Where Are They Now?


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Guys, if you have questions or concerns about why PMP was banned feel free to contact Chris. I am also available on direct message and other places as many of you know how to get a hold of me.

Let's not turn the topic of this thread into discussion of how the forums are managed or what we think of each others viewpoints.


Hall of Famer
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what it seems to me (no evidence) is you have at least 2 people maybe more tweeting on your account. The sky can be falling one minute and the very next the account is positive Patty. been like that for over a year. it is just tough to follow. When Bryan's tweeting I know it's him, but it can't possibly be him all the time is all I am saying


Hall of Famer
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what it seems to me (no evidence) is you have at least 2 people maybe more tweeting on your account. The sky can be falling one minute and the very next the account is positive Patty. been like that for over a year. it is just tough to follow. When Bryan's tweeting I know it's him, but it can't possibly be him all the time is all I am saying

Yes. By George's personality (what is the purpose of the site...start there) should be the organization's personality and whoever is tweeting on it should be consistent with the voice of By George. And then your personal accounts can be free range to say whatever you want (about your life, about the program, whatever). I'm a D.C. United fan too (if you haven't guessed), and follow the Filibuster podcast, also RFK Refugees (fan run podcasts about all things D.C. United) and they do a decent job of this. Filibuster has a particular "voice and focus" and then the three guys, Jason, Ben, Adam have their own views separate from Filibuster.

Also, since you guys are running a podcasting "network" now with several shows, would love for you to separate them out so I could subscribe separately to the ones I listen to the most and also know when an episode I want to listen to is available easier (just a suggestion there that has nothing to do with social media presence). I'd like this even more if George Mason's podcast is coming back next season. But I'm also not a podcast marketing specialist and don't know if that will be helpful for your overall podcast subscriber numbers or not, so you don't necessarily need to listen to me there.

By George.

Also, since you guys are running a podcasting "network" now with several shows, would love for you to separate them out so I could subscribe separately to the ones I listen to the most and also know when an episode I want to listen to is available easier (just a suggestion there that has nothing to do with social media presence). I'd like this even more if George Mason's podcast is coming back next season. But I'm also not a podcast marketing specialist and don't know if that will be helpful for your overall podcast subscriber numbers or not, so you don't necessarily need to listen to me there.

I believe our overall messaging is unified but we can save that for a different thread. Mason b-ball podcast is coming back, Chris and Bryan just both have new babies in the family and DP has us so unmotivated at this point but we’re dropping some shows soon. Thanks for the feedback!
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Hall of Famer

"A school-record seven individuals were selected for all-Heart honors, headlined by Kevion Blaylock (Sr., Houston, Texas, Information Technology) being named the league's Player of the Year. It is the eighth time (sixth in the NAIA era) a William Penn player has claimed the title of Conference MVP.

Joining Blaylock on the 10-person first team was Karmari Newman (Sr., Detroit, Mich., Digital Communication)."


"WPU fortunately bounced back, outscoring the visitors 63-35 in the second half, as Karmari Newman (Sr., Detroit, Mich., Digital Communication) caught fire, leading all players with 35 points, 32 of which came in the second act of the contest. William Penn walked off with a 102-79 victory, improving to 23-1 overall and advancing to next Tuesday's championship game against the Ravens of Benedictine College."

"Newman is believed to have set a record for points in a half with his 32 in the second frame. He also puts his name in the history book, tying Dondre Alexander for sixth all-time with 18 three-point shots attempted. He also ties Alexander, Taylor Stoutner, and Alec Schwab (twice) for fourth with nine three-pointers made in a game."


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never heard of him. Thanks for sharing this.
Q was a player when I was in school. Good dude, who played a very minor role on our 1999 championship team. I may he misremembering, but he may have had "Q" on the back of his jersey. Any old farts like me able to confirm this?


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Ol' Q! He was my good friends roommate in the Mason townhouses for a couple years. Really nice guy. Went by "Q" but not sure if that was on the back of his jersey. Was a decent role player for us.


I have no idea who they hell manages the George Mason U Wiki page but of the only 30 alumni they listed on the page, they listed porn star Elsa jean on there. That's savage.

I figured I'd give y'all something to do this weekend...

https://www.google.com/search?q=elsa jean&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS851US851&sxsrf=ALeKk026Zfnf6B479MCkpHFRJvzyZfZwdA:1615577169704&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiotrr6vavvAhWSMlkFHZX2Ax8Q_AUoAXoECAgQAw&biw=1745&bih=881

Mason can't do anything right. How was this girl not on the Masonettes?