Twitter is running with the rumor that North Carolina, Florida State, Clemson, and Virginia are negotiating to join the SEC. ESPN is trying to void their TV deal with the ACC
It's everyone for themselves at this point...Man, if UNC disassociates from Duke over TV revenue money, nothing in college athletics is sacred anymore.
True, and a shame, but as a Carolina fan since 1970, ruining Coach K's final game at Cameron, and beating him in his final game in the Final Four is a great way to end it.Man, if UNC disassociates from Duke over TV revenue money, nothing in college athletics is sacred anymore.
Well this is turning into a dumpster fire.Twitter is running with the rumor that North Carolina, Florida State, Clemson, and Virginia are negotiating to join the SEC. ESPN is trying to void their TV deal with the ACC
Man, if UNC disassociates from Duke over TV revenue money, nothing in college athletics is sacred anymore.
I think there will be some colleges that decide to de-emphasize athletics. I could see Cal, Stanford, Rice, NW, WF, Vandy, and, maybe, Duke. I know some of those schools (Vandy) are investing heavily in athletics now, which makes sense if you are part of the Big 10 and SEC, but if Cal and Stanford are left out of the SEC / Big 10 jumbo conferences, why bother? There isn't enough money outside of the SEC/Big 10 jumbo conferences to make sullying your academic image worth it. Sullying = the professionalization of college sports. (Not my view, but the view of the presidents of these "elite" universities.)
Does it all go to the university's athletic dept? There isn't a university in the US that isn't seeking to enlarge their endowment. Since most schools actually have to underwrite their varsity sports, there wouldn't be any objections to having their sports underwrite the academic functions. $100 million could be consumed rather quickly if it goes into a general fund.Speaking of professionalization, there has to be a point at which more money is pointless unless you are sharing that revenue with players. What are B1G schools going to do with $100 million in TV revenue per school if they aren’t going to pay their players? Admin bloat, bigger salaries for their coaches, more pointless athlete perks like on-demand massage service (with optional happy ending) service in their dorms? Honestly think the ADs are seeing their own dollar signs (bigger TV contract equals more AD salary) than anything to do with positioning their athletic departments in the best place.
I think that UVA and VT would face some resistance from the state government if one tried to leave without the other. Same deal with UNC leaving NCST behind.
Does it all go to the university's athletic dept? There isn't a university in the US that isn't seeking to enlarge their endowment. Since most schools actually have to underwrite their varsity sports, there wouldn't be any objections to having their sports underwrite the academic functions. $100 million could be consumed rather quickly if it goes into a general fund.
This is from the LA Times, so take it FWIW, but this 2020 article about UCLA's football spending says the athletic dept ran an $18.9M deficit for 2019-2020 (pre pandemic lockdowns) that "The department had to secure an interest-bearing loan from the university to cover the gap."
UCLA football remains success-starved, but no program is eating richer
As the centerpiece of a department facing a growing deficit, UCLA football has gorged itself on food spending that has no rival
Same was said about UCLA and Cal. People were shocked it happened.