Student Section rebranded... again


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So here’s what I’d like to see out of this student section

1) everyone wears the same color shirt, every game. Even if you give out 10 shirts, it looks cool.
2) at least 10-15 students who come to every game who actually look interested. Yeah home opener is easy, homecoming is easy. But when we play Cornell and NJIT, same deal.
3) the group that comes, gives out cheer sheets. Dont care if someone in athletics types them up and puts our lame cheers. Ddd defense, g m u what, is fine, but people should know some of them and hopefully chime in.
4) creativity. Big heads, swirling circles, whatever. Make it like you’re having fun and cheering.
5) at least the same 10-15 students standing and engaged. Every game helping lead.

It sounds crazy, but Lamar and Tony used to have to hand out fliers in the JC. Maybe they will have the players do that as well.

And yes winning fixes a lot of this, but hopefully some of these steps will be taken with the new student group members.


Preferred Walk-On
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They have a LOT of work to do in my opinion.

Students nowadays are into their Phones and not into sports.
Agree with everything you said except this one portion which is students are more into their phones than sports.

This is an excuse from the AD, because you go to any successful program for their large sport and the students are there off of their phones as loud AF.

The answer is simple win, and win consistently.


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Agree with everything you said except this one portion which is students are more into their phones than sports.

This is an excuse from the AD, because you go to any successful program for their large sport and the students are there off of their phones as loud AF.

The answer is simple win, and win consistently.
Beat me to this, I was about to say it’s wild how out of all the colleges in the country, mason students are unique in that they are glued to their phones.


Preferred Walk-On
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It is odd that they are waiting until the third game to hand out the rebranded student section shirts.

They are giving out Patriot Pressure shirts for the first 2k fans at our home opener that are pretty sick. Wish I could grab one.



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It is odd that they are waiting until the third game to hand out the rebranded student section shirts.

They are giving out Patriot Pressure shirts for the first 2k fans at our home opener that are pretty sick. Wish I could grab one.

View attachment 1914
I think the answer to your question is right in your post. Students can only wear one shirt at a time. The first game is these beauties. And the second game is usually the gold rush game, so they'll get another giveaway shirt for the second game. So if you're looking to get students to come to as many games as possible (not just the first 1 or 2 games and homecoming), it makes sense to create an incentive for them to come again to the third game and potentially get a third free shirt.


I think the answer to your question is right in your post. Students can only wear one shirt at a time. The first game is these beauties. And the second game is usually the gold rush game, so they'll get another giveaway shirt for the second game. So if you're looking to get students to come to as many games as possible (not just the first 1 or 2 games and homecoming), it makes sense to create an incentive for them to come again to the third game and potentially get a third free shirt.
Eh, somewhat agree. The Patriot Pressure t-shirt is for all fans, it's not a students-first incentive. The whole point is to have exclusive giveaways on top of what general public can get.

I think it's a miss to not do something exclusive to the new Maniaks for the home opener, which will (hopefully) have a lot of buzz for start of season and Tony's first game. No better launch pad to reveal the new student section with the branded shirts on every seat, maybe some Maniaks signage/props, etc. Coincide it with showing the rebrand video on the scoreboard before the game, create a moment. Get them excited to be part of this newly revamped support group.

Maybe athletics has something else up their sleeves specifically for the students/student section on gameday. If not, the story becomes disconnected when you launch a rebrand but miss the opportunity to really kick it off at one of the biggest games of the year.


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While I am usually critical of most of these attempts at renaming the student cheering section, I like the Mason Maniaks. The name has history and the graphic is pretty cool (I would spell it properly, but whatever).

Jack Strop

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While I am usually critical of most of these attempts at renaming the student cheering section, I like the Mason Maniaks. The name has history and the graphic is pretty cool (I would spell it properly, but whatever).
We!!,... at least it"s not Mason Maniax?


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They can call them the blue haired social justice librarians for all I care, as long as it gets students to show up and be loud.
I know you guys get tired of me talking about "my day," but honestly, in the old gym (coach Lynn pre ECAC South days), the players on the court and bench literally outnumbered us fans on the fold down risers. The coaches and refs could hear every word we said, and they couldn't stand us. Me and another guy were given countless warnings about being thrown out. We didn't have a mascot, a fancy moniker or tee shirts, but we were loud and irritating every game.
Mason wasnt "relevant" and we weren't very good, but we were THE GMU PATRIOTS, by golly! And both of us were fans. And we showed it.
I guess things are different today and kids need more to get them motivated, but Tony is back, they've got tees, a mascot, and the potential for a good year ahead.
NO excuse not to show up!


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While I am usually critical of most of these attempts at renaming the student cheering section, I like the Mason Maniaks. The name has history and the graphic is pretty cool (I would spell it properly, but whatever).
The unique spelling probably makes it easier to search on social media, also, that's how the mascot name from the 80s was spelled.


Approaching 415 students who have registered for tickets to the game tomorrow, not bad. Would imagine a decent amount will register day of/hours before.
By my calculations, that's about 7.5% of the number of students that live on campus. About 1.5% of total undergraduate students. Lame.


By my calculations, that's about 7.5% of the number of students that live on campus. About 1.5% of total undergraduate students. Lame.
Living in a fantasy world if we expect thousands of students to show up to any game outside of Homecoming right now.

If 500+ end up attending, which is about a 1/3 of total student tickets available, I’d consider that a good showing and honestly more than I expected.