

Saul Pewitt

I think firing Coach Hewitt would be racist.

You don't want to be known as a racist now do you Brad?


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Storm's a nut. Not only that, he's a racist nut. His actions demonstrate the exact opposite of what is to be expected of a Mason student. Thank you and have a good night.

Oh, and Paul Hewitt needs to go.
Oh bullshit. He didn't say anything racist he raised a legitimate question about the legitimacy of providing in state tuition to illegal immigrants. Only in the mind of a liberal fascist is questioning a liberal political,position is racist. It is a topic that is being debated in state legislatures. But in the new world of liberal orthodoxy you must be expelled, punished, and silenced if you don't fal in line.

I guess you would be just as adamant if a left wing nut job goes on a racist anti-white rant calling anyone who disagrees without a crackers or klansmen being removed from student government.

You are a drooling idiot.


Only in the mind of a liberal fascist is questioning a liberal political,position is racist.

But in the new world of liberal orthodoxy you must be expelled, punished, and silenced if you don't fal in line

You are a drooling idiot.



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regarding Storm... It's certainly a valid debate regarding tuition. I just don't think his Michael Savage style rhetoric was the right way to express it.

So we can silence people based on their delivery style? Ok got it. So much for the "diversity of opinion" that the govenment claims to support. So if I find an attack on Christianity made by a student government rep can I get them canned because I was offended?

How about this... The 80% of the American population that is not liberal or an illegal immigrant are tired of bending and catering to ugly hairy legged feminists who hate men not for any legitimate reasons except for the fact they can't find one drunk enough to screw them on a Friday night.

Normal Americans are growing weary of being lectured about being wealthy and ignoring the needs of the rest of thee world when the rest of the world that has continuously followed the economic, political, and social policies that have consistently failed but instead of changing accordingly expect those that made smart choices to pay those that have made stupid choices just to be "fair". Stupidity is supposed to kill. It is time to let the stupid die as a case study for the rest of them.

Today, the overwhelming amount of terrorism being committed across the globe. While not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are Muslim, grew up in Muslim societies or were influenced by Muslim enclaves transplanted to western nations. We can't continually reference the crusades or a lonely clan meeting held in the backwater of Arkansas to deflect us from openly conversing this fact and leveraging that fact to develop policies to combat modern terrorism. Hindering ourselves from having this conversation openly and clearly in a vain effort to conform to the modern misguided notion of multiculturalism is suicidal and just dumb.

Other objectives truths that are silenced by liberals because it poses uncomfortable situations to their manufactured world view:

1.) having four to five kids by three different men and not gettng married creates social and economic challenges that no amount money spent on public education will overcome. It makes more sense to reinforce marriage and traditional values and stigmatize this alley cat mentality towards procreation.

2.) I trust corporations more than the government because I voluntarily give my money to companies and get valued products and services. Government takes my money by force and either give it to someone else who did not earn it or just consolidates power to politicians who couldn't get a legitimate job otherwise.

3.) Enemies don't give you credit for being nice, unilaterally making concessions, or vain attempts understand them. When an enemy openly states that their goal is to kill you, rape your women and enslave your children, you kill them, burn their cities, salt their fields, and slaughter their cattle. You can have a friendly conversation when they are signing surrender papers or begging you for food and medicine.

4.) meat may be murder but murder tastes good.

5.) electric cars are for pussies

6.) men are not hapless idiots and goof balls they are a necessary part of our society and partners to women. Ask any son or daughter that did not have a dad or strong male role model.

7.) chris Hayes is really a chick and Rachel Maddow is a dude.

Have a great day.
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Dang! That was some serious pent up smack. It is like PiKapppatri8 has been off the boards so long that when he came back he just exploded with . . . TRUTH! That's right TRUTH.


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Dang! That was some serious pent up smack. It is like PiKapppatri8 has been off the boards so long that when he came back he just exploded with . . . TRUTH! That's right TRUTH.
It' good ton be back.

I am actually penning a letter to the GMU president.


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Can't we all just agree that the expectations are different for a regular student than for a member of the student government? Agree or disagree with the reasons why Storm was dismissed (and we don't even know if those two tweets were the reason why), but the way you have to talk about issues is completely different for a politician than it is for a layman. Using the word "disgusting" is unstatesmanlike in any context.

Also, PiKapp, it would be dangerous for governments to ignore the xenophobic sentiments growing in certain populations in their countries. Some of these right-wing groups are dangerous and growing in their grass roots support (just look at the anti-Muslim demonstrations in Germany, for instance).

There are more Anders Behring Breviks out there.


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The word "disgusting" is now out of bounds. You just provided ammunition for my point. You point to right wing groups as xenophobic. Which ones? Questioning policies toward illegal I migrants is xenophobic like complaining about someone breaking into your home is xenophobic. Subjective measures about what is acceptable is speech is just a way to quiet speech.

What about the left extremists? I would argue they are more numerous and just as racist. La raza, radical black groups (Obamas church), and the Muslim free cities that practice military training ( there are two in Virginia). Hate fact that ignore them in your posts speak volumes to your subjectivity and bias.

To date left wig radicals have caused more violent acts in this country than any right wing group. Radical environmental groups burn down large homes and SUVs. Obamas close friend Bill Ayers bombed government buildings and killed people. Hillary had associations witht thtebalck pantehrs in hrs in college hey committed acts of violence. Even my Puerto Rican wife points to left wing independents as from her island that robbed banks and shot up the Capitol.

Haven't heard anything like that from the Tea Party.


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The word "disgusting" is now out of bounds. You just provided ammunition for my point. You point to right wing groups as xenophobic. Which ones? Questioning policies toward illegal I migrants is xenophobic like complaining about someone breaking into your home is xenophobic. Subjective measures about what is acceptable is speech is just a way to quiet speech.

What about the left extremists? I would argue they are more numerous and just as racist. La raza, radical black groups (Obamas church), and the Muslim free cities that practice military training ( there are two in Virginia). Hate fact that ignore them in your posts speak volumes to your subjectivity and bias.

To date left wig radicals have caused more violent acts in this country than any right wing group. Radical environmental groups burn down large homes and SUVs. Obamas close friend Bill Ayers bombed government buildings and killed people. Hillary had associations witht thtebalck pantehrs in hrs in college hey committed acts of violence. Even my Puerto Rican wife points to left wing independents as from her island that robbed banks and shot up the Capitol.

Haven't heard anything like that from the Tea Party.

First of all, I didn't say disgusting was "out of bounds," I said it was unstatesmanlike. But I guess you like your politicians with a healthy dose of vitriol, that's fine if that's your taste.

I personally think the SGA overreacted and the tweets we saw didn't rise to the level of dismissable.

A few right-wing xenophobic groups off the top of my head that are gaining popularity:

PEGIDA in the UK and Germany
National Front Party in France (gained seats in parliament for the first time in its history)
Golden Dawn in Greece (gained seats in parliament for the first time in its history)
Right Sector in Ukraine (the group Russia loves to blame for the conflict in eastern Ukraine -- speaking of, let's not forget the ultra-left wing nationalist Soviet nostalgic Russian rebels in Donetsk as a non-Islamic terrorist organization).


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GMU Gemini. What is wrong with the anti Muslim protests in Germsny? Given tehe lack of assimilation by Muslim immigrants and demands they have made to significantl change Her culture of their host country, what is wrong with valid protests that question the need to keep allowing immigrant populations? These protests have had no violence but are raising concerns that are growing among the German citizenry. It is their country. Immigration is not a right.

Did you question is,liar protests by Muslims in the UK and Europe where they decry democracy and ask for the supremacy of Islam at the expense of everything else?

Where is your criticism of Imam Choudry in the UK who has openly said Chidtianity and Judaism is for pigs and that the UK government should be over thrown in favor for Sharia. He has even said slavery is legitimate.

I am sorry he left wing radicals are the problem you just ignore it.


The word "disgusting" is now out of bounds. You just provided ammunition for my point. You point to right wing groups as xenophobic. Which ones? Questioning policies toward illegal I migrants is xenophobic like complaining about someone breaking into your home is xenophobic. Subjective measures about what is acceptable is speech is just a way to quiet speech.

What about the left extremists? I would argue they are more numerous and just as racist. La raza, radical black groups (Obamas church), and the Muslim free cities that practice military training ( there are two in Virginia). Hate fact that ignore them in your posts speak volumes to your subjectivity and bias.

To date left wig radicals have caused more violent acts in this country than any right wing group. Radical environmental groups burn down large homes and SUVs. Obamas close friend Bill Ayers bombed government buildings and killed people. Hillary had associations witht thtebalck pantehrs in hrs in college hey committed acts of violence. Even my Puerto Rican wife points to left wing independents as from her island that robbed banks and shot up the Capitol.

Haven't heard anything like that from the Tea Party.


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GMU Gemini. What is wrong with the anti Muslim protests in Germsny? Given tehe lack of assimilation by Muslim immigrants and demands they have made to significantl change Her culture of their host country, what is wrong with valid protests that question the need to keep allowing immigrant populations? These protests have had no violence but are raising concerns that are growing among the German citizenry. It is their country. Immigration is not a right.

Did you question is,liar protests by Muslims in the UK and Europe where they decry democracy and ask for the supremacy of Islam at the expense of everything else?

Where is your criticism of Imam Choudry in the UK who has openly said Chidtianity and Judaism is for pigs and that the UK government should be over thrown in favor for Sharia. He has even said slavery is legitimate.

I am sorry he left wing radicals are the problem you just ignore it.

You can defend a group that says they come to "promote expressions of hatred" all you want.

Amren Choudry is part of the problem, as is apparently CHASE in the UK. I'm for the separation of church and state and thus think any group speaking from an Islamist perspective is a problem -- which includes Turkey's current president, by the way.

But the west, arguing from a religious ideological perspective, will lose that argument every day amongst Muslims. We have no theological legitimacy. The only thing we can do, as they do in The Netherlands and Denmark, is to continue to promote our ideals for freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

edit: Oh, and freedom of religion. Making the majority of Muslims who just want to live their lives feel unwelcome and "other" because of a vocal minority, will just create further problems.


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What is wrong with PEGIDA? They have simply protested what they see as an intransigence of immigrants to become assimilated and a response to harassment by Muslim immigrants against native Germans.

I have done a lot of travel in Germany for business. Cologne is home to sanlarge Muslim immigrant community. It is also a town known for its Christmas celebrations and traditions. I have been there and seen holiday visitors harassed by Muslim immigrants. Christmas decorations vandalized with Arabic words spray painted over them. I was harassed by a bunch of "youths" during Octoberfest for drinking a beer in public near them.

You ignore their racism and hostility but wail when rightful owners and citizens of that country make legitimate protests.

The problem with you like other leftists is your reasoning:

1.) Muslim immigrant attacks native country cultural icons, traditions, or people that are not liked = "failur of host country to understand and embrace immigrants .

2.) host countr citizens hold peaceful protest to complain = "racistist mysogynistic white people that need to be tracked by the government.

As with anything liberal or progressive, the premise of their points is just wrong.


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What do you mean we have no theological legitimacy? Not sure I am clear on what you are saying here. Not critiquing just a legitimate question.

Now with regards to promoting liberty and freedom I am with you. What you fail to address is how you do that when left wing progressive dogma has delegitimized any expression or pride in ones own culture and social norms in which those virtues have been created? This is the case in Europe and recently more prevalent here. We can no longer highlight and emphasize the virtues of our society because it is seen by people like you as "racist and bigoted" at the same time we cannot critique those aspects of Islam or immigrant cultures that are not compatible with an open and tolerant democracy because that is racist.

In that vacuum, you don't have asimiliation and you get the immigrant communities imposing their will and norms and culture. Unfortunately, the strident Muslim communities are the ones filling that vacuum and creating conflict.

With the modern left wing progressive multiculturalism making legitimate debate impossible and the host countries being seen as weak the more radical and aggressive aspects of Islam see thts as an opening. As it becomes apparent that the more radical elements gain an upper hand, the moderate Muslim,communities will gravitate to the more radical elements because as in politics, business , and society, people follow the strong horse.

HENCE, you get responses like PEGIDA.


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When did I defend a group promoting hatred. You defend all the Ellet wing groups that are fare more hateful than anything I have supported.


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When did I defend a group promoting hatred. You defend all the Ellet wing groups that are fare more hateful than anything I have supported.

That was a direct quote from PEGIDA leaders on the purpose of their demonstration in Newcastle.

As for my statement that the west has no theological legitimacy, it means that we can't tell Islam what is and is not Islam, we will lose that debate. Reform has to come from within, has to rise from Islam itself. There are voices who are demanding that reform, and eventually they may win, but it is going to take a long time.

The biggest problem right now is Middle Eastern governments pushing sectarian Religious-Political ideologies. So you have Iran/Hezbollah/Iraq pitted against Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Kuwait. And that poisons so much of what's going on around the world.

As for openness to freedom of expression and religion, I think both sides are guilty of poisoning that well. And honest discussions about who we are and where we came from can't result in things like banning AP classes like they are trying to do in Oklahoma, or giving death threats to university professors for teaching classes on race, class and privilege like at Arizona State, nor should we censor pro-life groups who want to demonstrate on campuses, or debates on the what immigration policy should be (going back to sort of the original point). It seems that neither side really wants to listen to each other, or sees value in what the other has to say.