I really want to know the numbers. How much (or little) is adidas paying us? What did UA and Nike offer?
Maybe I'm just trying to look on the bright side, and God knows adidas has produced some awful uniforms, but I think this deal could work out well for us.
The reality is, when you go with a company that is on the bottom, they should have plenty of motivation to innovate and invest in trying to climb past the competition.
Other than the "Elite" gear, we were little more than a pimple on Nike's a**.
Maybe that changes with adidas.
Would be pretty easy to find out if someone requested the info under the freedom of information act. I'm kind of shocked that nobody has done this to find out Paulsen's contract. I can't do it, because I don't live in the state, but anyone can that lives in VA.
Do you know how? I don't know the first thing about how to get that, other than just googling it.
Here is the pessimist in me: If they can't make Louisville, Kansas, or UCLA look good what motivation will they have for us?
We signed with a loser .