Welcome Kim English

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The college basketball world of yesteryear is no more. Coaches move to better their financial situation in programs that can promise and demonstrate support, then the winning is up to them.

Although I'm an intensely passionate mason fan and alum ---- our department has dropped the ball for too many years for this to be a shock. KE is doing what is best for his and his future. Like most, I liked the hire and what he was building. He received most of what he asked for to be successful here. Two years is just too short.

Time will tell. Where mason goes from here, I don't know. I don't very much recognize mason from my time there or feel the same way about it anymore. Maybe that will change in the future.

However, i see that your and fellow fans intense discussion with the love and wish to see the program still succeed, despite it all, is rare.

Mason's ad should count their lucky stars they still have the fan support that exists, even now. That's not a guaranteed reality. So what I'm saying is, keep caring. I hope to care again one day too. Too many great memories!


Sixth Man
Hey Providence you fell for the same BS we did. Have the same BS press conference we did, courtside, listening to a great orator who produced the same as Paulson, Hewitt and the rest of them, mediocrity. Let's hope this school has learned a tough lesson. Yes, coaches chase the money and 3 to 4 million is hard to turn down. Please no thank you BS to Dr. Washington We are all feeling dumped on, but nevertheless life moves on. Time to start over. Everything happens for the best.


I found this interesting, but not sure what the scope of this stems from. What exactly is the athletics department's status quo I wonder? What did Kim really want from them?



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Old school coaches were cut from the finest cloth of loyalty and commitment.

Jim Phelan - 49 years at Mt. Saint Mary's. Could have gone elsewhere multiple times but remained true to himself, the university, and his players.
Coach K - 42 years at Duke
Dean Smith - 36 years at Carolina
Jim Boeheim - 47 years at Syracuse

Just to name a few. We live in different times now, not better by any stretch of the imagination. Honor, loyalty, and commitment have been replaced by the chase for the all mighty dollar and "what's in it for me" mentality.

KE is cut from the cheapest Dollar Store fabric.
You know, I actually have a tough time blaming a guy.

Schools will sure as heck move on if THEY get a better option. Like, if suddenly Jay Wright got the coaching bug again, and Mason had a chance to hire him, you have to believe they'd have done so ASAP.

Frankly, we as a fanbase would crucify the administration if they did not.

Therefore, I don't think I'll ever get mad at a guy for taking an opportunity.

Providence is clearly a better opportunity than our job is. That's not a shot at Mason, that's a statement of fact. Maybe it wasn't when Larranaga was deciding, but it is now.

I wish English success moving forward. I think he did a good job here, and I think he represented the school with class, and I hope we hire somebody even better after him.


One phone call. Tony is in Maryland. He wouldn’t even have to move.

Make it happen quick so he can hit the recruiting ground running.

Dragging this out only guarantees we will be shopping at the bargain bin in the portal while trying to fill 7-8 scholarships. No thank you.
I'd call Williford first, but Skinn wouldn't upset me.


I found this interesting, but not sure what the scope of this stems from. What exactly is the athletics department's status quo I wonder? What did Kim really want from them?

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I know this isn’t shocking to most people here, but doesn’t make it any less concerning/infuriating. If Mason doesn’t care, why should we?

All we can do is make our voices heard in any and all ways. Hopefully not to fall on deaf ears like years past.


I have had one night stands last longer than English's tenure.

What I can't figure out is there has been enough people leaving the AD dept over the years that you would think the Div III mindset would be gone. But it hasn't. We need to find who is the cancerous polyps left causing this issue.

Also please change the thread title...


Hall of Famer
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Say KE goes 4-3 down the stretch instead of 7-0. Does that force him to stay at his stepping stone school of GMU? College bball is so fickle and the the state of GMU and hundreds of other programs is fragile. A school like SBU is so lucky to have a guy like Schmidt.
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