Game 9: GMU (5-3 / 1-1) vs vcu (8-2 / 1-0) on Wednesday, January 6, at 7:00 PM.

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Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Are people on MasonHoops too thin skinned to handle criticisms of their own behavior from a fellow fan?

Now, think about how a player feels when you disrespect his coach.


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Give ME a break. We have heard time and time and time again on MasonHoops how the players are not all that thick-skinned.

Not long ago, I was formally asked to not talk about a player's adademic struggles on this forum because it bothered that player. And, now you say players who are thin skinned should not be playing D1 sports?

"...nothing to do with the players"? Players are supposed to have confidence in their coaches. If they don't then the whole system breaks down. When fans, a player's life's blood, undermine that confidence by expressing their opinions out loud and in ear-shot of the players then such fans are actively contributing to that breakdown. The only thing to be gained is making the team worse. Is that what you want?

I urge you to ask this same same question to a professional player and see what answer you get. Ask Brad. Ask Darryl Green. They are often available to many who participate in this forum.

Okay as far as the first point, that was something off the court that wasn't for public disclosure. That has nothing to do with on court performance.

Also, if you think that we are impacting the players confidence by yelling, we're just going to agree to disagree at this point. In fact, why are you even here debating it with us? What if they read what we write here? Perhaps you aren't helping by talking about how bad we are.

Also, why would we talk to professional athletes about how fans impact them? How is that even relevant to this conversation? This was supposed to be about how we are impacting or not impacting division 1 athletes at George Mason.

To me, you came in basically badmouthing fans for expressing displeasure and saying how wrong it is. This only creates more of a divide between the folks who think our men's basketball program is about graduating and being nice kids and the folks who want to win. I'm just about ready to peace out on my passion for the program because I have other things in life than rooting for a program that doesn't want to try and win when continuous poor and mediocre results are obvious. And if those folks who want to win leave, you'll be left with the folks ready to give hugs when the team continuously loses and say its ok.

Fact is man, if you think yelling for someone's head at George Mason is a big to do, we're going to agree to disagree and leave it at that.


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If nobody else has anything else to say about the game, I'm going to shut this thread down. I don't feel like we need to have an open debate about how if we yell things it makes players sad.


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Okay as far as the first point, that was something off the court that wasn't for public disclosure. That has nothing to do with on court performance.

Also, if you think that we are impacting the players confidence by yelling, we're just going to agree to disagree at this point. In fact, why are you even here debating it with us? What if they read what we write here? Perhaps you aren't helping by talking about how bad we are.

Also, why would we talk to professional athletes about how fans impact them? How is that even relevant to this conversation? This was supposed to be about how we are impacting or not impacting division 1 athletes at George Mason.

To me, you came in basically badmouthing fans for expressing displeasure and saying how wrong it is. This only creates more of a divide between the folks who think our men's basketball program is about graduating and being nice kids and the folks who want to win. I'm just about ready to peace out on my passion for the program because I have other things in life than rooting for a program that doesn't want to try and win when continuous poor and mediocre results are obvious. And if those folks who want to win leave, you'll be left with the folks ready to give hugs when the team continuously loses and say its ok.

Fact is man, if you think yelling for someone's head at George Mason is a big to do, we're going to agree to disagree and leave it at that.

To add on to this, if you listen to Mike and Ike's interview on Expat Hoops, the players already think we have no idea what we're talking about as fans.

Now, Lamar Butler routinely posts insinuating things about our coach on Twitter all the time (ever wonder why we never get any of the better players from PVI despite the fact we have a former all-time Mason player on staff there?). Javon Greene's mom went off after her son was benched against UMass. Apparently AJ's parents are often not happy and express their feelings pretty publicly too. If Paulsen lost the locker room, it's not going to be because some of us yelled Fire Paulsen during a fruitless comeback against vcu.


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These previous two pages pretty much sum up why these board are down to about 10 posters on repeat.... and the valuable updates on the state of the Miami hoops program.

Yep it does. Unfortunately losing on the court does this.


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Somebody call the cops, I think swimmom or Ms. Hicks have evidently kidnapped Jack Strop and taken over his account.

Need to change his username to Charmin, dude is ultra soft.


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I only agree with this if you don't think AJ is responsible for his own shot selection. He came into tonight shooting 9 of 36 on two point jumpers. That's impossibly bad and it probably got worse after tonight. If he was only taking these with the shot clock winding down I wouldn't care as much but since it's his favorite shot it's a massive problem. He misses 3 out of 4 and we never get offensive rebounds off of them either. Very ready for him to either go to the basket strong or pass it off so he never takes one of those again.

So I honestly don't blame AJ for his shot selection anymore, I really think this is what is getting drawn up for him. We've seen that Paulsen has had a very short lease with AJ in the past, I'd imagine if AJ wasn't doing what Paulsen wanted him to do on offense he'd yank him in a second. I think it's more a symptom of our offense, which aside from kolek tends to trend towards mid range shots on our first shot of the possession, more than his own shot selection, if that makes sense. Could easily be wrong on this.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I'm going to say this as simply as I can...

Rhetorical question: If you, at your job had 10 equally weighted goals to meet for the year, and you met or exceeded 9 of them, do you consider that a success? Do you meet every goal, every time, and within the timeframe expected? You're 90% effective, do you think you should be fired for not meeting all 10 goals? Are you a disappointment to your boss and got the organization?

The point is that winning is but one goal for a NCAA D1 Men's Basketball Program. Yes, to those on the outside (fans included), it happens to be the most visible goal, the most important goal. It also happens to be YOUR goal. It may not be the only goal of the organization or it's most important. If Coach Dave is meeting 90% of his goals, missing only the goal that YOU set for him is tough sh¡t for you. It's for YOU to deal with, not the program or the organization.

Therefore, for the Association of Future Athletic Directors of America (AFADA) who post incessantly on this forum and scream during games, "Fire Paulsen!", remember, it's tough sh!t for YOU. Make yourselves as miserable as you so desire.


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I'm going to say this as simply as I can...

Rhetorical question: If you, at your job had 10 equally weighted goals to meet for the year, and you met or exceeded 9 of them, do you consider that a success? Do you meet every goal, every time, and within the timeframe expected? You're 90% effective, do you think you should be fired for not meeting all 10 goals? Are you a disappointment to your boss and got the organization?

The point is that winning is but one goal for a NCAA D1 Men's Basketball Program. Yes, to those on the outside (fans included), it happens to be the most visible goal, the most important goal. It also happens to be YOUR goal. It may not be the only goal of the organization or it's most important. If Coach Dave is meeting 90% of his goals, missing only the goal that YOU set for him is tough sh¡t for you. It's for YOU to deal with, not the program or the organization.

Therefore, for the Association of Future Athletic Directors of America (AFADA) who post incessantly on this forum and scream during games, "Fire Paulsen!", remember, it's tough sh!t for YOU. Make yourselves as miserable as you so desire.

What job has equally weighted goals? If a surgeon's has half his patients die on the table, but satisfies all other goals, such as, bedside manners, efficient communication, great billing dept etc....he should be deemed a good surgeon and not fired?


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I'm going to say this as simply as I can...

Rhetorical question: If you, at your job had 10 equally weighted goals to meet for the year, and you met or exceeded 9 of them, do you consider that a success? Do you meet every goal, every time, and within the timeframe expected? You're 90% effective, do you think you should be fired for not meeting all 10 goals? Are you a disappointment to your boss and got the organization?

The point is that winning is but one goal for a NCAA D1 Men's Basketball Program. Yes, to those on the outside (fans included), it happens to be the most visible goal, the most important goal. It also happens to be YOUR goal. It may not be the only goal of the organization or it's most important. If Coach Dave is meeting 90% of his goals, missing only the goal that YOU set for him is tough sh¡t for you. It's for YOU to deal with, not the program or the organization.

Therefore, for the Association of Future Athletic Directors of America (AFADA) who post incessantly on this forum and scream during games, "Fire Paulsen!", remember, it's tough sh!t for YOU. Make yourselves as miserable as you so desire.
Last post from me Jock because you are obviously living in a weird little bubble.

Paulsen has had less than 30% of his recruits graduate from George Mason University. Honestly that might be too high of a number (not effective)
Paulsen has had multiple suspensions each year (not effective)
Donations for the basketball program have tanked the past two years of DP's tenure (not effective)
Paulsen's teams are not competitive at all in A-10 play (not effective)
Paulsen's teams do not play a competitive non conference schedule like 75% of our league does (not effective)
Paulsen's teams can't generate 250 tickets sold to a basketball game this year (not effective)

If you think he is 90% effective you live in lala land and you can't be saved. Tough sh!t for the 80% of fans who do truly care about being a doormat each year in the A10 for the only flagship sport this University we all claim to love has.

The 20% of our fan base that thinks like you are just sad people that don't have a competitive bone in their bodies and part of the reason we are the laughingstock (well 2nd laughingstock thanks Fordham) in the A10 year in year out. Coach's pencil in easy wins against us every year and they are right to. I am sorry for caring about winning, but honestly this program needs the passion from fans in their 20-30's because EBA is filled with all old farts like you that like to people watch and make silly chant sheets for students that don't even bother attend games because we suck. Go to CFA and attend a silent play if you don't like the yelling in the Pat Dome... because it isn't stopping and more people might catch on the more and more we lose.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I'm going to say this as simply as I can...

Rhetorical question: If you, at your job had 10 equally weighted goals to meet for the year, and you met or exceeded 9 of them, do you consider that a success? Do you meet every goal, every time, and within the timeframe expected? You're 90% effective, do you think you should be fired for not meeting all 10 goals? Are you a disappointment to your boss and got the organization?

The point is that winning is but one goal for a NCAA D1 Men's Basketball Program. Yes, to those on the outside (fans included), it happens to be the most visible goal, the most important goal. It also happens to be YOUR goal. It may not be the only goal of the organization or it's most important. If Coach Dave is meeting 90% of his goals, missing only the goal that YOU set for him is tough sh¡t for you. It's for YOU to deal with, not the program or the organization.

Therefore, for the Association of Future Athletic Directors of America (AFADA) who post incessantly on this forum and scream during games, "Fire Paulsen!", remember, it's tough sh!t for YOU. Make yourselves as miserable as you so desire.
What?? Did you go to Mason? Huh??


"The 20% of our fan base that thinks like you are just sad people that don't have a competitive bone in their bodies and part of the reason we are the laughingstock (well 2nd laughingstock thanks Fordham) in the A10 year in year out"

This is the root of the problem. Competitiveness is not a bad thing, in fact its a great thing. If you are OK with mediocrity then you really have no business being involved in D1 athletics. Brad has played at the highest level of sport so he knows this all too well. Its time for him to make a move with DP or step aside and let someone else take over. Our flagship sport not being relevant for 10 years in inexcusable.....period.


Hall of Famer
"The 20% of our fan base that thinks like you are just sad people that don't have a competitive bone in their bodies and part of the reason we are the laughingstock (well 2nd laughingstock thanks Fordham) in the A10 year in year out"

This is the root of the problem. Competitiveness is not a bad thing, in fact its a great thing. If you are OK with mediocrity then you really have no business being involved in D1 athletics. Brad has played at the highest level of sport so he knows this all too well. Its time for him to make a move with DP or step aside and let someone else take over. Our flagship sport not being relevant for 10 years in inexcusable.....period.

Couldn’t possibly agree more with this post.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
You people are deluding yourselves. I no longer think that the vast majority of participants within this forum are even remotely capable of an understanding of basic concepts in leadership and organizational administration, much less provide an appearance of overcoming their most base emotions. You all are toddlers... “Mommy, mommy... I need to poo-poo now!” Obviously, there is little intelligence here. There is no semblance of critical or abstract thought to be found—highly disturbing coming from college graduates. You all deserve yourselves.

Do you really think I don't want to see the team win? Do you really think that I think the players, coach, AD, university president, and all of Mason Nation don't want to win? If you know, me and none of you do, I am a highly competitive person. In that respect, GET BENT! It's no wonder that all of the reasonable fans who used to participate in this forum have been chased away by such ugly, shameful assertions and interpretations. I expected better from Mason grads, or at least some of them. Obviously, I need to re-evaluate my expectations. Absolutely WOW!
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