Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. But planting any student attendance gains squarely on her is nuts. Andy Ruge and his team worked tirelessly on-campus to promote our games to students. We can agree that some of it worked and some of it didn't (and either way it doesn't matter because he's gone), but Andy and Greg Kennedy and their team spent countless hours on campus, in meetings with student leadership, greek life and others.
And we all know - if our student attendance went up, it's because it didn't have much more to drop. It's convenient they discuss percentages. If we had 1 student show up, and the next game we had 2, they'd say it went up 100%. To me, this is giving her credit for things she didn't do, or only partially took a role in to make it seems she's valuable. Look at her twitter -- its all retweets from Fairfax County and talking about elementary schools. No mention of on-campus work. Did she play a role in it? Maybe, maybe not. I'll even give her the benefit of the doubt. But that reads more like a BS writeup she did on her own to win some on-campus award than the truth.
Real leaders don't take credit for everything, they deflect credit. If she really was leading the charge, it would say that she partnered with members of the GMU athletic department and those on campus to help grow attendance. But it gives credit to no one else. That means its puffed up crap to help her win an award. Grain of salt.