Saul Pewitt
I think firing Coach Hewitt would be racist.
You don't want to be known as a racist now do you Brad?
You don't want to be known as a racist now do you Brad?
Oh bullshit. He didn't say anything racist he raised a legitimate question about the legitimacy of providing in state tuition to illegal immigrants. Only in the mind of a liberal fascist is questioning a liberal political,position is racist. It is a topic that is being debated in state legislatures. But in the new world of liberal orthodoxy you must be expelled, punished, and silenced if you don't fal in line.Storm's a nut. Not only that, he's a racist nut. His actions demonstrate the exact opposite of what is to be expected of a Mason student. Thank you and have a good night.
Oh, and Paul Hewitt needs to go.
Only in the mind of a liberal fascist is questioning a liberal political,position is racist.
But in the new world of liberal orthodoxy you must be expelled, punished, and silenced if you don't fal in line
You are a drooling idiot.
regarding Storm... It's certainly a valid debate regarding tuition. I just don't think his Michael Savage style rhetoric was the right way to express it.
It' good ton be back.Dang! That was some serious pent up smack. It is like PiKapppatri8 has been off the boards so long that when he came back he just exploded with . . . TRUTH! That's right TRUTH.
Not bait I was not looking for you to respond. Given your previous posts, you have nothing of value to offer. You can keep it to yourself.magain absolutely no need to respond .
The word "disgusting" is now out of bounds. You just provided ammunition for my point. You point to right wing groups as xenophobic. Which ones? Questioning policies toward illegal I migrants is xenophobic like complaining about someone breaking into your home is xenophobic. Subjective measures about what is acceptable is speech is just a way to quiet speech.
What about the left extremists? I would argue they are more numerous and just as racist. La raza, radical black groups (Obamas church), and the Muslim free cities that practice military training ( there are two in Virginia). Hate fact that ignore them in your posts speak volumes to your subjectivity and bias.
To date left wig radicals have caused more violent acts in this country than any right wing group. Radical environmental groups burn down large homes and SUVs. Obamas close friend Bill Ayers bombed government buildings and killed people. Hillary had associations witht thtebalck pantehrs in hrs in college hey committed acts of violence. Even my Puerto Rican wife points to left wing independents as from her island that robbed banks and shot up the Capitol.
Haven't heard anything like that from the Tea Party.
The word "disgusting" is now out of bounds. You just provided ammunition for my point. You point to right wing groups as xenophobic. Which ones? Questioning policies toward illegal I migrants is xenophobic like complaining about someone breaking into your home is xenophobic. Subjective measures about what is acceptable is speech is just a way to quiet speech.
What about the left extremists? I would argue they are more numerous and just as racist. La raza, radical black groups (Obamas church), and the Muslim free cities that practice military training ( there are two in Virginia). Hate fact that ignore them in your posts speak volumes to your subjectivity and bias.
To date left wig radicals have caused more violent acts in this country than any right wing group. Radical environmental groups burn down large homes and SUVs. Obamas close friend Bill Ayers bombed government buildings and killed people. Hillary had associations witht thtebalck pantehrs in hrs in college hey committed acts of violence. Even my Puerto Rican wife points to left wing independents as from her island that robbed banks and shot up the Capitol.
Haven't heard anything like that from the Tea Party.
GMU Gemini. What is wrong with the anti Muslim protests in Germsny? Given tehe lack of assimilation by Muslim immigrants and demands they have made to significantl change Her culture of their host country, what is wrong with valid protests that question the need to keep allowing immigrant populations? These protests have had no violence but are raising concerns that are growing among the German citizenry. It is their country. Immigration is not a right.
Did you question is,liar protests by Muslims in the UK and Europe where they decry democracy and ask for the supremacy of Islam at the expense of everything else?
Where is your criticism of Imam Choudry in the UK who has openly said Chidtianity and Judaism is for pigs and that the UK government should be over thrown in favor for Sharia. He has even said slavery is legitimate.
I am sorry he left wing radicals are the problem you just ignore it.
When did I defend a group promoting hatred. You defend all the Ellet wing groups that are fare more hateful than anything I have supported.