News Yahoo Reports Jay Larranaga is a Candidate for Head Coach


I don't care what his last name is, F this guy! If he had respect for our program, and he was actually approached, he would quietly, respectfully decline. I doubt, though, whether he even was seriously considered. Hiring an NBA assistant with no college coaching experience would be questionable, at best. This just seems like a PR stunt by him and his agent.
or Walker just wanted to get us some front page news...
Nope, can't make him take the job.

Or can we.....

You see this Jay? You take the Mason job or this gets sent to the Boston Globe and Miami Herald!!!!


I'm he molesting the goat or vice versa?

If the goat is molesting him I don't see how that would hurt his chances much...we've all been molested by goats at some time or another, I reckon.