We are medicore enough to where the new prez doesn't have to do anything right away. No glaring issues that raise red flags for presidents and AD's.
Mediocre does not describe our fall sports. Closer to horror show...after seeing that dumpster fire if men’s and women’s basketball crap the bed he might pull the trigger on Edwards.
No way Brad is getting fired. Zero chance.
how do you know? Have you interviewed the new president?
No way Brad is getting fired. Zero chance.
One thing seems clear after the interview, DP will finish out his contract, tell me I’m wrong.
I enjoyed the interview, but it had no impact on my belief that this pandemic is having a significant impact on the retention of AD's and coaches. Does anyone believe that Mason would consider the buyout of either Paulsen's or Edwards' contract as an essential expenditure during this period of austerity? Unless there is cause, I highly doubt that the school will fire either before their current contract extensions expire.
Agreed. Anyone who posts otherwise, I'm considering seriously out of touch.I enjoyed the interview, but it had no impact on my belief that this pandemic is having a significant impact on the retention of AD's and coaches. Does anyone believe that Mason would consider the buyout of either Paulsen's or Edwards' contract as an essential expenditure during this period of austerity? Unless there is cause, I highly doubt that the school will fire either before their current contract extensions expire.
On the other hand, Nyla Milleson has just one year left on her 3-year contract extension and, IMO, must show significant improvements next season if she wants to be retained.
Since you are under the opinion that Paulsen is doing a solid job and will probably be extended, I totally understand your thinking on this. Our other flagship sports (soccer, baseball, pretty much every women's sport that matters) have all faltered under his tenure here at Mason. We used to have a really good soccer program on both the men and women's sides and they are both absolute dog shit lately. Funding is down across the board (the one thing I thought he would make a large change in) and he has hired his best friend into a 6 figure position to attract corporate sponsorships that anyone including yourself has to be mystified on whether that is really happening or not. I know the Green Coat folks love taking their weekly picture with his ring but other than that what does he really do for a non football school? Brad's job is certainly safe at Mason but wouldn't be at a school that takes their sports seriously. I don't understand how he can even be considered at South Carolina other than the fact he is an alumni. He is the definition of mediocre from my perspective. And if he is mediocre... Paulsen is ...No way Brad is getting fired. Zero chance.
how do you know? Have you interviewed the new president?
I agree Paulsen and Edwards Job is safe for the next academic year. I could see the pandemic serving as another excuse for paulsen and he gets to coach for a 7th season. UghhThis is George Mason University we’re talking about. I’ve been either a student, an alumni or a fan of this university’s athletics programs for 40 of my 50 years on the planet and I feel very safe in saying Mason is not buying out multiple years of an AD’s contract DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC for anything other than Level I NCAA violations, egregious financial impropriety or improper behavior — none of which applies to Edwards.
It’s just not happening. No way in hell.
Not sure Coach L teams did great vs zone either. 33-35 caa championship win over uncw was an epic battle. But we could not solve their zone.
I'm buying this for Dave!!!! This will add at least 5 more wins a season cause we can't score against zone D for shit.
Not sure Coach L teams did great vs zone either. 33-35 caa championship win over uncw was an epic battle. But we could not solve their zone.
Agree with Paulsen 100%. No fans first semester and play vs not play at all is a no BRAINER. Let the kids play