Game 17: GMU (10-6 / 2-1) at St. Louis (10-6 / 2-1) on Wednesday, January 11, at 8:00 PM.


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Oh noooo don’t bring that guy haha

Fairfield, odu, and plenty of others. Just off the top of my head. He’d find ways to habe his teams blow games too. But the very best years, they wouldn’t .
Would think you and Frank the Tank would be boys up in NY!? Seems you all love the same teams


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Witnessed the exact opposite of GMU tonight as Texas came back to defeat TCU. Major differences in the teams is a point guard who doesn’t shit his pants when it counts and made free throws. At least one of my teams won tonight. Hopefully josh keeps this aggressiveness up the rest of the season. Made 37 year old Okoro his bitch tonight


It’s hard to pinpoint anything but free throws missing didn’t help. In addition, we came out of that timeout and had a shot clock violation.

In general our schemes look good, I thought the guys play their butts off and did everything they could defensively. Unfortunately when you don’t do a few little things and leave the door open good teams take advantage. I hate losing and I’m so frustrated, but it’s hard to question the staff too much.

Now as far as Cooper goes, I’d be fine seeing less of him on the court. He helped defensively overall but of course made the dumb play at the end and couldn’t shoot for shit tonight. I just don’t know who you put in, instead.

I hate losing, but no time to sulk. Mason has to get ready for Davidson and Gw in the next few days. Fortunately they are at home.
Ford switched to 2-3 zone and that was the beginning of the end...we didn't know what do with it..all CKE needed to do was flash Oduro into key have him kick to it out on the double team, a touch pass on a back door cut or run some hi-low action...but there was no movement off the ball
for 10 have to make the zone move to get an open shot..there were times when oduro was triple teamed and no one moved to a position for a kickoff and made back door cut for him to pass...just awful..oduro is one of best passing bigs in the nation..if cke's strategy is run all his stuff thru Josh..then he needs to take advantage of his passing abilities more frequently..


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the amount our fan base cries on twitter is embarrassing btw. Mason fans crying about foul calls as much as Mason players brick free throws at this point


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Another item that's overlooked this game it seems..... TO's. We had 17 turnovers compared to 12 for them. This older team can't be giving up this many a game and expect to win.

Cooper had 4 in 14 minutes. Ronnie with 4 in 36 mins. Ojiako 3 in 28 mins.

Cooper may be better off coming in off the bench now. Would like to see Justyn, Dinkins, and Saquan get his minutes. Wouldn't mind seeing Saquan or Justyn start a game will Ticket is out. Both of these guys give us more of a slasher role where they are not afraid to drive and can make a jumper or layup... or kick out to VBJ or Ronnie if nothing is there.

Same with Malik taking more of Ojiako's minutes. I would like to see Malik start one of these games while Ticket is out to see what he gives us. He's been playing consistent and deserves a shot.

Moving forward...Cut down TO's and make 85% or more Free Throws and we will win games.


Hall of Famer
the amount our fan base cries on twitter is embarrassing btw. Mason fans crying about foul calls as much as Mason players brick free throws at this point
SLU fans were the ones crying big tears tonight. We didn’t really have anything to complain about … it was a foul when Okoro ran over VJ screening on the final inbound pass but I would never expect to get that call.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
Had a chance to watch the last few minutes again this morning. The staff was pretty upset about the no call on the baseline at the end and I get it, you’re grasping at straws on that and it is a foul, but the chances on getting that call is like winning the powerball. I see everyone complaining about the free throws and I 100% agree.


My biggest takeaway (again) is why can’t we play solid defense for 40 min? We played really good defense for almost 38 min, then it gets to crunch time and we just fold. We had an 8 point lead, we shouldn’t have to make another basket at that point if you just make any stops on the defensive end. Their first 3 was just a really good shot by their big, but the rest was yuck. Gotta get stops at the end. This isn’t the first time it’s cost us a game.


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Had a chance to watch the last few minutes again this morning. The staff was pretty upset about the no call on the baseline at the end and I get it, you’re grasping at straws on that and it is a foul, but the chances on getting that call is like winning the powerball. I see everyone complaining about the free throws and I 100% agree.


My biggest takeaway (again) is why can’t we play solid defense for 40 min? We played really good defense for almost 38 min, then it gets to crunch time and we just fold. We had an 8 point lead, we shouldn’t have to make another basket at that point if you just make any stops on the defensive end. Their first 3 was just a really good shot by their big, but the rest was yuck. Gotta get stops at the end. This isn’t the first time it’s cost us a game.

The assistant who took over, Heavy D, he ran some good stuff and kept them level headed at the end. I agree our defense stunk bit it's heck of alot easier to make a free throw than to try and stop Yuri coming at you with the game on the line. We make 4 additional FTs and we win. We win but also see what needs to be fixed. But we win.

I know Kim has said in the past that he doesn't try to over emphasize making free throws, but maybe instead of shooting them at the end of practice, he should also start by having the team shoot them at the beginning of practice to make a subtle point. Or the entire practice.


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Always complaining when Mason loses about the players and first to criticize English.

Disappears when the team wins and does well.

So be it. Ban me if you want. I've never used salty language, talked about getting drunk, or anything along those lines. I post what I'm feeling and what I see. If that goes against the rules, I'm sorry. Ban me.
I will change my opininion when the results change.

Trolls gonna troll.
Whatever you want to call it.
I call 'em as I see 'em. Folks didn't like Howard Cosell either. But I did.
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I said it before, and I'll say it again, we don't have good enough players...and CKE isn't "all that." At least yet.
I don’t know if you are just out of touch, or you don’t actually watch the games, or you are a troll but your comments are ridiculous.

Maybe you are used to watching the 5 Star recruits on Duke or something so CKE isn’t bringing in enough talent for your eyes. The talent level that is on Mason vs. what we have been watching the past 10 is significantly better.

I think KE is a great recruiter, he’s bringing in good enough players. I sometimes scratch my head on some of the coaching decisions during the game. I know the players practice free throws everyday, I don’t understand how we can be so bad at them.


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You’re not worth the keystrokes
Great. Then I'm here. Deal with it. And don't use your precious keystrokes to complain about me.

I don’t know if you are just out of touch, or you don’t actually watch the games, or you are a troll but your comments are ridiculous.

Maybe you are used to watching the 5 Star recruits on Duke or something so CKE isn’t bringing in enough talent for your eyes. The talent level that is on Mason vs. what we have been watching the past 10 is significantly better.

I think KE is a great recruiter, he’s bringing in good enough players. I sometimes scratch my head on some of the coaching decisions during the game. I know the players practice free throws everyday, I don’t understand how we can be so bad at them.
The bottom line is winning. We are least like we (the fans), CKE, or Dr. Washington want.
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So be it. Ban me if you want. I've never used salty language, talked about getting drunk, or anything along those lines. I post what I'm feeling and what I see. If that goes against the rules, I'm sorry. Ban me.
Dude not everything is personal. Calm down.

All I am saying is that when Mason wins, you never say a word. Join the celebration. When Mason loses you are first to jump in.
The bottom line is winning. We are least like we (the fans), CKE, or Dr. Washington want.
Yes, we get reminded of this every single loss. However, at least CKE is 9-0 at home and 19-4 overall at home. That is a step in the right direction.

Yes, we are frustrated with lack of road wins.

I don’t know if you are just out of touch, or you don’t actually watch the games, or you are a troll but your comments are ridiculous.

Maybe you are used to watching the 5 Star recruits on Duke or something so CKE isn’t bringing in enough talent for your eyes. The talent level that is on Mason vs. what we have been watching the past 10 is significantly better.

I think KE is a great recruiter, he’s bringing in good enough players. I sometimes scratch my head on some of the coaching decisions during the game. I know the players practice free throws everyday, I don’t understand how we can be so bad at them.
Yeah - call me crazy but I can agree with this point of view. More talent than we have seen in a very long time.

Now whether that talent can play as a team, is being coached right etc. All up for debate. However, at the very least we have guys who look like they belong in the A10.

Now we all want English to take the next step with the program and win some road games. He has won a LOT of games at home but doesn't seem to be able to get over the road hump. Its hard to win on the road in college basketball, don't get me wrong. In addition, and none of us want to admit it, we are going to have to be a little more patient with English than we may have liked. However, its year 2 and I want to expect some progress especially on winning on the road. Losing last night sucked, but come back take the next 2 at home and don't drop any crappy road games, and it'll be fine.

We definitely have enough to compete with anyone on any given night. Whether we get the win or another moral victory is the question.


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Dude not everything is personal. Calm down.

All I am saying is that when Mason wins, you never say a word. Join the celebration. When Mason loses you are first to jump in.

Yes, we get reminded of this every single loss. However, at least CKE is 9-0 at home and 19-4 overall at home. That is a step in the right direction.

Yes, we are frustrated with lack of road wins.
I do celebrate. I just don't post. I have lived in Richmond for 40 years. I hate UR and vcu more than anybody on here. The UR win was great. And yeah, it is personal. I complain about the everyone else on here does, and the responses complain about me. If I get frustrated and want to post, at least I'll do it sober and without resorting to #%&+! to do it. Yeah, that was intended to be personal.
I'd like to be able to post and just get things off my chest without being told I'm the dumbest poster ever, etc.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
Popcorn report: B+. Very good! Only demerits preventing a perfect A+ is: it was in containers already, so not hot and while it had some butter, it could use a little more for our taste.
Highlight of the trip for me was watching the tasting take place. I thought it was a little weird that Brian sloshed the popcorn around in his mouth and then spit it out to judge the flavor, but I can’t question his dedication to the craft. Well done!


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Dude not everything is personal. Calm down.

All I am saying is that when Mason wins, you never say a word. Join the celebration. When Mason loses you are first to jump in.

Yes, we get reminded of this every single loss. However, at least CKE is 9-0 at home and 19-4 overall at home. That is a step in the right direction.

Yes, we are frustrated with lack of road wins.

Yeah - call me crazy but I can agree with this point of view. More talent than we have seen in a very long time.

Now whether that talent can play as a team, is being coached right etc. All up for debate. However, at the very least we have guys who look like they belong in the A10.

Now we all want English to take the next step with the program and win some road games. He has won a LOT of games at home but doesn't seem to be able to get over the road hump. Its hard to win on the road in college basketball, don't get me wrong. In addition, and none of us want to admit it, we are going to have to be a little more patient with English than we may have liked. However, its year 2 and I want to expect some progress especially on winning on the road. Losing last night sucked, but come back take the next 2 at home and don't drop any crappy road games, and it'll be fine.

We definitely have enough to compete with anyone on any given night. Whether we get the win or another moral victory is the question.
Hoping GMU will get some road wins soon...easier ones are coming up than St. Bonaventure and St.Louis.