Gameday Experience

Jack Strop

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Ya know, I was thinking... I groan about the triad of the student fans, cheerleaders, and Green Machine not being in-synch with each others' game-experience efforts. However, I've realized that a regular super-fan like me, who hasn't missed a home game in more than seven years, can also be claimed as out-of-synch. So I seek to redeem myself by asking to be clued in...

I have never quite figured out the ritual chant when a Mason player takes and makes free throws. Upon the first make the chant is something like, "G-M-U... whoaaaa... [stomp/clap]."

The second successful free throw is "G-M-U... whoaaaa... [stomp/clap]... something, something, something, bubpl, bubpl, bubpl, lupp!"

Pass me an assist here. I know that I'm not the only super-fan who does not know this chant 100%, so let's clarify and document it.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Ya know, I was thinking... I groan about the triad of the student fans, cheerleaders, and Green Machine not being in-synch with each others' game-experience efforts. However, I've realized that a regular super-fan like me, who hasn't missed a home game in more than seven years, can also be claimed as out-of-synch. So I seek to redeem myself by asking to be clued in...

I have never quite figured out the ritual chant when a Mason player takes and makes free throws. Upon the first make the chant is something like, "G-M-U... whoaaaa... [stomp/clap]."

The second successful free throw is "G-M-U... whoaaaa... [stomp/clap]... something, something, something, bubpl, bubpl, bubpl, lupp!"

Pass me an assist here. I know that I'm not the only super-fan who does not know this chant 100%, so let's clarify and document it.
It used to be "suck on that" with the finger motion


Hall of Famer
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As far as I know, it's supposed to be who? GMU. What? And was inspired by some stupid power conference team not knowing who we were (possibly UConn).

No sure why they do the dumb noises on a second made free throw, but whatever.

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As far back as 98, there has been debate about the chant (prior to the more recent inclusion of the suck on that after two made FT's by the students). My wife is convinced it is G-M-U WHAT! - and she has it on her license plate.

The Great PATSby

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The "GMU What?" chant existed before my arrival in 2004. From what I heard, TKE started it which explains why it's whack. I kid I kid. Reagan and Tweeder are the only respectable TKE's I know.

The "suck on that" was added post Final Four...during the 2007-2008 season I believe.


We gladly chant the G-M-U What? in 118, but the "suck on that" definitely gets left out as there are many ladies and young children in our section. Don't like it anyway...kinda smacks of something the trailer trashy fan base at Maryland would do.


Come on guys - if you are going to say it... say it right. Its "GMU WHAT?! Suck on that! looolooolooolooo" [that part is accompanied by the "tickling the balls" motion with the hand]... cause thats what you do when you are sucking on that - you tickle the balls.
LOL. dear lord.


LOL. dear lord.
You are welcome for that legacy my friend.


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Supposedly the suck on that part was taken away by Jay Marsh after the band was caught on a recording of some sort saying that at the Final Four..that was according to someone who was in the band that year.


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We gladly chant the G-M-U What? in 118, but the "suck on that" definitely gets left out as there are many ladies and young children in our section. Don't like it anyway...kinda smacks of something the trailer trashy fan base at Maryland would do.

the ladies, children and old men who haven't had fun in years should sit in a sound proof section where they can enjoy their knitting and not be bothered by any noises that may make them think they are at a real school's basketball game. I am sorry but 75% of the population that attends these Mason games are boring as hell. Thankfully they pay to be boring and unimpressed by people who want to be rowdy and have fun at these games. Super frustrating to be shushed by a 70 year old man who's hearing aids are raised too high so they don't want us to yell. Or the dirty looks from the "family man" when we get at the refs for calling a fourth bs call on Jalen. The other 25% of fans are awesome. I feel like this message board has a good amount of people from both groups.


the ladies, children and old men who haven't had fun in years should sit in a sound proof section where they can enjoy their knitting and not be bothered by any noises that may make them think they are at a real school's basketball game. I am sorry but 75% of the population that attends these Mason games are boring as hell. Thankfully they pay to be boring and unimpressed by people who want to be rowdy and have fun at these games. Super frustrating to be shushed by a 70 year old man who's hearing aids are raised too high so they don't want us to yell. Or the dirty looks from the "family man" when we get at the refs for calling a fourth bs call on Jalen. The other 25% of fans are awesome. I feel like this message board has a good amount of people from both groups.

I'm with you. I was really impressed by all the grey hairs at our game in Richmond vs the Spiders that were standing and cheering the whole time, as opposed to the grey hairs at our home games that have asked me to sit down (when standing during completely appropriate times of games).

My suggestion when asked to sit down - just tell them to stand up.


Hall of Famer
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I'm with you. I was really impressed by all the grey hairs at our game in Richmond vs the Spiders that were standing and cheering the whole time, as opposed to the grey hairs at our home games that have asked me to sit down (when standing during completely appropriate times of games).

My suggestion when asked to sit down - just tell them to stand up.
We are very polite until a guy sat behind us (we have a group of 12-15 season tix holders) told us (not asked) us to sit down during a close game with like a minute left. We told him to stand up and he pissed and moaned the entire rest of the game.... I assume he will purchase seats away from our section the next game. Some people used to get annoyed but they now join in and stand with us and shout with us. Hopefully more can start having fun and become involved and vocal during games.


Hall of Famer
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BTW this not about all ladies or children. there are plenty that are just as rabid as I at games. Particularly a mother and son in 115 who probably care more about Mason basketball and getting loud than I do. Shout out to them


A Green Machiner explained to me that the 'GMU what' chant had a different thing for each guy ... and the only one I can remember right now was for Marco - "GMU what? clap clap clap -- for Serbia!"

I think it's kind of falling apart lately.

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