We are near the bottom in basketball spending. But knowing what the private schools are doing is always hard because they don't have to report in the same way state universities do. But I would say we're on par with the teams around us who spend similar to us -- GW, La Salle, St. Joes with a few exceptions -- Davidson and St. Bonaventure outpunch their budgets, and Fordham seriously is spending way too much for what they're getting (that is 8th-14th in spending).
Here are the A10 man's basketball expenses for last year's fiscal year, as reported to the federal government. The numbers largely represent staff salaries and benefits, value of scholarships, recruiting expenses, guarantees, promotional expenses, and fundraising costs. Travel expenses and other game-day expenses are excluded.
Saint Louis University . . . 6,938,168
University of Dayton . . . 6,381,117
Saint Joseph's University . . . 5,714,286
Virginia Commonwealth University . . . 5,534,460
Duquesne University . . . 5,098,908
Fordham University . . . 4,504,179
University of Richmond . . . 4,348,609
University of Rhode Island . . . 4,003,462
George Mason University . . . 3,733,732
St Bonaventure University . . . 3,506,624
University of Massachusetts-Amherst . . . 3,305,485
La Salle University . . . 3,269,966
George Washington University . . . 3,258,442
Davidson College . . . 2,950,767