I'm not.I'll assume you are joking.
I would 100% trade A-10 GMU basketball, baseball, and soccer for CUSA GMU football. In a heartbeat I would.
I'm not.I'll assume you are joking.
...I'll be honest, I'd drop basketball too. In a heartbeat, actually. I love mason hoops, but...football or basketball? It's not really a hard decision.
Or he is drunk again
I'm not.
I would 100% trade A-10 GMU basketball, baseball, and soccer for CUSA GMU football. In a heartbeat I would.
Old Dominion troll?
F'n ODU won a bowl game today.....I hate those dudes for doing it right...I wish Mason had
There are only three football games that anyone cares about. And the last I checked, ODU didn't get a sniff.
No. of bowls need to be reduced big time. I think the bowl landscape would be much more interesting if we had the following based on this criteria: can you trace the bowl's lineage back to the 1970s or beyond? We would then have the following:
With perhaps one additional candidate, that would cover the Top 25 in Div. 1-A.
No. of bowls need to be reduced big time. I think the bowl landscape would be much more interesting if we had the following based on this criteria: can you trace the bowl's lineage back to the 1970s or beyond? We would then have the following:
With perhaps one additional candidate, that would cover the Top 25 in Div. 1-A.
The problem is, the NCAA doesn't control the bowls, they are independent organizations. So, if someone wants to start a bowl and has the money to do it, no one can really stop them.
So we could all pool our spare change and have the Masonhoops.com Bowl?![]()
Let's do it.
I don't want a football team! Funding a stadium, paying for 90 scholarships, and hiring 20 staff *without* taking away from basketball, baseball, and soccer?
For once, I agree with PiKap. Being in Fairfax, you have the Redskins, Wizards, Hoyas, Caps, Nats, Terps, Kennedy Center, National Mall, etc. all competing for our disposable income. If we were in Norfolk or Harrisonburg where there is no such competition then sure, go for it, but we're not in those areas. Football at Mason (past the club level) isn't happening in my children's lifetimes.
I never
Just to play devils advocate; somehow umd, lsu, or any Florida school and California team are able to fill seats while still competing against professional teams and cities and nature.
And somehow a hippy state like Oregon is able to find fans.
My dad told me a saying when I was a kid and I think it applies perfectly to this situation. "He who says he can and he who says he can't are usually both right"
The person who thinks they can is more likely to succeed because they are willing to try, fail, and try again. The person who says they can't will not try, or at best they will try half heartedly.
Just food for thought
A few things...one, UMD was bleeding money after expanding their stadium without demand and had to leave the ACC in order to pay for their team. LSU is in Baton Rouge, which has no professional teams, so are both Florida (Gainesville) and Florida State (Tallahassee). Oregon is funded by Nike.
Also, look at the history of all of those schools and when they started playing football. They also all belong to the exclusive BCS system. Let me know when a slot opens up in one of those conferences that would let a school like George Mason in.
Mason missed the boat of football. Had it started in 1998 (which I think was the last year it came close) it would be a different situation and it's possible we'd be in a decent conference (like CUSA or AAC), but as it stands we'd be either stuck in FCS forever or forced into joining a conference like the Sun Belt (sorry, Herdon, I'm not sacrificing A-10 basketball for Sun Belt football).
UMass made the leap and is now stuck as an independent and who knows how long that is sustainable.
Also like the Mention some programs that play in a metropolitan area with professional sports.
South Florida- Tampa bay
Boston College- NE Patriots
Pittsburg- Stealers
Temple- Eagles
Georgia- alanta Falcons
Georgia state- Falcons and Georgia, Georgia tech. Not the best team but they find a way to fund a program
My point is, if Mason wanted it they find a way. Other schools were able to find a way. Some might say it's a different time now, things are more difficult. But again Charlotte university found a way in 2015. Odu found a way.
Since 2011-15 36 programs have been added. 6 of which are fbs.