Poll Vote of Confidence: Paul Hewitt (1/11)

Do you have confidence in Paul Hewitt as Head Coach of the Patriots at this time?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 39 78.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

99 Patriot

So extrapolating it out, 99, at what point does the "cheering" stop and the accountability begin?

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm asking seriously.

Where's the threshold? How many losses are enough before we're no longer "disloyal" for wanting our well-paid coach to do his job well?

It's a fair question. Here's my take. In his GMU tenure Hewitt has had virtually the same backcourt for all 80+ games and following one season with some great senior frontcourt players he's had a pretty bare cupboard up front with the exception of a young Jenkins.

Sherrod, BA and CE to me are ok college basketball players. Sherrod has never shown me an ability to make anyone else on the court better, BA is an athletic freak who for 3 years has made poor decisions and CE... well, just makes me resent Shane Larkin. I personally don't thnk John Wooden would make a backcourt of those 3 a NCAA tournament team. Now, is Hewitt blameless? Of course not, but it's amazing how quickly the natives grabbed their pitchforks to run this guy out of town when to me all that's been proven is that we have a pretty average or below average group of juniors and seniors.

So to me, while to some it's the death penalty to our program, I'll judge him once he has a team on the court of guys he chose to play for him. I think personally next year we'll be improved some, but will also have probably the worst senior class we've seen at Mason in 15 years, so my expectations will be tempered then as well.

And enough of the loyalty stuff. While I appreciate someone saying I said that, again I question no one's loyalty. You guys spend a LOT of time and energy on GMU hoops, your loyalty is not at all in question and I'm certainly not interested in being the one to judge if it is.

PDGL Hoops

I think we have Hewitt for 2 more years - embrace him - love him.

I look at it this way - 20 years ago we were winning 7-10 games a season. We are just coming full circle...the Circle of Life (in my best Sir Elton John voice) if you will.....we will break from this with the hiring of a new coach. He will bring the program back to relevance in the near future but until then we need to grin and bare it. I honestly don't think we will win more than 3-5 more games this season but I will still make the drive to support the team, drink at Brion's, and read your post as your panties continue to get in an unmanageable wad. We aren't a top 50 team and weren't expected to be. You finish 5th in the CAA and people want 20+ wins. I think we knew we would be in this spot....

99 Patriot

Ok even in your clarification you still come off as judgemental and irrational. I dont put anything into Hewitts comments, let alone most coachspeak. I go to the games, and watch the trainwrecks and 2.5 years in....I dont want to hear about "were coming along and it might click soon". Do you honestly expect a coach to say I/we suck?

What problem are you speaking about(bolded) ? Hewitts inability to adjust, or his lack of coaching skill? The players not being able to dribble the ball, or put forth a consistent effort? Which one of those can a fan, who pays their money to go watch be part of or fix?

Spare me the fan card, we are all fans here clearly and want the same thing. Blindly following a team/organization and not speaking up gets you where we are now or worse....it gets you back to the duldrums of leagues. Speaking up, wanting accountability, and better for your team/school is how you pressure people into doing their jobs.....

I'm not sure what to make of this. I think PH says what he says because all coaches do and because he's classy enough not to criticize or call out his players in public.

To me "part of the problem" is when donor dollars start dropping, attendance goes down, the message board is nothing but anger and people have to defend their support for our team. Today my biggest fears would be Holloway or Jenkins leaving the program. If either of them spent 30 minutes on this site I'd imagine they might start questioning their futures here. That would be a problem to me.

Again with the "fan card" stuff. You're right. We are all fans and want success. I just don't see a need to burn down the house. Sorry.


I'm not sure what to make of this. I think PH says what he says because all coaches do and because he's classy enough not to criticize or call out his players in public.

To me "part of the problem" is when donor dollars start dropping, attendance goes down, the message board is nothing but anger and people have to defend their support for our team. Today my biggest fears would be Holloway or Jenkins leaving the program. If either of them spent 30 minutes on this site I'd imagine they might start questioning their futures here. That would be a problem to me.

Again with the "fan card" stuff. You're right. We are all fans and want success. I just don't see a need to burn down the house. Sorry.

Thats what Im saying....I dont understand why you brought up anything he says in the first place? What was your point?

Maybe there is a root of a problem, that leads to all those things you mentioned? Its not upset fans on a message board...thats for sure.

99 Patriot

Thats what Im saying....I dont understand why you brought up anything he says in the first place? What was your point?

Why did I bring up what Hewitt says? I don't think I did except to try and answer you. I'm not sure I could tell you a word he says before or after each game. Not sure what you mean.


Hall of Famer
Today my biggest fears would be Holloway or Jenkins leaving the program. If either of them spent 30 minutes on this site I'd imagine they might start questioning their futures here. That would be a problem to me.

Jalen Jenkins has already redshirted, so I don't see him leaving (before his redshirt senior season) unless he transfers first to a JUCO like Kevin Foster did. If you're so concerned about them reading this board, how do think they will react if the students continue to chant for Hewitt to leave?
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Why did I bring up what Hewitt says? I don't think I did except to try and answer you. I'm not sure I could tell you a word he says before or after each game. Not sure what you mean.
My bad, rereading it I thought you meant positive comment from Coach Hewitt, you meant anybody on here with a positive comment about him.


Hall of Famer
To me "part of the problem" is when donor dollars start dropping, attendance goes down, the message board is nothing but anger and people have to defend their support for our team. Today my biggest fears would be Holloway or Jenkins leaving the program. If either of them spent 30 minutes on this site I'd imagine they might start questioning their futures here. That would be a problem to me.

I think we all share concerns about our talented young guys leaving, but I look at this situation a little differently.

Yes, firing the coach could result in a mass exodus that would devastate the program. But on the flip side, we could conceivably hire a much better coach who could convince players/recruits to stay and significantly improve the product on the court.

There's risk either way.

But if we're pretty sure we're not going to be better than low- to mid-pack in the A10 the next 2 years by keeping the status quo, aren't we essentially wasting the rest of Holloway's eligibility (and most of Jalen's and Marquise's) anyhow?


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I think we all share concerns about our talented young guys leaving, but I look at this situation a little differently.

Yes, firing the coach could result in a mass exodus that would devastate the program. But on the flip side, we could conceivably hire a much better coach who could convince players/recruits to stay and significantly improve the product on the court.

There's risk either way.

But if we're pretty sure we're not going to be better than low- to mid-pack in the A10 the next 2 years by keeping the status quo, aren't we essentially wasting the rest of Holloway's eligibility (and most of Jalen's and Marquise's) anyhow?

Or bring players he's currently recrutiting with him.

Btw...the poster above who said we should give Blewitt time to get players that want to play for him.....The ones here now had a choice. Blewitt had a decison to make in re-recruiting some of them. Both sides probablly Blewitt. But part of the job is to manage the roster. If the players weren't good enough for his system he shouldn't of re-recruited them. It's very clear they aren't good enough for the A-10, so I'll give him a pass there. But not on system implementation. CE and Gray don't look like they fit it. Neither does AO.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
First off, let me say that by all means we should support the men's basketball program. I think how that is done is where some of us disagree.

I understand where those of you who want to jump to Hewitt's defense (or just want the rest of us to give it the appropriate time) are at, though, as I was there too until very recently. I have sobered up recently (12 days sober and counting). I would like to echo many of gmujim92 and patriotfan49's comments above. if any of the fan base on here is a problem, I would argue that the people who have the wait and see attitude are more of the problem than those of us who want some sort of change as soon as possible.

Why? Clearly no one seems to think Hewitt is a great coach. The fact that in the rainbows and sunshine thread not a single person mentioned Hewitt as being a positive aspect of our program is really telling. It is clear that few, if any, people have great hopes for Hewitt. The most optimistic seem to be of the opinion that he won't be terrible when he has his own guys in the system. Is that really what we want for this program? A coach that won't be terrible? I say again that if you don't think he is the solution, we should be taking steps sooner, rather than later to get the solution in place.

So, if you want to do what you can to help the Men's basketball program I suggest two courses of action that we as fans can take where we might actually have an impact:
1. Support the program by going to or watching games and by your continued donations to the program
2. Join those of us that are pushing to have something done to address the current downward trend in the program

(wanted to clarify that I am recommending both courses of action, not one or the other).
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99 Patriot

First off, let me say that by all means we should support the men's basketball program. I think how that is done is where some of us disagree.

I understand where those of you who want to jump to Hewitt's defense (or just want the rest of us to give it the appropriate time) are at, though, as I was there too until very recently. I have sobered up recently (12 days sober and counting). I would like to echo many of gmujim92 and patriotfan49's comments above. if any of the fan base on here is a problem, I would argue that the people who have the wait and see attitude are more of the problem than those of us who want some sort of change as soon as possible.

Why? Clearly no one seems to think Hewitt is a great coach. The fact that in the rainbows and sunshine thread not a single person mentioned Hewitt as being a positive aspect of our program is really telling. It is clear that few, if any, people have great hopes for Hewitt. The most optimistic seem to be of the opinion that he won't be terrible when he has his own guys in the system. Is that really what we want for this program? A coach that won't be terrible? I say again that if you don't think he is the solution, we should be taking steps sooner, rather than later to get the solution in place.

So, if you want to do what you can to help the Men's basketball program I suggest two courses of action that we as fans can take where we might actually have an impact:
1. Support the program by going to or watching games and by your continued donations to the program
2. Join those of us that are pushing to have something done to address the current downward trend in the program

Wel written and thoughtful comments. I'm not where you are on this just yet, but my question would be what exactly is #2? Right now the only thing I see from people who want to see something done is them coming up with cute names for our coach like we're in elementary school, repeatedly saying he failed in the ACC so he's going to fail here and circling like vultures everytime our subpar teams loses a game. And this is from 39 people based on the poll above. What course of action do you propose to ensure we have a bright future?

Not being sarcastic either, I just really don't know how a group goes about producing change to a program that to most outsiders looks like it's done pretty well over the last 2 years and has a built in excuse for underperformance this year (upgrade to a better conference).


Hall of Famer
What course of action do you propose to ensure we have a bright future?

Not being sarcastic either, I just really don't know how a group goes about producing change to a program that to most outsiders looks like it's done pretty well over the last 2 years and has a built in excuse for underperformance this year (upgrade to a better conference).

As I wrote on another thread, I hope that the next hire can coach and isn't just an outstanding recruiter. Also, I hope that no one is using the upgrade to a better conference as an excuse for the way the Patriots played in the non-conference schedule this season.


To boo/hiss at Hewitt on game days is bush league by bush league/uninformed fans. Take your issue up with the AD or departed President of G Mas.


Hall of Famer
To boo/hiss at Hewitt on game days is bush league by bush league/uninformed fans. Take your issue up with the AD or departed President of G Mas.

There's some seriously unintentional humor in this post, you calling other G Mas fans "bush league."
To boo/hiss at Hewitt on game days is bush league by bush league/uninformed fans. Take your issue up with the AD or departed President of G Mas.

Speaking of uninformed...I'll say it again. No one associated with the university uses "G Mas". So once again...where exactly did you go to school?