Larranaga also had Morrision playing the high post to clear out space for our guards, so not a perfect comparison in a lot of ways. Nor was it meant to be.
I chose to compare Morrision to Odurro because they're very similar players in terms of their height/weight and have similar scoring/rebounding stats their first two seasons. Yet I can't recall Morrision getting nearly the ration of $hit on the boards that Odurro has.
The kid is still in year two and a COVID year where practices & development (team and individual) have been
significantly cut back. Outside some of our past all-conference players though, he's having as good a first two seasons as just about any former big. Certainly a better start than guys like Gujanicic, Wurtz, Urbina. Better than much higher ranked recruits like Julian Royal, Johnny Williams, and Erik Copes. Better than more recent guys like Temara, Relvao, and Dixon.
I don't see him turning into Shevon Thompson. But maybe he can breakout and become a Jesse Young. I'll happily take that.