Student Section rebranded... again


There were more students than I expected to see tbh. And they were pretty engaged during the game. Eba got pretty loud at certain points. But they took out the sound meters so i can’t provide accurate data.


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
These kids come from the digital world.... if it's not on a screen they don't know how to act
But they took out the sound meters so i can’t provide accurate data.

So put in a screen that reads and portrays the crowds energy. If the crowd is quiet it shows images of a sleepy couch potato or some guy from the crowd being boring or emotionless....if crowd is at a medium level of noise energy, then a comparable video pops onto screen and so on and so on. Maybe it can run thru the jumbo tron or a separate screen just for students.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
So put in a screen that reads and portrays the crowds energy. If the crowd is quiet it shows images of a sleepy couch potato or some guy from the crowd being boring or emotionless....if crowd is at a medium level of noise energy, then a comparable video pops onto screen and so on and so on. Maybe it can run thru the jumbo tron or a separate screen just for students.
I gotta better idea... electric seats.


Good grief can we also have a cheer class? The whole student section and Doc Nix does not work well. Yes, doc nix is great but there has to be some coordination. Cannot believe this cannot get synchronized. Just want to get back to the 2010 student section! Even if we win without coordination our crowd will still suck!
winning will fix this.


Sort of. It really does take sustained effort and leadership from the diehards to amp up the students coming because it’s a social event. Winning should hopefully produce said diehards, but even then they’re going to need mentorship to create the kind of atmosphere all of us here are looking for.
The second part is where I think the student section rebrand needs more work/attention.

I love the rebrand itself, and its connectivity to a previous era. It just feels like they launched this and then sort of let go of the reigns, hoping the students would change their habits on their own. Giveaways are great, but that's not going to get students to stand up, cheer, or learn about traditions.

The students need their hands held to get to where we all want them to be. I'd love to see athletics do more from an education & engagement standpoint to really drive this home. Now, we're only a game in so they may yet do some of these things I just haven't seen them really commit to this point (or in the past).

Some of my high level ideas:
(please add to this list as I plan on sharing with Athletics)

- More engagement on social where we know students are active: share traditions, chant ideas, old videos
- Develop a Maniaks student ambassador group that takes lead on grassroots marketing & gameday
- Utilize videoboard & PA pre-game to show video of past student sections to drive excitement before tip
- Create in-game moments that encourage participation: "Maniak Mode" w/ shot clock under 10s, etc.
- Themed games like gold/green/white-outs, rally towel nights, etc. (shirts/towels on seats for fans)
- "Build" out the student section area w/ Maniaks branding/signage, props, etc. so it feels exclusive/unique