I don't have a picture of everything, obviously, but, here are comments from talking to people at the Men's and Women's games and during the tailgate this past weekend. I was specifically fishing for indications that the few negative incidents would be the focus or not (it was not). Here is paraphrasing of what I heard:
Zack: I want the fans to have fun. In regards to tailgating, just do it. If you need some spots reserved, let me know.
Tony: I want to see more tailgates like that.
Marvin: It was great experience. We need more of that. Showed me video of a great tailgate at Brown and wants to see that at Mason.
President Washington (second hand): He loves the atmosphere of the tailgate. He even threw a couple bags at our corn hole setup.
I am not putting names to this, so if you do something illegal and get caught, that is on you, but everyone I have talked to says the police are not actively looking things to write people up for. They are just getting involved when it is absolutely necessary to maintain the peace and safety. I have spoken to many of the police at the tailgates and they have been very friendly. There were probably visible violations by the letter of the law at the time and they didn't throw the book at me or the people with me.
We need to stop spreading the Mason admin and police are anti fun legend from earlier times. It isn't helping. If someone experiences something counter to this, let's share, but, let's not spread old stories as if they represent the current situation.
Bottom line. The administration wants more spirit like at the tailgates. There comes a time, though, for us to do this organically from the bottom up. If you want to tailgate, just do it. Don't wait for Mason to plan one. I'll be glad to join in and/or facilitate as people desire.