Quentin Daniels
Hall of Famer
As she looked at my supporting documentation, all of the sudden she got this big beaming smile. Why? Was she happy that we had gotten to the end of this review and 4 people would now be able to go on their cruise to a foreign country? Nope, she had found an error. I had provided my birth certificate card, the one I have used my entire life up to that point. It was issued by VA. Well, that is not good enough for a passport. I needed a paper one issued from the same state...
It was sick how happy it made her to find a mistake in our passport application. And in case you think I might have misjudged it, my kids that were ~ 10 and 12 at the time had noticed it as well.
I think I know the person you're talking about. If it's any consolation, she's since left her employment at the post office and working customer service for American Airlines at O'Hare.
I had the misfortune of running into her last week.

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