New Mason uniforms


Hall of Famer
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You know its interesting that 1) the players liked them and 2) Tony mentioned that he was involved in the design of the uniforms, according to the video. Whether #1 was just because they have to or they like them, who knows.

I actually thought they looked better on the players than in those display posts but whatever.

End of the day as long as we win I'm good.

Honestly like the uniforms otherwise.


Staff member
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
The A10 media day hasn’t happened yet. What they are calling media day here is just the day that the players take photos, etc. *I think*
Correct- the A10 media day is in October in DC (the date came out but I am too lazy to look)

dr. gunnie

Staff member
I know everyone hates the logo and I'm not a fan of the extremely large logos on the sides, but I would have liked to see the stripes on the uniform match the stripe pattern of the logo and make that a thing with our uniforms. If this is going to be a thing, then use it. I was disappointed not to see the stripes incorporated in the court anywhere as well.

New Shorts.png