we have zip legacy and actual basketball chops etc.

I could see naming a section of the stadium or something like that tho.
The green machine has been one of very few consistent bright spots around the program through thick and then. To me, it really is a big part of Mason basketball’s identity. When he does retire, he deserves some honor in the program. Gameday will never be the same. Maybe other schools don’t name their court after the band director, but Mason has one that’s quite unique. That’s why I’d support it.

Leesburg Chankenstank III

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Look, I know GMUBrian is a good guy, and there were no personal attacks intended on my part. Whether or not GMUBrian harbors resentment over his dealings with the AD, however small or great it may be, it is his to own. However, his experience with the AD should not deter others from trying to become a change agent.

GMUBrain's warnings regarding an apathetic, beaten down, AD are well received and heeded. However, I consider the AD like breaking a dam, you chip away and chip away until it finally bursts. Whether I'm the third chip, the 57th, or the one that breaks through is irrelevant, as every chip in aggregate is what makes the dam collapse and quench the thirsty valley below. Just call me "Chip"! Thank you s_curl and GMUBrian for "chipping in"! :cigar:

Now that the atmosphere has settled, calmer heads have prevailed, and some introspection has taken place, I will clarify my position regarding conditional donations. It is simply summed as:

Establishing and nuturing a culture of conditional giving opens the door to corruption. The more that conditional donations are accepted then the level of conditional demands increase. A line then has to be drawn somewhere. My contention is to head off conditional giving where it starts in order to avoid a cultural infusion as well as its potential negative progressions. Just avoid starting down that path in the first place. It's easier to head off the potential consequences where it begins rather then put on the brakes it when it gets out of hand. The beneficiary should set the conditions not the donor.

There are some problems that simply cannot be solved by logic alone. Watch any five of the original Star Trek series and you'll run across this concept. Mr. Spock is not always right. For the record, the very definition of logic precludes "my logic" or "your logic"—there is only logic, or, specific rules set forth to solve a problem. Logic deals with rational thinking. To solve the problem above, I used a socio-psychological approach that assumes that people often behave irrationally, especially when it comes to the fulfillment of their most treasured desires.

It might be best to hold this discussion in the off-season—we still have GW to beat and an A10 Conference Championship to win! :kiss:
I’d rather be on the cusp of corruption than smack dab in the middle of perpetual mediocrity.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Look, I know GMUBrian is a good guy, and there were no personal attacks intended on my part. Whether or not GMUBrian harbors resentment over his dealings with the AD, however small or great it may be, it is his to own. However, his experience with the AD should not deter others from trying to become a change agent.

GMUBrain's warnings regarding an apathetic, beaten down, AD are well received and heeded. However, I consider the AD like breaking a dam, you chip away and chip away until it finally bursts. Whether I'm the third chip, the 57th, or the one that breaks through is irrelevant, as every chip in aggregate is what makes the dam collapse and quench the thirsty valley below. Just call me "Chip"! Thank you s_curl and GMUBrian for "chipping in"! :cigar:

Now that the atmosphere has settled, calmer heads have prevailed, and some introspection has taken place, I will clarify my position regarding conditional donations. It is simply summed as:

Establishing and nuturing a culture of conditional giving opens the door to corruption. The more that conditional donations are accepted then the level of conditional demands increase. A line then has to be drawn somewhere. My contention is to head off conditional giving where it starts in order to avoid a cultural infusion as well as its potential negative progressions. Just avoid starting down that path in the first place. It's easier to head off the potential consequences where it begins rather then put on the brakes it when it gets out of hand. The beneficiary should set the conditions not the donor.

There are some problems that simply cannot be solved by logic alone. Watch any five of the original Star Trek series and you'll run across this concept. Mr. Spock is not always right. For the record, the very definition of logic precludes "my logic" or "your logic"—there is only logic, or, specific rules set forth to solve a problem. Logic deals with rational thinking. To solve the problem above, I used a socio-psychological approach that assumes that people often behave irrationally, especially when it comes to the fulfillment of their most treasured desires.

It might be best to hold this discussion in the off-season—we still have GW to beat and an A10 Conference Championship to win! :kiss:
Without adding any judgement, I’ll point out that your position on donations is almost identical to what TOC expressed to me was his position.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
You’re right. And look how pathetic Louisville’s basketball team has been.

I mean you can live your life scared that something MIGHT go wrong if we were more ambitious in courting big donors. But that’s really not how anyone should approach anything in life.
A team like Mason could never be able to absorb the sanctions and what-not from a Louisville-esque scandal. Sheeeesh, we think Dave Paulsen inherited a dumpster fire? How about inheriting a black hole next to Uranus?!? :bigwhiner:


Hall of Famer
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A team like Mason could never be able to absorb the sanctions and what-not from a Louisville-esque scandal. Sheeeesh, we think Dave Paulsen inherited a dumpster fire? How about inheriting a black hole next to Uranus?!? :bigwhiner:

Look at UConn without the Big East money...