Welcome back Brian! In your absence the school has established a tradition of having both an outdoor and indoor tailgate

The indoor tailgate started due to some insane weather one year that forced the tented tailgate inside and people loved it, so they made it an annual thing.
No one enjoys tailgating outdoors more than me, but I've gone to the indoor the last 2 years (since having a kid) and it has been a great event that has improved every year. With the new location and additional features, this year seems likely to carry on that tradition.
When discussing with fraternity brothers our plans, there is always a divide between those who want to do the outdoor and the indoor. Reality is, very easy to do both. It's only $30 for the indoor and that includes 2 drinks, unlimited tastings and buffet food as well as all the entertainment they have set up for kids and families.
Buy a ticket for $30, go get your lunch and free Mason beanie hat at the indoor (give me your drink tickets), and then you can leave at any point if you want to go swing by the outdoor. I'll probably leave the indoor a little early to swing by and check on our undergraduate chapter and to make sure they are getting in the appropriate amount of trouble.