vcu Defection


Hall of Famer
I don't think anybody of us has a problem with their program, coaches, players, or any of that. It's just the classless fans that drive us crazy. I know, every school has their share of classless fans, but vcu seems to have a higher percentage.


Hall of Famer
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I have a problem with one of their players. I think it was Rozzell who pushed Tate in the back while going up for a dunk. Cheap shot that could of ended badly. F that guy.


It's 100% their fans for me. Hate those dirty f*ckers.

But I do admire how the school runs their program. No different than in my professional and other parts of my life.....when things are done take note and sometimes lament about whats lacking in your own world.

But I do feel we have turned a corner....


Staff member
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Yeah, there were a few dirty players (Rozzell, Sanders, etc) who took cheap shots at our guys, but that was mostly confined to players from the Grant era. And I would say the Rozzell push did end badly. Tate's injured hand ruined his three-point shooting and directly contributed to our CAAT loss that year. If you check his shooting percentages pre- and post-shove, you'll see what I mean.

It's the delusions of grandeur that annoy me most. Just about every single low moment they've rubbed in our faces has ended up happening to them at vcu as well, and yet somehow they're still arrogant about it.


We should start a thread about things we like more than vcu. I'll go first: A date with Janet Reno.
Problem is that thread would never end because there are so few things I like less. I mean 98.29% of things in this world are better than vcu, it's science. I mean it is better than a mass extermination of babies, but I would rather have colitis or vote for Hillary than be affilited with vcu for even a day.


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Underwear made from rough grit sand paper - not more dingleberries but the chafing is a bitch.

99 Patriot

Seriously, why didn't I sodomize ACW 9 years ago? This is so good.

Love how the folks on their boards insist the topic doesn't need its' own thread, because it's included in a thread about vcu mentions in the media. Steal a phone, punch a girl... nothing to see here. We are SEAL trained ballers.


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  • Richie DSounds like a chicken head. We will see the truth. Free Mo!!
    Like · Reply · 3 mins
  • My response..... LOL. Will she be able to tell apart his weave/locks from other females in a line-up. Your coaches better stack the line-up group with 4 more Predator/crack hooker looking peeps for Mo to have a shot.

Cool Disco Dan

Sixth Man
I can give a guy a little bit of a break for a push in the back if he realizes that he f'ed up, but Rozzell goes and complains to the refs for calling a flagrant. Rodriguez and another player (think its Haley) at least go to try to help Tate up.


Preferred Walk-On
Back to the incredible a$$hole fans of vcu...

A few seasons ago these two vcu troglodytes sitting in front of us were relentless in trying to piss off my bro and I at a CAA Champ game. Pregame they kept screaming obscenities at us, flipping us the birdy, etc. I almost got up to smash their pea-brains together, but then their pappy showed up and they quickly straightened up, "We weren't doing anything bad, daddy..."

Fast forward to the next season... My bro and I were taking in a pregame beer at Brion's before a home vcu shootout, and who walks into the bar?... those same two vcu pricks. They recognized us immediately and started up where they left off. My cool head prevailed, but I thought that, "Man, I need to get a restraining order on these two!! Dammit, they're stalking us!"

The game ended a couple of hours later... Sherrod Wright buzzer-beating 3!!! We looked for those two bungholes to offer some über payback... I bet they booked it out of the Pat Dome. GOOD RIDDANCE!

Jack Strop

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Meh, that push was a little weak. Still deserved a flagrant, but weak. Unfortunately, the consequences for Tate were more than unfortunate. I can't point to any specific games or instances, but during the Grant years, good God I wish I had had a hot dog to throw!!


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I remember a vcu player throwing a punch at Will Thomas during a scrum under the basket and the refs never saw it. The details all blur at this distance.


Hall of Famer
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Back to the incredible a$$hole fans of vcu...

A few seasons ago these two vcu troglodytes sitting in front of us were relentless in trying to piss off my bro and I at a CAA Champ game. Pregame they kept screaming obscenities at us, flipping us the birdy, etc. I almost got up to smash their pea-brains together, but then their pappy showed up and they quickly straightened up, "We weren't doing anything bad, daddy..."

Fast forward to the next season... My bro and I were taking in a pregame beer at Brion's before a home vcu shootout, and who walks into the bar?... those same two vcu pricks. They recognized us immediately and started up where they left off. My cool head prevailed, but I thought that, "Man, I need to get a restraining order on these two!! Dammit, they're stalking us!"

The game ended a couple of hours later... Sherrod Wright buzzer-beating 3!!! We looked for those two bungholes to offer some über payback... I bet they booked it out of the Pat Dome. GOOD RIDDANCE!

When you saw them walk into Brion's did you ask them for a refill on your beers and ordered an appetizer?


Four-star Recruit
I have to chime in on this one also. I'm sure I'm not the only one on here that also hates the city of Richmond as much as vcu. Everything they have is because of the tax dollars they leach from Northern Virginia. Any affluence in and around Richmond exists because of tax dollars from Northern Virginia.